Урок "Arts and technology. Schools with a difference."

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Aims: to expand the vocabulary on the topic

to develop students' reading skills, speaking skills

to develop abilities to express thoughts

to be involved into communicative activities

to work in pairs and groups

to discuss different schools; the importance of learning certain subjects at school

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                      The lesson “Arts and technology. Schools with a difference.”

Aims: to expand the vocabulary on the topic

           to develop students’ reading skills, speaking skills

           to develop abilities to express thoughts

           to be involved into communicative activities

                to work in pairs and groups

           to discuss different schools; the importance of learning certain subjects at school



1. Introduction

Hello, boys and girls! Today we’ll speak about the subjects you study at school and we’ll discuss what subjects will be more useful for you in the future. You’ll find out about schools with a difference.


1.1. Warmer

1. Work with a partner and discuss the questions.

1 Do you have a favourite school subject? Is there one that you would particularly like to study or that you think would be useful to study in more detail?

2 Do you think it is good to be able to focus on the subjects you enjoy most at secondary school, or should you wait until university to specialise in a subject area?

3 Which subjects do you think will be more useful in the future?


1.2. Vocabulary work

  Work in pairs and try to guess the meaning of these words.

audition [n]: a short performance in which you sing, dance or act so that someone can decide if you are good enough to perform

beg [v]: to ask people for money or food, usually because you are very poor

cater to [v]: to provide people with something they want or need, especially something unusual or special

common room [n]: a room in a school or university where students go to relax

curriculum [n]: the subjects that students study at a particular school or university

live [adj]: something that can be watched or listened to at the same time as it happens, e.g. a TV programme

passion [n]: a strong enthusiasm or interest

performing arts [n]: types of art that are performed in front of an audience, e.g. music, dance, plays

virtually [adv]: relating to computers or appearing on the internet



2 The main part

2.1. Reading

Read the texts. Which is the only home-based school?



                                                   Schools with a difference

   In the UK, not everyone’s secondary education is standard. There are a minority who, for various reasons, receive a different type of schooling focused on technology and the arts. We interviewed five students from around the world to find out more.


BRIT School

   This is a performing arts school near London and I came here when I was 14 years old. I’ve always wanted to be a musician and have been writing my own songs for years. I also play the piano, guitar and violin. So I applied to the school and was lucky enough to get a place following an audition. You must show a great love of music and the relevant skills if you want to get on the course and it’s hard work, but I love it! The school is for anyone who wishes to make a career in the arts and entertainment industry, whether you want to sing, dance, act, and more. But it’s not all about studying your passion either, you have to study the usual curriculum subjects like maths, English, history, geography, too.

Jack, aged 16


Interhigh School

I don’t have to go to school, my school comes to me! Living in a remote part of the Shetland Islands in Scotland, the nearest secondary school is quite far away so I do my learning online. I’ve had my lessons taught like this for two years now and I’ve adapted easily! Interhigh teaches via the Internet, and there are about 500 students aged 10–19 studying this way. I’m in a class of 18 students and we’re taught live by a teacher from 9.30 to 12.30 each day. I communicate with my teacher and the other students through voice, text and interactive presentation. In the afternoons, I virtually visit the library to do my homework, go to one of the school clubs or catch up with friends in the online common room. Just one thing, you’d better have a laptop to connect to the Internet!

Megan, aged 17



   Academy Mine is a specialist school catering to 16–19-year-olds with a passion for STEM -related subjects: science, technology, engineering and maths. I got my place last year following an interview and assessment procedure, and I’m studying maths, computer science, chemistry and physics A levels because I’d really like to be an engineer one day.

Aisha, aged 16


The Boat School

My school is very unusual– it floats on water! The Boat Schools of Bangladesh, is an independent school system that was started in 2002 to help teach 70,000 children like me who can’t get to school during the annual floods in my country. My school begins the day as a bus, and picks us up from stops at the side of the river. When all the students are collected, class starts! Each Boat School has laptops, the Internet and a small library, and everything is powered by solar panels. Students who get good marks get a hurricane solar lantern to take home. This gives

them light to do their homework in the evening.

Farhan, aged 13



My dad’s an actor, my mum’s a stage manager, so I come from a theatre background. I decided to follow my parents and attend RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) in London, where I’m studying a Foundation course in acting. I have classes and workshops on movement, voice training, singing and acting for screen. We also have lessons for part of the time on the history of theatre. If I do well, I will be able go to university and do a degree in acting.

Emily, aged 18



There are some other unusual schools around the world:

At the Brooklyn Free School in New York, there are no exams or grades and classes aren’t obligatory. Its philosophy is that students are free to be themselves, and they are encouraged to develop their own interests and learn as they wish. This can mean taking a class in their favourite TV shows, book discussion  or even cheese tasting.

The Train Platform Schools of India programme educates about 4,000 students across the country on train platforms where the children would otherwise be begging train passengers for money. The schools cater to the needs of the street children who have no school to go to, and teaches them to read and write as well as learn songs, drama, music and other interesting things.



2.2. Circle the correct alternative.

1 Students only have lessons for half a day at the RADA/ Interhigh School.

2 Students at the Boat School need/don’t need to bring laptops from home to class.

3 If a student is interested in a career in theatre, they could apply to only the BRIT school/either the BRIT or the RADA school.

4 You ought to have some musical/technological equipment to study at Interhigh School.

5 The STEM Academy focuses on all school/scientific subjects.

6 The Boat School/STEM Academy uses alternative energy methods to power technology.

7 Jack, Aisha and Emily have chosen their schools to focus on their passion/achievements.

8 Megan attends a school to improve her IT skills/that offers convenience.


2.3  Complete the table. One type of school can be used twice.

encourages a technical career focus • independent • offers creative and academic subjects • online • performing arts specialist • teaches children affected by extreme weather • trains students specifically in acting skills • virtual classrooms



Type of school

Specialist feature

BRIT School



Interhigh School



STEM Academy



Boat School






2.4. Speaking. Work with a partner and discuss the questions.

1 Given the choice, which of the schools in the texts would most interest you? Why?

2 Do you know of any schools in your country that offer a specialist secondary education? Do any of them interest you?

3. Do you think it is good to have schools like these available for students who wish to focus on a particular subject or specialist area?

3. Summing – up

3.1. Home assignment

     Write a composition “How do you feel about online learning?”

3.2 Reflection and evaluation

 Today you’ve learned about the real cost of our clothes. Thank you for your work. You have worked hard. Good-bye! 



The key:

2.1  The Interhigh School is home-based because students are taught via the Internet rather than physically attending school.


2.2  1 Interhigh 2 don’t need 3 either the BRIT or the RADA school 4 technological 5 scientific

6 Boat School 7 passion 8 that offers convenience



2.3 Type of school Specialist feature


Type of school

Specialist feature

BRIT School

performing arts

offers creative and

academic subjects

Interhigh School


virtual classrooms

STEM Academy


encourages a technical

career focus

Boat School


teaches children affected

by extreme weather


performing arts

trains students specifically in acting skills



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