STEAM-освіта дає можливість учням отримати цілісні знання про світ, розвивати критичне мислення, креативність, вміння співпрацювати, шукати розв"язки проблеми та алгоритми їх вирішення. Саме тому STEAM- уроки є цікавими для учнів та новими для вчителів. Запропонований конспект уроку поєднує в собі знання та навички з англійської мови, математики, інформатики, прородознавства.
The World of Sea Creatures
(Science, Technology, Art, Maths, English)
Students will:
To play “I Spy’ one student finds objects which are different colours. The student should say “I spy with my little eyes something blue”.
Other students might guess, “Is it a pencil?” or “Is it a pencil sharpener?” Students keep guessing until somebody identifies the object correctly. Continue playing the game with other colours.
Ask children some questions about sea animals (their colour, fish body parts, habits etc.)
After watching the “Sea Animals” presentation, tell students they will be drawing/painting (in PowerPoint) their own sea creations. Students can draw or paint any type of sea animals they would like, real or imaginary.
When a student has finished his/her painting ask him/her to describe the creation using the chart
Shape of the creation |
Size of the body |
Colour of the creation |
Details about fins, eyes, a tail |
Oval Round Triangular Long narrow |
Small Tiny Huge
Black Blue White Grey
Large green eyes Short yellow tail
Have students create a comic about fish they painted. Divide them into three groups and set the time, help them if necessary. Ask them to act out their comics.