Урок англійської мови "Shapes Around Us"

Про матеріал

Запропонований конспект уроку зацікавить вчителів, які впроваджують STEAM-освіту у навчальний процес, оскільки важливим чинником розвитку ключових життєвих компетентностей є інтегрованість змісту уроку англійської мови. Учням буде цікаво дізнатися, як називаються геометричні форми англійською мовою, знайти у класі предмети, що є схожими на певні геометричні форми, створити фігурки тварин із запропонованих геометричних фігур та описати їх, а також пограти в інші ігри, мета яких розвиток цікавості до навчання, діалогу, критичного мислення учнів.

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                                                  Shapes Around Us

                                       (Maths, Technology, Art, English)

     Objective:  Students will:

  •  identify and observe basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, diamond and oval) inside the classroom;
  • be able to use the shapes to create animals and other objects;
  • describe animals using the vocabulary they already know;
  • create a poster and give a presentation.


  1. Картинки по запросу circleGreeting
  2. Rhyme “ I can see a circle”


                I can see a circle,

                I can see a square,

                I can see a triangle

                Sitting right there.

                I can see a rectangle

                Blue as can be.

               A diamond and an oval

               Looking right at me.


  1. Game “I Spy”

Картинки по запросу лупаTo play “I Spy” one student finds objects which are different shapes. The student should say “I spy with my little eyes something square”

Other students might guess, “Is it a clock?” or “Is it a pencil sharpener?” Students keep guessing until somebody identifies the object correctly. Continue playing the game with other shapes.


  1. Body Language “Live Shapes”

Break students into pairs and ask them to show different shapes with the help of their hands.









  1. Pair Work “Shape Animals”

Break students into pairs and give them a set of different shapes. Tell students they will be creating their own “shape animals”.











            C:\Users\Инна\Desktop\5.jpg   When the group has finished ask them to complete the table:

What did you create?


What shapes did you use?


Do you like this animal?


Where does it live?


What can it do?


















  1. Guessing Game “Guess My Animal”

The aim of this activity is to guess the name of animal which was created by students. So the pair should answer different questions. Possible questions may include the following:

  • Is this animal small?
  • Can it swim?
  • Where does it live?
  • Does it eat leaves?
  • What can it do?
  1. Shape Animal Poster Presentation  “ On the Farm”

Have students create a poster about animals they created. When students have finished their poster have a poster presentation.


  1. Home task. Ask children to create their own animals using other shapes.




Nagorniuk Inna
Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
17 липня 2018
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