Мета даного уроку - це навчити і закріпити граматичний (Present Continuous Tense) і лексичний матеріал за підтемою «Улюблені герої мультфільмів». Формувати навички вживання нових ЛО; вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного діалогічного мовлення. Навчати ефективно співпрацювати під час парної роботи. Формувати артикуляцію звуків.
Урок англійської мови з використанням ІКТ
в 3 класі на тему:
«Герої мультфільмів»
КЗ «Олександрівське НВО №1»,
Олександрівська загальноосвітня школа
І-ІІІ ступенів №1
Вчитель Железковська О.Ю.
Type of the lesson: Combined
Timing: 45 minutes
Practical: to teach students vocabulary connected with the topic; to practice speaking, reading, listening; to teach the Present Continuous Tense.
Educational: to teach students differences in pronunciation.
Developing: to develop students’ communicative skills.
Up-bringing: to educate an interest in learning and discovering new things.
Equipment: a textbook by O.Karpiuk, handouts, pictures, multimedia projector, set of cards for building sentences in The Present Continuous Tense, cards for independent work.
Teacher: Hello, everybody!
Ps: Hello!
Teacher: How are you?
Ps: Very well, thank you!
2. Aim:
Teacher: Look around and what can you see on the pictures? (There are pictures of cartoons’ heroes on the walls of the classroom). Yes, today we are going to speak about your favourite cartoons and what they are doing at the moment. By the end of the lesson you’ll make a project: My Favourite Cartoon’s Hero.
Teacher: Do you like cartoons?
Pupils: Yes, we do.
Teacher: Do you like Ukrainian or American cartoons best?
Pupil 1: I like Ukrainian cartons best.
Pupil 2: I like American cartons best.
Teacher: What is your favourite cartoon?
Teacher: Do you know the name of Walt Disney?
Pupils: Yes, I do. (No, I don’t)
Teacher: Walt Disney is from America. He created a lot of short cartoons and many long films.
Cьогодні ми поговоримо про героїв ваших улюблених мультфільмів і ви навчитеся описувати, що вони роблять у той час, коли ми їх бачимо на екрані.
Teacher: Sort out the words according to their pronunciation.
Розподіли слова в стовпчики за правилами читання звуків: jacket, whose, cap, pants, boots, park, school, black, scarf, hat, form, shoes, dark, who |
(Учитель за допомогою проектора демонструє малюнки із зображенням героїв мультфільмів, учні повинні назвати мультик, а вчитель допомагає назвати його англійською мовою.)
Слайд № 2-8
Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry, Winnie- the – Pooh, Mary Poppins, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella.
And this is Ariel. She is a mermaid.
Triton is angry.
Ariel is singing her song.
1. Ariel is swimming.
Triton is speaking to his daughter.
Ariel is sad.
Ariel is crying.
Teacher: Look at ex. 2 p. 89. Repeat the words after me.
Pupils are reading the names of the cartoons after the teacher and translating them into Ukrainian.
Teacher: (The teacher is taking a book and pretending reading). Look at me! I’m reading. (Imitation of writing). I’m writing. (Drawing). I’m drawing. All this I’m doing now. Are you reading/writing/drawing? What are you doing?
Teacher: Find in the dialogue sentences which mean the action at this moment.
Teacher: Translate:
Вона пливе/співає/плаче.
Він розмовляє зі своєю донькою.
(Pupils are reading and translating).
Teacher: We form the Present Continuous Tense like this:
Subject + to be + Ving
am is are
- exercise 4, page 89;
- Учні отримують завдання на картках.Напишіть стверджувальне речення в Present CONTINUOUS.
(read) She …………………………………
(work) Не ...................................................
(run) They ...............................................
(dance) I .....................................................
(swim) It ....................................................
(play) We ..................................................
4.Physical Activity
Teacher: I think it’s time to relax. Stand up, please! Do you remember the poem “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toys…”
Team A:
I am reading.
He is playing.
Team B:
I am not reading.
He is not playing.
(For every correct answer the team gets 1 point. The team which has more points is a winner.)
(Pupils shows their project works: «My Favourite Cartoon’s Hero».
Using exercises 3, 4, pages 92-93 speak about your favourite cartoon and its heroes.
Teacher: Thank you for your active work, children! What new things have you learnt today? What was interesting? Difficult?
The best-working pupils get the best marks today. These are the pupils………., ……….., …………… See you tomorrow! Goodbye!
Ps.: Goodbye!