Урок англійської мови у 9 класі на тему «Природа і погода»

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Урок англійської мови у 9 класі на тему «Природа і погода». Нова програма.

Мета: Активізувати тематичну лексику по темі в різних видах діяльності.

Розвивати навички говоріння шляхом монологічного і діалогічного мовлення за темою уроку.

Виховувати бережне ставлення учнів до навколишнього середовища.

Змістова лінія «Екологічна безпека та сталий розвиток» : • формування в учнів соціальної активності, відповідальності та екологічної свідомості, готовності брати участь у вирішенні питань збереження довкілля і розвитку суспільства, усвідомлення важливості сталого розвитку для майбутніх поколінь. Засобами іноземних мов учнів орієнтують на: • готовність обговорювати питання, пов'язані із збереженням навколишнього середовища на глобальному рівні; • уміння презентувати та обґрунтовувати проекти, спрямовані на збереження довкілля та забезпечення його сталого розвитку.

Після уроку учень: знає тематичні ЛОд, вживає їх в мовленні, оперує лексико-граматичними структурами, усвідомлює взаємозв'язок людини й навколишнього середовища, готов брати участь у вирішенні питань збереження довкілля і розвитку суспільства

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                           Урок англійської мови у 9 класі на тему «Природа і погода»     


Підтема: Що ми повинні робити? What We Have to Do?


Мета: Активізувати тематичну лексику по темі в різних видах діяльності.           

            Розвивати навички говоріння шляхом монологічного і діалогічного мовлення за темою уроку.

            Виховувати бережне ставлення учнів до навколишнього середовища.

Змістова лінія «Екологічна безпека та сталий розвиток» : • формування в учнів соціальної активності, відповідальності та екологічної свідомості, готовності брати участь у вирішенні питань збереження довкілля і розвитку суспільства, усвідомлення важливості сталого розвитку для майбутніх поколінь. Засобами іноземних мов учнів орієнтують на: • готовність обговорювати питання, пов’язані із збереженням навколишнього середовища на глобальному рівні; • уміння презентувати та обґрунтовувати проекти, спрямовані на збереження довкілля та забезпечення його сталого розвитку.

Після уроку учень: знає тематичні ЛОд, вживає їх в мовленні, оперує лексико-граматичними структурами, усвідомлює взаємозв’язок людини й навколишнього середовища, готов брати участь у вирішенні питань збереження довкілля і розвитку суспільства

Обладнання: Ноутбук, CD, презентация, роздатковий матеріал, текст для читання, підручник.

Mother planet is showing us the red warning light.

                                                         Be careful, she is saying. To take care of the

                                                         planet is to take care of our own house.

                                                                                                                                                         Dalai Lama

Хід уроку:


 І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення Організаційний момент. Привітання. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку. Мотивація. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. Good afternoon my students. I’m glad to see you. How are you? Today we’ll speak about environmental problems which we face nowadays and try to find ways out.

Мовленнєва розминка.  T: What does the word nature mean for you?

  • It`s an integral part of our lives
  • Nature is our wealth.
  • This is our health.
  • It’s the sunset, the sunrise, the song of birds, the blooming оf flowers, the wind that blows

Read out the quotations and try to explaine their meaning.

  • The environmental problems of developing countries are not the side effects of excessive industrialisation but reflect the inadequacy of development.                                    =Indira Gandhi=
  • Technology is vital. We have to have development in new technology if we're going to solve these environmental problems without throwing humanity back in poverty.     =Ramez Naam=
  • I don't know of a single park without serious environmental problems.   =Michael Frome=
  • We won't have a society if we destroy the environment.                           =Margaret Mead=
  • Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.                                               =John Muir=

T.: What ecological problems can you name?

Student: There are such ecological problems as water pollution, deforestation, hole in the ozone layer, air pollution...

Т. Listen to the poem and say what it is about.

Listening: The sands of time have rendered fear

              Blue skies on high no longer clear

              Stars were bright whence they came

              Now dimmed, obscured, pollution’s haze

              Crystal clear our waters gleamed

              Fish abundant, rivers streamed

              Ocean floors sandy white

              Now littered, brown, pollution’s plight

              One can’t blame pollution alone

              As they say, you reap what you’ve sown

              So let us plant a better seed

              Tear out old roots, cultivate, weed

              Protect what has been given for free

              Our waters, skies, wildlife and trees

              For once they’re gone, don’t you say

              Consider yourself warned of that fatal day.

                                                             by Sylvia Stults

T.: What other environmental problems we face in our world?

S.: Air pollution, littering, shortage of natural resources, destruction of wildlife and countryside, the growth of population, climate change, greenhouse effect.


T.: An interview. What causes these problems and what we should do to solve them?//Expected answers:

Student 1:  The air today is rather polluted with smoke from cars, buses, factories and plants. Also this smoke ruins ozone layer, and harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun can come down and cause skin cancer. The poisoned air also creates so called “greenhouse effect”. In order to prevent this we need quality air-filters at all factories and plants especially chemical and metallurgical ones. Increasing the areas of forests and green zones is important as well.


Student 2: Speaking about water pollution, everyone knows that water is the basis of life. Clean water is as important as fresh air for our existence. Today a lot of rivers and seas are filled with poison: industrial waste, all kinds of chemical elements and pesticides. Industrial enterprises of large cities pour harmful substances into river and sea’s waters. The emissions destroy fishing industry and lead to damage of wildlife. We must stop the poisoning of fresh-water sources. It needs extra water-purifying constructions, to make all enterprises to use only recycled water. Don’t let rivers become dumps!

Student 3: I want to speak about the problem of deforestation. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire nowadays. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever.


Student 4: Other very important environmental problem is the growing level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This greenhouse gas emissions lead to the considerable climate change: growing average temperatures – disastrous results of which we can see already today: weather extremes, destructive floods, and water and food shortages. The way out is to use alternative, renewable energy sources: solar energy, energy of wind and water.

II. Основна частина уроку Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Активізація лексики

Т: Today we‘ll speak about the problems of our environment, the problems of our home-planet. What is the Environment? Brainstorm ideas that come to your mind when you think about the environment. Make a word map. (on the board) Pupils, write the words on the colored cards and put them around the word “environment”

1. T: Can you talk about Environmental issues in English? In pairs, try to explain the terms in the diagram below. Why are the words divided into two groups — in different shapes?


                       Pollution               Ozone Layer            Deforestation




                                                   Global warming



                         Alternative                 Electric                   Recycling

                           energy                        car                   



T: Make conclusions:

  • People are blame for the problems of ecology.
  • Environment contains many different parts, just like the pieces of a big puzzle.
  • We can save nature by using alternative energy, recycling waste.
  • Human beings, animals, buildings, the earth, the air, the seas, our climate … and all these parts interconnected.

2. Ex.1, p.152 Here are some questions from the quiz. How many can you answer? 

1 Name at least two examples of a climate change.

2 Name at least two types of renewable energy.

3 What is the greenhouse effect?

4 Which of these gases is not a greenhouse gas: carbon dioxide, methane or oxygen?

5 Complete the three Rs that are important for the future of our planet: reduce, reuse and ...

6 Name at least two consequences of global warming.

3. Ex.2 ,p.153 a) Listen to the quiz and put the questions in the right order.

                        b) Listen once again and write the answers in your notebook.

4. Ex.3,p.153  a) Listen about the environment protection programme and explain what a “green school”is.

Описание: Похожее изображение                        b) In pairs, answer the questions: 1 What is Dee West? 2 Where does she work?  3 How long has she worked there? 4 What is her responsibility? 5 How many children attend  the Green Schools? 6 What do they learn at school? 7 Why do you think they call them ‘Green Schools’? 8 What kind of things can be recycled? 9 How do American children protect trees?   10 How can you help to protect the environment?                                                                        

This logo indicates the item is made from recycled materials.

  • Do you know?


5. Ex. 5,p.155  Read the tips and report what they want you to do. Work in pairs.

a  Put glass bottles to a bottle bank.

b  Don’t buy products in plastic containers (use bottles, boxes, bags).

c  Take paper bags into shops.

d  Don’t throw away plastic bags. Make sure you use them more than once.

e  Collect and recycle newspapers.

f  Don’t replace a notebook until it is completely filled out.

g Don’t take baths. Take quick showers.

h Don’t leave the water running while brushing your teeth.

i  Give away old clothes to someone who may need them.

j  Walk, use your bike or public transport instead of a car.

k  Don’t leave the light on when you leave the room.

l  Plant trees and flowers.

  • Report on all the hints. Example: They ask me to take glass bottles  to a bottle bank.

                                                                     They ask me not to buy products in plastic containers.

*A pause of psychological unloading. Let`s try to express your thoughts into acro poem. For example: 

Native land

Attractive fields

Treasure forests

Unique places

Rare plants
Entire paradise.

6. Практика читання. Робота з текстом.

А)                                            LET’S SAVE OUR PLANET!

      Everyone must play a part in protecting the environment. There are many things you can do your own every day to help save the planet. Here are some suggestions.

Reduce! Really, the best thing we can do for the planet is to use less   of it. At the Earth of the environmental crisis is our consumer society. Here are some questions you can ask yourself before buying something: Do I, or the other person I am buying this for, really need this? Is there another product which would do the same thing but more sustainable? Will this last a long time? Did I know how this item was made, how it will be used and how it will be disposed of?

Reuse! Regrettably, because we live in a “disposable society”, we are encouraged to buy a new “improved” item even if the one we have can be repaired. When we buy, we should buy items which are durable, we should maintain them, and have them repaired when necessary. If we practice this, many things can not only last a life-time, but they can be passed along generation to generation. If something is truly unusable for its original proposes, try to be more creative and think of how else it might be used. When you’re done with it, think of whether someone else might be able to use it.

Recycle! Rather than throwing an item out when neither you nor anyone else can make use of it, have it recycled. And while recycling is not perfect, it is better than sending goods to landfill or having them incinerated. Find out what types of materials can be recycled in your area. Clean and sort the materials before putting them out on the curb – often collectors will not pick up recycling that is mixed or contains non-recyclables.

B) Comprehension Find evidence of these statements in the text:

1. The main reason why our planet is in danger is our uncontrolled  willingness to buy goods even they aren't necessary.

2. Consumers should have in mind the necessity of buying products that can last for a long time.

3. Everybody has not only the worry about keeping things in working order but also restoring them good condition in order to put the “Reuse” principle in practice.

4. People should search for information on the items that are accepted for recycling in their place of living.

Діалогічне мовлення. Складання діалогів на основі тексту. /3 groups/ 1) Read the text; discuss your problem in a role play “A journalist interviews a factory manager, a doctor and some experts”. 

Dramatization of a role play.

7. Presentation of students' presentations. Content:

Water pollution. Water is necessary for life on the Earth. It is in oceans, seas, lakes and rivers. But very little water on the Earth is good for drinking because it is dirty. Some factories and companies dump chemical wastes, millions of tons of oil into the sea every year. We can only imagine how many seabirds and animals, fish, shellfish die in such water.

   The Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea, Lake Baikal and other water-bodies are in danger now. It is dangerous to walk barefoot on the banks of our river Ishim and to swim in our lakes because there is a lot of garbage, broken glass, and plastic, tins, and bottles, thrown everywhere. Some people wash their cars, bicycles in our rivers and lakes,

   The Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world. The former sea bed is now a salt desert. It was a home to 24 species of fish. As the result of the shrinkage of the Sea a lot of fishermen lost their jobs. The dying Aral Sea has changed the climate of the region .A lot of people suffer from different diseases


Ozone holes.  In the atmosphere there is the ozone layer. It protects the Earth from the ultraviolet rays of the sun, like a kind of a roof. But the ozone layer is destroyed by aerosol sprays, space flights. So the dangerous rays get through the atmosphere, causing skin cancer and other diseases. We must stop using sprays right now. To make air clean we need good filters at nuclear power stations, at factories and plants and also in cars and buses.

   Many territories and our atmosphere are polluted with different kinds of technological, chemical, nuclear wastes. The intensive development of sciences, industry and chemistry nowadays has made the pollution of our environment a global problem which should be solved by all means.

   Deforestation can also add greenhouse’s gas in the air. When the trees are cut down, the forest becomes a desert. The homes of millions of animals and plants are destroyed, too.

If only people took care of the environment and one another, they would never need any medical aid.


Disposing of the garbage. Disposing the garbage we produce every day is a major problem. Finding land for new landfills is becoming more difficult nowadays. But there are 3 R’s: reduce, reuse and recycle. Energy, water, glass bottles, newspapers, plastic, cans, tins can be reduced, reused and recycled.

   In some families kitchen and garden trash is easily burnt. The old furniture, clothing and other useful things are cleaned, repaired or given away to people who need them. Some people can make wonderful vases of plastic bottles, cans and painted paper. It helps to save energy, money and to protect the environment and our precious natural resources. We should build factories for utilizing solid wastes.

   Everything is connected in the world and we can save the planet from the ecological crisis only acting all together.

T: Discuss these problems

8. Робота в групах.

Group 1. Fill in the gaps in the text using given words:   /written form/

environmental, environment, natural resources, renewable, pollute, difficult, future generations, finally, Earth

   If we do not change our ways in dealing with Mother Earth, we will soon die out. One way of escaping ………(environmental) disasters is to reduce the exploitation of our ……. (natural resources). We have to find …… (renewable) energy sources which will be more environment-friendly and will not ……. (pollute) the air so much. This will certainly be …….(difficult) to do, but we have to work harder for the ….. (future generations) and we have to make a change faster. ……. (finally), we have to remember that the changes must start with us: ……. (Earth) is our home, our habitat, and we have to take good care of it. Naturally, if we do not do anything ourselves, why should we expect others to clean the ……. (environment) for us?

Group 2. Fill in the gaps in the text using given words:

acid, change, endangered, environmental, layer, ozone, polluted, rainforests, reduction, renewable

   Friends of the Earth is the world’s largest international network of (1) …… Groups represented in 68 countries. In the UK, it was the first organization to campaign to save whales, (2) …… pecies and tropical (3) …… Friends of the Earth also fought against (4) …… rain, (5) …… depletion and climate (6) …… The organization’s present campaigns cover many more issues, such as protecting the wildlife and the countryside and cutting air pollution. They promote waste (7) ……. and cleaning up of (8) …… Rivers. They also campaign for the reduction of traffic levels and the improvement of public transport. They lobby politicians and political parties to protect the ozone (9) …… and control dangerous chemicals. Their objectives also include promoting energy efficiency and (10) …… energy.

9. Let's make recommendations "I can take care of nature"

  • Buy recycled and recyclable items when purchasing new products.
  • Pay attention to how you use water. 
  • Leave your car at home.
  • Walk or ride your bike to work.
  • You can help reduce pollution just by putting that soda can in a different bin.
  • Compost.
  •  Make your home more energy efficient +and save money.
  •  Turn off lights when you're not in the room.  Change your light bulbs.

III. Заключна частина уроку. Підбиття підсумків уроку. Summary of the lesson.

At  the end  of our lesson let’s make  up  rules about using natural resources. Moдальні дієслова must/ mustn`t

We ….       let factories  pollute  air.

We ….       pollute  rivers.

We ….       create   so much rubbish.

We ….       drop litter on  beaches.

We ….       recycle paper, glass.

We ….       protect  forest  from the fire.

۩ Оцінювання. Пояснення домашнєго завдання: ex.6b – wr., p.156 – or.,

                                                          Write an information “We must save the Earth for future generations”.



Sokolova Larysa Dmytrivna
17 червня 2018
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