Урок "Це - я. Опис зовнішності"

Про матеріал
Підбірка вправ для розвитку граматичних та лексичних навичок. Застосована вправа опису зовнішності улюблених героїв для оперування лексичними одиницями з теми
Перегляд файлу

Конспект уроку з англійськоі мови у 2 – класі.

Тема уроку: Це – я.


  • Навчальна: навчати учнів читати,вимовляти,розуміти,розпізнавати нові слова по темі «Зовнішність»,вміти використовувати нові слова в реченнях описуючи своїх улюблених героїв розвивати вміння та навички письма ,усного мовлення та слухати співрозмовника.
  • Розвиваюча: розвивати  граматичні навички - have got,has got ,розвивати різні види пам яті  слухову,зорову,оперативну,розвивати  вміння спілкувтися, підтримувати високий рівень мотиваціі до вивчення англійськоі мови, розвивати і доповнювати лексичний запас за темою «Зовнішність.Частини тіла.»
  • Освітня: поглиблювати знання учнів про необхідність англійської мови; 
  • Виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу та любов до англійськоі мови, виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своіх знань, загальну культуру учнів.

Обладнання: тематичні малюнки, наочний матеріал, підручник.



                                                   Хід уроку 

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу.

  1. Привітання. Greeting

T:   Red, yellow,green and blue

     “Hello friends , how are you?”

Ch: Red, yellow,green and blue

       “We are fine, thank you”

           T: I’m glad to see you . Sit down, please! Today we have got many

               guests.Let’ greet them.


Повідомлення теми і мети уроку. Aim

 T:     We  also have some heroes from cartoons. Today we have an unusual lesson. We’ll learn a lot of different new words which help us to describe our heroes, we’ll use the structure “have got / has got. And at the end of the lesson you will be able to describe our heroes. We have got an interesting trip. Then start our trip.


II. Основна частина.

  1.  Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. Warming up activity

          T: What day is it today?

          Ch: It is Monday.

          T: What month is it now?

          Ch: It is December.

          T: What season is it now?

         Ch: It is winter.


  2 .Фонетична розминка 


        T:    The first station is “ Phonetic station ”. We can meet Sponge Bob there. It usually forgets  some sounds .Let’s help him to review them

        Ch:   Ok.

            T:  Children ,mind sound  [t],     [s].

               Repeat, please   together [t],[s]

           T:  Now I read you some words if you hear the sound [s],or [t] clap you 


           T: a head, toes , hands, a shoulder, a hair, a knee, fingers,  an arm, a foot, a 

                tooth, a nose, cheeks, an eye, ears,a leg, hair,a mouth.

            T:    Good work! Take our new friend and continue our trip.

           3. Подача нових лексичних одиниць.

T:  Now we are at the “ Station of  New Words”. We should help Fiksik  to

     learn a few new words

      a finger                        a  leg

      a knee                          a  foot

      a toe                           a  head

   a   tooth                     a shoulder

    an  arm                         a  hand

a) Автоматизація діі з новими лексичними одиницями

  • імітація ЗМ

T: Look, listen and agree or disagree

T: This is a leg

P1:You are right.This is a leg.

T: Now let’s read with me :a leg, an arm, a foot, a tooth, a hand,a head, a shoulder, a knee, a finger, a toe.

Try to read them in chain.

T:    Now the task is to match the words to pictures which you can see at the blackboard

Come to the blackboard take the word and match it with a picture.

T:Let’s read them together again

  1. лаконічні відповіді на альтернативні запитання робота в парах.

            T: Let’s continue to help Fiksik and to practice new words.

               Let’s make four groups. Now let’s work in pairs. Ask his  

               nighbour about the picture.

               Is this a leg or a foot?

           4. Розвиток навичок письма.

T: Now continue our trip. The next station is the “ Station of

    Writing”. Our task is to help the Panda to find out new words 

     which we have already learned. We have got four groups.Every group has got a table with  different letters, let’s try  to find out ten words and circle them by different colours . And look who will be the first.























































T: The same table you can see on the blackboard. Now let’s circle and write them on the blackboard one by one.

T:Very good my dear! Now let’s read them againD:\Англійський\відкриті уроки\Новая папка\IMG_20141208_095126.jpg

5.Фізкультхвилинка. Physical Activity

T: Ok! Now we are at the “Relaxation Station”

     Do you want to have a rest? Let’s sing together.

6.Повторення граматичного матеріалу

T:  The next station is the “ Grammar Station”

     Our next hero is a monster. We should help him to complete these sentences. Look at he blackboard and review when we use have got and has got. Look at the sentences at the blackboard go to the blackboard and complete them. Now let’s start.

  • I …….  two hands.
  • She ……. blue eyes.
  • It ……….. long legs.
  • They ……… white tooth.
  • You ……… ten fingers.
  • He ………. ten toes.
  • Olha …… clean knees.
  • This monster ……..big shoulder.
  • The dragon……. Three heads
  •  She ……  two foot.


7. Розвиток навичок читання

T : And now we arrive to the “Station of Reading”. There we can                 

      meet  Spiderman and he can’t read. Let’s help him . Read the text sentence by sentence. Ok?

Ch: Ok!

T:   Well, who wants to read? Start, please.

           This is a toy dragon. It has got three heads. It

         has got three big mouths. It has

         got  six eyes and six ears. It has got four legs. It is green and  funny.

T: Now children the next task  is to read it and finish the pictures  which you have got on your desks. 

After it somebody can present   the  dragon.

T: Now who wants to present the dragon?

T:   Very nice. And now Spiderman is ready to go with us. C:\Users\Админ\Desktop\IMG_20141208_102244.jpg


     8 .Тренування у мовленні.

         T: We arrive to the “Station of Speaking”. Patric  needs our

              help. He can’t describe his friends. Let’s help him.You have got some pieces of paper with words .The task is to put the sentences together which help you to describe these heroes.

             Now mix our groups. Now one of greens sit here and one of yellows sit at the next desk.One of  reds come to the another desk. One  of Orange move at the fourth desk.

For doing this task I give you three minutes Start ,please.

The green will describe the Scrab.The red will describe Sponge Bob.The orange will describe the Squard.And yellow will describe our dragon which you have just drawn.

For doing this task I give you three minutes Start ,please.

  GREEN :This is Scrab. It has got two small black eyes, a small head and six legs.It is red and funny

RED :This is Sponge Bob.It has got, two arms and two legs, a  small nose and a big mouth                 

ORANGE: This is Sqidward.It has got  long arms ,big eyes small ears, a long nose. It is green and funny.

III.  Заключна частина.

  1. Підведення підсумків уроку. Summarizing.

Бесіда в режимі T-P1-P2-P3.

       T:  It was our last station and our trip is over. And you have  

  learned a lot , you’ve met a lot of famous heroes.

  What new words have you learned?

Let’s name them again .

Now you can describe  your  characters of cartoons.

   You were  brilliant.Your answers were perfect.

             You were very active and worked well. You have got good marks…

        2. Домашнє завдання. Homework.

T:  Learn and write down into your vocabularies new words and 


              describe your classmate.

          T: Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good-bye. See


                 you on Thursday.



























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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
19 січня 2023
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