Урок англійської мови у 7 класі на тему: "У ресторані. Розвиток навичок говоріння та письма"

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Unit 2. At Home / Тема 2 « Я, моя сім'я, друзі»

Lesson 2. All about Food / Підтема 2 «Харчування. (Приготування їжі, сервіровка столу)»


7 – Є

Тема уроку:

У ресторані.

Розвиток навичок говоріння та письма.


  • oвчити висловлюватися про відвідування ресторану (місце, атмосфера, їжа, обслуговування, сервіровка, ціна, рекомендації); активізувати лексику по темі в мовленні та на письмі;
  • oформувати практичні навики написання відгуку про відвідуваний ресторану;

oвдосконалювати навики письма, монологічного та діалогічного говоріння, аудіювання та читання; сприяти розвитку пам'яті, мислення, уваги та уяви; розвивати мовну здогадку;

  • oвиховувати потребу у вивченні англійської мови, виховувати інтерес до традицій кулінарії в різних країнах світу та повагу до людей сфери харчування, естетичні смаки.


тематичні картки та сюжетні малюнки по темі «Їжа», «Харчові карти країн світу», «Круті ресторани світу»;

лексика по темі, ЛО уроку, Mind Map; граматика по темі;

навчальна картка з вправами “Cool Restaurants Guide”;


магнітофон, запис лексики (“Speak English” Disk 2/Food and Drink, TS 6,7)

відео “Cool Restaurants” (1, 2, 3).

Хід уроку

I. Організаційний момент.


1. Привітання.

2. Бесіда з черговим.

3. Бесіда про осінь.

Theme and Aims

4. Запис дати та повідомлення теми і мети уроку.


Unit 2.2 All about Food

Cool Restaurants

  • Learners' Outcomes:
  • Øto talk about restaurants in different countries of the world (place, atmosphere, food, service, price, recommendations);
  • Øto use the words and word-combinations in speech and in writing;
  • Øto practice skills of writing a review of a restaurant.


II. Основна частина уроку.

Warm Up

1. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Ê Бесіда по темі.

  • Look into your lunch box.
  • What have you got? Have you got fruit / vegetables?
  • It's always good to eat fruit and vegetables.

You should eat every day:

  • -carrots, salad, cucumber,
  • -bread, rice,
  • -apples, bananas, dried apricots.
  • -fish, chicken, eggs, cheese.

Healthy drinks are water, juice and milk.

You can eat these things, but don't eat them every day: fries, pizza, ice cream, burgers.


Phonetic / Lexical Drills

2. Фонетична та лексична зарядка по темі.

- Do you think about food every day?

- Why is it so important in your life?

- What groups of food do you know?

Ê Listen and repeat (активна та пасивна лексика).

Ê Game (гра на виліт) “Can you translate the word?”


TS, жетони

Check on HW

/ Projects

3. Перевірка Д.З.

Ê Home task:

to write a receipt of the traditional Ukrainian dish.

Listen to the text and then complete it with your receipts.

The Domashnya Kukhnya

The Domashnya Kukhnya is a nice and reasonable priced fast food restaurant in Kyiv. About three or four thousands of Kyiv citizens and guests of the city daily come here to enjoy tasty dishes that are cooked according to recipes taken from the old Ukrainian cookery books. The restaurant is a nice place to have breakfast, lunch, dinner or supper. The extensive menu of the Domashnya Kukhnya numbers about 80 dishes which were very popular in the 19 and 20-th century. To cate to different tastes, the menu offers such traditional Ukrainian dishes as Ukrainian Borsch, appetizing salads, tasty meat and fish dishes, pancakes and mouth-watering desserts.

Представлення учнями проектів на тему:

«Українська традиційна страва. Інгредієнти та рецепт.»

Проект на тему «Українська традиційна страва. Інгредієнти та рецепт.» (у формі cпільного колажу “The Domashnya Kukhnya”)

Vocabulary Practice

4. Активізація лексики по темі в мовленні та на письмі.

- Do you often go to the restaurants?

- Are you a restaurant-lover?

Ê Pronounce and translate.

a restaurant [ˈrɛst(ə)rɒnt]

at the restaurant

to run a restaurant

first-class restaurant

fast-food restaurant

to dine at a restaurant

to eat out

Syn.: café, cafeteria, snack bar,

coffee house, coffee bar.

Ê Adjectives for Food.

Read the adjectives and write your remarks J or L.

bitter ÿ

delicious ÿ

disgusting ÿ

overdone ÿ

tasty ÿ

tasteless ÿ

fantastic ÿ

salty ÿ

hot ÿ

spicy ÿ

Ê Adjectives for restaurant and service.

Choose the words for restaurant R and for service S.

colourful ÿ

dirty ÿ

horrible ÿ

modern ÿ

old-fashionable ÿ

modern ÿ

old-fashioned ÿ

poor ÿ

slow ÿ

terrible ÿ

Ê Speaking Skills / Useful expressions:

I highly recommend …

I would recommend …

I wouldn't recommend …

I don't recommend …

If you like the …, you'll love …

If you are a fan, you'll like …

… won't be very popular.

… is worth a try.

I can't live without …

… is good / bad for you.

I prefer … to …

HO “Cool Restaurants Guide”

Grammar Practice

5. Розвиток граматичних навичок. Герундій.

Ê Grammar 2 know

like / love / hate / prefer / enjoy + ing



like making pizzas.


likes making pizzas.



don't like eating vegetables


doesn't like eating vegetables.




like drinking coffee?



like drinking coffee?

What do you like eating for breakfast? – I like eating cereal for breakfast.

  • Ø Open the brackets:

I enjoy _______, but I prefer ______ out. (to cook, to go) / cooking, going

My sister likes _______ and she also likes ______. She is great! (to cook, to wash up) / cooking, washing up

I hate ______ salads but I like _____ them. (to make, to eat) / making, eating

Although it is healthier to eat grilled food, I love ______ fried food, too. (to eat ) / eating

I don't really like ______ broccoli, but I eat it because it's good for me. (to eat) / eating

  • Ø Explain the using of linking words:
  • But, and, although, because.


6. Розвиток навичок аудіювання. Підготовка до перегляду відео.

Ê Mind Map “People at the Restaurant”.

Think about the people connected with the restaurants and fill in the mind map.

(a waiter, a waitress, a restaurant owner, a cook, a chef |ʃef|, a customer / a client / a visitor, a head / an administrator / a manager)

Ê Listen to the person and guess the job.

What is she?

What does she do at the restaurant?

A: Hello! Welcome to my restaurant! I'm Luigi and we serve traditional Italian meals. My grandparents opened this place when they came to England and they brought with them the secret recipe for the best pizza. And now just that! Sit down at a table and look around. There is a big map of Italy on the wall and a small one on every napkin and tablecloth. On each plate you can find a picture of a different type of pasta. The wine list tells you what region your wine comes from. And the menu, which offers typical Italian culture and cuisine as well. – a restaurant owner

B: Hello, my name is Cindy and I work in Luigi's restaurant. It is a very popular place with all the customers! They come here either the Italian house specialities or just some other tasty food that our chef prepares. You can get almost anything here – from seafood and delicious smoked salmon to fantastic grilled steak, roast beef or fried pork chops. Apart from the great food, I enjoy working here because of the friendly atmosphere. So do the other people – Luigi, the owner, joe, the barman, Patrick, the head waiter, and Janet, the cook. And with all the Italian flags, souvenirs and maps – even on the salt cellar and wine glasses – we feel as if we are in Italy! – a waitress

Ê Role-play “Setting the Table”.

Imagine that you are a waiter / a waitress and

you have to set the table as quick as possible.

Mind Map


at the Restaurant”.


of the restaurant workers.

Role-play “Setting the Table”

Watching Video

7. Перегляд відео по темі «Круті ресторани світу».

Ê Watching videos “Cool Restaurant”.

Have you ever visited an unusual restaurant?

Where was it?

What country was it in?

Did you like it?

What unusual restaurants in the world do you know?

Watch the videos and be ready to speak about one of them.

  • §Video 1 “Dinner in the Sky / Floating London Restaurant”
  • (1 min.5 sec.)
  • §Video 2 “Ithaa Undersea Restaurant / Maldives” (2 min. 15 sec.)
  • §Video 3 “'s Baggers / German Style” (2 min.)

Video 1, 2, 3


/ Jigsaw Reading

8. Розвиток навичок читання / Jigsaw-reading.

Ê Jigsaw-Reading.

Look at the sentences. Choose the sentences about your restaurant. Glue them on your piece of paper and then be ready to speak about it.

Dinner in the Sky organizes meals in forty countries and the food is different in each place. In Hungary, for example, you can have traditional dishes like fish soup or pancakes with meat. In Spain, you can have paella, a traditional dish of rice and seafood. You choose a city and a menu and then Dinner in the Sky takes you fifty metres up in the sky for your meal! It's very expensive – about € 30,000 for twenty-two people – but it's a wonderful experience. It doesn't matter how old you are, but you need to be at least 150 centimeters tall if you want to eat there.

There are twelve chefs at this restaurant, but there aren't any waiters. You order your food from touch screen computers at the table. The kitchens are upstairs. The food comes to the table along metal tracks! The food is very healthy because the chef uses only fresh local ingredients and very little fat. There are vegetarian dishes if you don't eat meat. Main courses are around € 10-20 and deserts € 5-7. Try the grilled pork with mushroom sauce or the spicy sausage. Аnd after your meal, you can rate the food and the experience from you screen!

Ithaa is the world's first underwater restaurant. It's about five metres below the sea and has fantastic views because it has glass walls. You can sometimes see sharks! Visitors go to a small building and climb down some stairs to the restaurant. It's a really cool place to eat for up to fourteen people. The restaurant serves 6 courses at night and 4 courses at lunch time. They also serve meat dishes. And the desserts are delicious too. A meal costs from € 69 to € 200, but it's worth it.

Portfolio “Cool Restaurants Guide”


9. Розвиток навичок письма.

Ê Ознайомлення з вимогами написання резюме про ресторан за допомогою «Cool Restaurants Guide» (додаток 1).


III. Заключна частина уроку.


1. Запис та пояснення виконання домашнього завдання.

  • Написати резюме про ресторан
  • за допомогою матеріалу з уроку «Cool Restaurants Guide».(додаток 1)


2. Підведення підсумків роботи учнів на уроці.

3. Виставлення оцінок.

Перегляд файлу






Unit 2. At Home /  Тема 2 « Я, моя сімя, друзі»

Lesson 2. All about Food /  Підтема 2 «Харчування. (Приготування їжі, сервіровка столу)»


7 – Є

Тема уроку:

У ресторані.

Розвиток навичок говоріння та письма.



  • вчити висловлюватися про відвідування ресторану (місце, атмосфера, їжа, обслуговування, сервіровка, ціна, рекомендації); активізувати лексику по темі в мовленні та на письмі;
  • формувати практичні навики написання відгуку про відвідуваний ресторану;
  • вдосконалювати навики письма,  монологічного та діалогічного говоріння, аудіювання та читання; сприяти розвитку пам’яті, мислення, уваги та уяви; розвивати мовну здогадку;
  • виховувати потребу у вивченні англійської мови, виховувати інтерес до традицій кулінарії в різних країнах світу та повагу до людей сфери харчування, естетичні смаки.


тематичні картки та сюжетні малюнки по темі «Їжа», «Харчові карти країн світу»,  «Круті ресторани світу»;

лексика по темі, ЛО уроку, Mind Map; граматика по темі;

навчальна картка з вправами “Cool Restaurants Guide;


магнітофон, запис лексики (“Speak English” Disk 2/Food and Drink, TS 6,7)

відео “Cool Restaurants” (1, 2, 3).


Хід уроку

I. Організаційний момент.


1. Привітання.

2. Бесіда з черговим.

3. Бесіда про осінь.



Theme and Aims

4. Запис дати та повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

Unit 2.2  All about Food

Cool Restaurants

Learners’ Outcomes:

  • to talk about restaurants in different countries of the world (place, atmosphere, food, service, price, recommendations);
  • to use the words and word-combinations in speech and in writing;
  • to practice skills of writing a review of a restaurant.



II. Основна частина уроку.

Warm Up


1. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Бесіда по темі.

Look into your lunch box.

What have you got? Have you got fruit / vegetables?

It’s always good to eat fruit and vegetables.

You should eat every day:

  • carrots, salad, cucumber,
  • bread, rice,
  • apples, bananas, dried apricots.
  • fish, chicken, eggs, cheese.

Healthy drinks are water, juice and milk.

You can eat these things, but don’t eat them every day: fries, pizza, ice cream, burgers.



Phonetic / Lexical Drills

2. Фонетична та лексична зарядка по темі.

- Do you think about food every day?

- Why is it so important in your life?

- What groups of food do you know?

Listen and repeat (активна та пасивна лексика).

Game (гра на виліт) “Can you translate the word?”





TS, жетони

Check on HW

/ Projects

3. Перевірка Д.З.

Home task:

to write a receipt of the traditional Ukrainian dish.

Listen to the text and then complete it with your receipts.

The Domashnya Kukhnya

The Domashnya Kukhnya is a nice and reasonable priced fast food restaurant in Kyiv. About three or four thousands of Kyiv citizens and guests of the city daily come here to enjoy tasty dishes that are cooked according to recipes taken from the old Ukrainian cookery books. The restaurant is a nice place to have breakfast, lunch, dinner or supper. The extensive menu of the Domashnya Kukhnya numbers about 80 dishes which were very popular in the 19 and 20-th century. To cate to different tastes, the menu offers such traditional Ukrainian dishes as Ukrainian Borsch, appetizing salads, tasty meat and fish dishes, pancakes and mouth-watering desserts.  

Представлення учнями проектів на тему:

«Українська традиційна страва. Інгредієнти та рецепт.»




Проект на тему «Українська традиційна страва. Інгредієнти та рецепт.» (у формі cпільного колажу “The Domashnya Kukhnya”)

Vocabulary Practice

4. Активізація лексики по темі в мовленні та на письмі.

- Do you often go to the restaurants?

- Are you a restaurant-lover?

Pronounce and translate.

a restaurant [ˈrɛst(ə)rɒnt]

at the restaurant

to run a restaurant

first-class restaurant

fast-food restaurant

to dine at a restaurant

to eat out

Syn.: café, cafeteria, snack bar,

coffee house, coffee bar.

Adjectives for Food.

Read the adjectives and write your remarks or .











Adjectives for restaurant and service.

Choose the words for restaurant R and for service S.











Speaking Skills / Useful expressions:

I highly recommend …

I would recommend …

I wouldn’t recommend …

I don’t recommend …

If you like the …, you’ll love …

If you are a fan, you’ll like …  

… won’t be very popular.

… is worth a try.

I can’t live without …

… is good / bad for you.

I prefer … to …

HO “Cool Restaurants Guide”

Grammar Practice

5. Розвиток граматичних навичок. Герундій.

Grammar 2 know

like / love / hate / prefer / enjoy + ing




like making pizzas.





likes making pizzas.



don’t like eating vegetables


doesn’t like eating vegetables.




like drinking coffee?



like drinking coffee?

What do you like eating for breakfast? – I like eating cereal for breakfast.

  • Open the brackets:

I enjoy _______, but I prefer ______ out. (to cook,  to go) / cooking, going

My sister likes _______ and she also likes ______. She is great! (to cook, to wash up) / cooking, washing up

I hate ______ salads but I like _____ them. (to make, to eat) / making, eating

Although it is healthier to eat grilled food, I love ______ fried food, too. (to eat ) / eating

I don’t really like ______ broccoli, but I eat it because it’s good for me. (to eat) / eating

  • Explain the using of linking words:

But, and, although, because.



6. Розвиток навичок аудіювання. Підготовка до перегляду відео.

Mind Map “People at the Restaurant”.

Think about the people connected with the restaurants and fill in the mind map.

(a waiter, a waitress, a restaurant owner, a cook, a chef |ʃef|, a customer / a client / a visitor, a head / an administrator / a manager)

Listen to the person and guess the job.

What is she?

What does she do at the restaurant?

A: Hello! Welcome to my restaurant! I’m Luigi and we serve traditional Italian meals. My grandparents opened this place when they came to England and they brought with them the secret recipe for the best pizza. And now just that! Sit down at a table and look around. There is a big map of Italy on the wall and a small one on every napkin and tablecloth. On each plate you can find a picture of a different type of pasta. The wine list tells you what region your wine comes from. And the menu, which offers typical Italian culture and cuisine as well. – a restaurant owner

B: Hello, my name is Cindy and I work in Luigi’s restaurant. It is a very popular place with all the customers! They come here either the Italian house specialities or just some other tasty food that our chef prepares. You can get almost anything here – from seafood and delicious smoked salmon to fantastic grilled steak, roast beef or fried pork chops. Apart from the great food, I enjoy working here because of the friendly atmosphere. So do the other people – Luigi, the owner, joe, the barman, Patrick, the head waiter, and Janet, the cook. And with all the Italian flags, souvenirs and maps – even on the salt cellar and wine glasses – we feel as if we are in Italy! – a waitress

Role-play “Setting the Table”.

Imagine that you are a waiter / a waitress and

you have to set the table as quick as possible.



Mind Map


at the Restaurant”.






















of the restaurant workers.









Role-play “Setting the Table”

Watching Video

7. Перегляд відео по темі «Круті ресторани світу».

Watching videos “Cool Restaurant”.

Have you ever visited an unusual restaurant?

Where was it?

What country was it in?

Did you like it?

What unusual restaurants in the world do you know?

Watch the videos and be ready to speak about one of them.

  • Video 1 “Dinner in the Sky / Floating London Restaurant”

(1 min.5 sec.)

  • Video 2 “Ithaa Undersea Restaurant / Maldives” (2 min. 15 sec.)
  • Video 3 “s Baggers / German Style” (2 min.)


Video 1, 2, 3



/ Jigsaw Reading

8. Розвиток навичок читання / Jigsaw-reading.


Look at the sentences. Choose the sentences about your restaurant. Glue them on your piece of paper and then be ready to speak about it.


Dinner in the Sky organizes meals in forty countries and the food is different in each place. In Hungary, for example, you can have traditional dishes like fish soup or pancakes with meat. In Spain, you can have paella, a traditional dish of rice and seafood. You choose a city and a menu and then Dinner in the Sky takes you fifty metres up in the sky for your meal! It’s very expensive – about € 30,000 for twenty-two people – but it’s a wonderful experience. It doesn’t matter how old you are, but you need to be at least 150 centimeters tall if you want to eat there.


There are twelve chefs at this restaurant, but there aren’t any waiters. You order your food from touch screen computers at the table. The kitchens are upstairs. The food comes to the table along metal tracks! The food is very healthy because the chef uses only fresh local ingredients and very little fat. There are vegetarian dishes if you don’t eat meat. Main courses are around € 10-20 and deserts € 5-7. Try the grilled pork with mushroom sauce or the spicy sausage. Аnd after your meal, you can rate  the food and the experience from you screen!


Ithaa is the world’s first underwater restaurant. It’s about five metres below the sea and has fantastic views because it has glass walls. You can sometimes see sharks! Visitors go to a small building and climb down some stairs to the restaurant. It’s a really cool place to eat for up to fourteen people. The restaurant serves 6 courses at night and 4 courses at lunch time. They also serve meat dishes. And the desserts are delicious too. A meal costs from € 69 to € 200, but it’s worth it.





Portfolio “Cool Restaurants Guide”


9. Розвиток навичок письма.

Ознайомлення з вимогами написання резюме про ресторан за допомогою «Cool Restaurants Guide» (додаток 1).



III. Заключна частина уроку.


1. Запис та пояснення виконання домашнього завдання.

Написати резюме про ресторан

за допомогою матеріалу з уроку «Cool Restaurants Guide».(додаток 1)


2. Підведення підсумків роботи учнів на уроці.

3. Виставлення оцінок.











Додаток 1. Навчальна картка.



Useful expressions:

I highly recommend …

I would recommend …

I wouldn’t recommend …

I don’t recommend …

If you like the …, you’ll love …

If you are a fan, you’ll like …  

… won’t be very popular.

… is worth a try.

I can’t live without …

… is good / bad for you.

I prefer … to …

A restaurant [ˈrɛst(ə)rɒnt],

at the restaurant, to run a restaurant, first-class restaurant, fast-food restaurant, to dine at a restaurant, to eat out.

Syn.: café, cafeteria, snack bar, coffee house, coffee bar.

Adjectives for Food.

Read the adj. and write your remarks  (good) or (bad).

Bitter, delicious, disgusting, overdone, tasty, tasteless, fantastic, salty, hot, spicy.

Grammar 2 know

like / love / hate + ing




like making pizzas.



likes making pizzas.




don’t like eating vegetables




doesn’t like eating vegetables.






like drinking coffee?




like drinking coffee?

What do you like eating for breakfast?

– I like eating cereal for breakfast.

Adj. for restaurant and service.

Choose the words for restaurant R and for service S.

Italian, colourful, poor, salty, dirty, horrible, modern, fast, modern, old-fashioned.







Glue the story of your restaurant:















Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1.  Elena
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 липня 2018
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
про публікацію авторської розробки
Щоб отримати, додайте розробку

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