Урок англійської мови на тему "Моє хобі", 9 клас

Про матеріал
Цей матеріал для вчителів англійської мови, які викладають в 9 класі. Мета: закріпити матеріал із теми в усному мовленні; формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення. Тренувати учнів у письмі, розвивати творчі здібності. Формувати естетичні смаки дітей; виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови та до традицій свого народу.
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 Lesson Plan: My Hobby 

Grade Level: Intermediate (9th grade) 

Lesson Duration: 45 minutes 

Topic: Talking about hobbies 


Lesson Objectives 

1. Students will learn and practice vocabulary related to hobbies. 

2. Students will be able to talk about their own hobbies and ask others about theirs. 

3. Students will improve their speaking, listening, and writing skills. 



Materials Needed 

- Flashcards or pictures “Hobbies” 

- A short video or presentation about popular hobbies in Ukraine

- Worksheets with exercises (fill-in-the-blanks, matching, etc.) 

- Whiteboard/blackboard and markers 



 Lesson Structure 


 1. Warm-up (5–7 minutes) 

- Activity: Brainstorming 

  - Write the word “HOBBY” on the board. 

  - Ask students: 

    - "What is a hobby?" 

    - "Do you have a hobby? What is it?"  What is favourite hobbies of your family?

  - Have students share their ideas, and write some examples on the board (e.g., painting, dancing, reading). 


 2. Vocabulary Building (10 minutes) 

- Introduce key vocabulary related to hobbies (e.g., gardening, cycling, collecting, cooking, swimming). 

- Activity: Matching Game 

  - Provide students with flashcards (pictures of hobbies) and ask them to match them with the correct words. 


 3. Listening Activity (7–10 minutes) 

- Play a short video or audio clip where people talk about their hobbies. 

- Comprehension Questions: 

  - What hobbies do the speakers mention? 

  - Why do they enjoy their hobbies? 


  1. Make Mind map “My hobbies ” (2-3 minutes)
  2. Speaking Practice (5-6 minutes) 

- Activity: Pair Work 

  - Students work in pairs and ask each other questions: 

    - "What is your hobby?" 

    - "When did you start it?" 

    - "Why do you enjoy it?" 

  - Encourage them to use vocabulary from the lesson. 


 6. Writing Practice (10 minutes) 

- Activity: Short Paragraph 

  - Ask students to write a short paragraph (5–7 sentences) about their hobby. 

  - Example prompt: *"My hobby is... I started doing it when... I like it because..."* 


7. Wrap-Up (3–5 minutes) 

- Have a few students share their paragraphs with the class. 

- Recap the key vocabulary and phrases. 

- Assign homework: *"Write about a friend's or family member's hobby."* 


8. Expected Outcomes 

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 

- Name and describe different hobbies. 

- Talk about their own hobby confidently. 

- Write a short paragraph about a hobby.