Семестрова контрольна робота з аудіювання для учнів 7 класу з теми " Travel around the World"

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Документ містить тестові завдання для контролю навичок аудіювання. Завдання логічні,допоможуть збагатити країнознавчий, лексичний та граматичний матеріал . Матеріал можна використати також на звичайних уроках.

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Year test for the 7 form students



Listen to the speakers and choose the correct answer for each question


1. Listen to a woman talking about choosing a holiday.

    What advice does she give?

     A. plan ahead

      B. choose something suitable for you

      C. visit many museums and landmarks

2. Listen to a man describing a business trip.

   How did he feel when he reached the hotel?

     A. Relieved.

     B. Annoyed.

     C. Frustrated.

3. Listen to a man talking about his trip to Paris.

    What was he surprised with?

     A. The prices of things.

     B. The friendly people.

     C. The quality of food.

4. Listen to a man talking about taking pictures.

    Which of the following is true?

     A. He doesn't take pictures of landmarks.

     B. He prefers taking

     C. He only takes pi

5. Listen to a girl talking about an exchange programme.

   How was her experience?

     A. Strange

     B. Exciting

     C. Boring








Speaker1 (woman)

   Many people often plan their summer holidays months ahead. To make the most of them, make sure you choose the holiday that is right for you. For example, if you just need to relax and not do much, a beach holiday would best suit you. If you like to explore new cultures and visit museums, you can sign up for a guided tour. If you’re going away with your family, make sure your destination includes activities that people of all ages can enjoy.

Speaker 2 (man)

My last business trip was a disaster! I rushes to the airport, only to realise that I had forgotten my briefcase with my presentation at the office. There was no time to go back, so I boarded the plane without it. During the flight I tried to get some sleep, but this annoying man next to me was talking all the time, which was very frustrating. When I finally got to the hotel, my secretary had left a note telling we she had emailed me all documents I would need. Finally, some good news!

Speaker 3 (woman)

Two years ago, I visited Pans, it was amazing! There were countless things to see and at the end of each day I was exhausted by all the walking! I visited many museums and famous landmarks. The language difference was a little hard but many people spoke English. I also bought some things. They were really expensive, but of excellent quality. However, I was shocked to find out that the food was not as good as people say.

 But, all in all, I had a wonderful time!

Speaker 4 (man)

One of my favourite things to do after my holidays is to develop my pictures. I take dozens of snaps when on holiday and 1 sometimes takes me days to put them in order and in albums. I have pictures from my visits to Kenya, China, Bali and Italy. At the beginning, I used to take pictures of all the landmarks, but I realised that those were boring. I have since started to take pictures of the strange things that make each country unique Also, if I do decide to take pictures of landmarks, I make sure people are standing in front. Who knows, maybe someday I can create a picture book with all my snaps!

Speaker 5 (girl)

Last year, my friends and I participated in a school exchange programme. For two weeks, we had the opportunity to live with a family in another country. We were sent to three different host families in Boston. My host family was nice, but their daughter was a bit strange. She hardly spoke to me, and kept looking at me in a curious way! Also, while my other friends went on exciting excursions with their host families, had two dull weeks, sitting inside a house watching American television. Let's just say I was happy to return home.


19 липня 2018
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