Урок "Чарівна Британія.Подорож до Північної Ірландії.Стежка Велетня".

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Матеріал містить детальний конспект уроку з англійської мови у 9 класі за темою : " Чарівна Британія. Подорож до Північної Ірландії. Стежка Велетня" за підручником А.Несвіт для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів.

Перегляд файлу

           Тимченківський НВК «ДНЗ-ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів»

                      Чорнобаївської районної ради

                          Черкаської області

           Тема: Чарівна Британія.

           Подорож до Північної  Ірландії. 

                        Стежка Велетня.

Описание: D:\презентація 9 кл\Giants-Causeway-Northern-Ireland.jpg














                  Шара Галина Олексіївна





Описание: D:\презентація 9 кл\Фото\IMG_3075.JPG


9 клас                                                                  Урок  44 (5)                                                 за підручником  Алли Несвіт

Тема:      Чарівна Британія                                                                                                                         

Підтема: Подорож до Північної  Ірландії.  Стежка Велетня. 

Мета:      Повторити та закріпити ЛО теми.

                 Ознайомити учнів з новими ЛО.

                 Продовжувати вдосконалювати техніку читання.

                 Формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.

                 Практикувати в аудіюванні та письмі.

                 Виховувати прагнення пізнавати світ та зберегти унікальні творіння природи для нащадків.


Обладнання: Підручник, ТЗН, презентація, картки для  роботи в парах (НО1), (НО3), картки для самостійної

                         роботи (НО2), картки з аудіювання для самостійної роботи (НО4),  картки з ЛО (Vocabulary

                         Files), карта Великобританії.


                                                                ХІД УРОКУ



     Greeting     1. Привітання.


      Aim            2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

                    Т: Today we are going to travel to Northern Ireland and explore this wonderful country. You'll learn

                    about  one  of the most famous  Northern  Ireland's   landmarks  the  Giant's  Causeway,  learn  new

                    words  and you′ll have an opportunity to improve your speaking and writing skills, too.


Warming up    3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.


                         Т: First let′s review some facts about the UK.

  1. Guess the cіties of the UK and their  landmarks.

(Showing of the slides London Westminster Abbey, Belfast Castle, Cardiff  Castle, Edinburgh Castle.)






                             2) Match two parts of the sentences: (Showing of the slide)

  1. The full name of the country                          a)   Union Jack.
  2. The capital of Wales                                       b)   is the Prime Minister.                      
  3. The symbol of England                                  c)   is Edinburgh.          
  4. The official head of the country                     d)   is a red rose.
  5. The national flag is called                              e)  is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 
  6. The capital of Northern Ireland                      f)  is Belfast
  7. The head of the Government                          g)  is the Queen.
  8. The capital of Scotland                                   h)  is London.
  9. The capital of the UK                                     i)   is Cardiff.




Check on       1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Homework    Т: Tell us, what interesting facts you know about the landmarks of the UK′s capitals?

                       P1, 2 


Vocabulary    2.Відпрацювання лексичного матеріалу.

  Practice          a) Робота з картками. Учні отримують картки (HO2) і самостійно письмово виконують


         HO2:    Complete the sentences with the words from the box and learn some facts about Northern Ireland.

                     Two words are extra.

return   arrived   border    patron  myths    inhabited    countries  built     shepherd   consists


  1. Northern Ireland is one of the four   ________ of the United Kingdom.

Situated in the north-east of the island of Ireland, it shares a________________

with the Republic of Ireland to the south and west.


  1. Ireland is thought to have been_______________from around 6000 BC by people

of the Mid-Stone Age culture. And about 4,000 years later, tribes from Southern

Europe_______________and established a high Neolithic culture.

3) Ireland's famous_____saint is Patrick who was taken prisoner from

his family home in Britain by Irish raiders and was brought to Ireland to work as

a____________. After Patrick escaped back to Britain, he had a vision from God

telling him to______________to Ireland as a missionary.

                         4) Irish history is rich in_____________and legends.


Т: Where is Northern Ireland situated?

What country does it border on?

When did the first tribes from Southern Europe arrive to Ireland?

Who is the saint patron of Northern Ireland?

What is Irish history rich in?


                       b) Робота з картками. Учні отримують картки (HO3) і виконують завдання в парах.

                           Т: Match the questions to the answers and make up the dialogue. Make up the similar ones.

            HO3: (Showing of the slide)

  1. Certainly! It was fantastic!
  2. — It is really fascinating!

                             c)  —Yes, we spent three days there.

                                       d)   — I have just returned from Northern Ireland, Jane.

                                       e)   — We travelled to many towns and saw many ancient castles.


                                               Where have you been, Molly? —

                                                Really? Did you enjoy your journey? —

                                                What places did you visit? 

                                                  Did you visit the capital?  

                                                  Is Belfast beautiful? —


Presenting       3. Подання та відпрацювання нових ЛО.

Vocabulary       1)  a causeway, hexagonal, stick out of, cliff, to flee (fled) back, to rip up, to be recognized for,

                            to announce, launch,  ballot, basalt, intent

 2)  Впр. 4 (с. 132). (Showing of the slide)

                               T: Read the definitions and match them to the words and phrases from the Vocabulary File.

                                    Write them down.   

                                1. The base or the lowest part of the rock .

                                2. To leave a person or a place very quickly, because you are afraid of a possible danger.

                                3. A raised road or a path across water or the wet ground.

                                4. To tell people something officially, especially about a decision, plans.

                                5. To vote secretly for something.

                                6. Having six straight sides and six angles.

                                7. To tear something into small pieces.

                                8. To start something, usually something big or important.


Reading         4. Подання тексту для читання. Впр. 2 (с. 131).

  1. Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання. Впр. 1 (с. 130).

T: Look at the photos of the Giant′s Causeway. What do you think: is it created by people or nature? Exchange your opinions.

  1. Reading. Етап читання.

                T:  You are going to read the text about a famous landmark of Northern Ireland.

                                                The Giant's Causeway

What Is It?  

The Giant's Causeway is Northern Ireland's most famous landmark. It has been an official UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986. Formed between 50 and 60 million years ago by the volcanic activity, the 'causeway' draws people from far and wide to this corner of the North Antrim. This unique place occupies approximately 70 ha of land and 160 ha of sea. It is made up of some 40,000 massive hexagonal black basalt columns which are packed tightly together and stick out of the sea. Some of the columns have four, five, seven and eight sides. The tops of the columns form stepping stones that lead from the cliff foot and disappear under the sea.

What Does the Legend Say?

The legend goes that the mythical Irish giant Finn MacCool built the causeway to get to Scotland and battle with the giant called Benandonner. When he got there, he found that the Scottish giant was asleep but also far bigger than himself, so Finn returned back across the causeway. When Benandonner woke up, he came across the causeway and was intent on fighting Finn. Finn's wife dressed up her husband as a baby. So when Benandonner arrived she said Finn wasn't at home. She also asked the giant to be quiet not to wake up the baby. When Benandonner saw the baby he decided that if the baby was that big, Finn must be massive. So he turned tail and fled back across the causeway ripping it up as he went. All that remains are the ends, here at the Giant's Causeway and on the island of Staffa in Scotland where similar formations are found.

A Wonder of the World?

In the past the causeway became widely known as the "The Eighth Wonder of the World" when large numbers of visitors came to view it from the 1700s. Perhaps now there is a chance it could be officially recognized as such a wonder.

In 2008 the Giant's Causeway was nominated one of the world's seven natural wonders. The new seven wonders of the world were announced in Lisbon, Portugal in July 2007 and the new "Seven Wonders of Nature" as they are officially called were launched. These are currently being balloted and the chosen wonders will

be announced in 2010.

  1. Post-Reading Activity. Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.

                           а) Впр. 5 (с. 132). (Showing of the slide)

                             T: Choose the correct item to complete the sentences.

                         1. The Giant's Causeway is Northern Ireland's… . 

                                  a) symbol

                                  b) most famous landmark

                                  c) most picturesque place

                             2. The Giant's Causeway was formed between 50 and 60 million years ago by… . 

                                  a) the flood

                                  b) the earthquake

                                  c) the volcanic activity

                         3. The legend goes that a mythical Irish giant Finn MacCool built… to get to Scotland.

                                   a) the causeway

                                   b) the road

                                   c) a ship

                              4. When Benandonner woke up, he came across the causeway and was intent on … . 

                                    a) having breakfast with Finn's family

                                    b) admiring the beauty of the sea

                                    c) fighting Finn

                               5. When Benandonner arrived Finn's wife said … .

                                     a) he wasn't at home

                                     b) they didn't expect him to come

                                     c) her husband was busy

                                6. In 2008 the Giant's Causeway was nominated 

                                     a) the most picturesque site of the world

                                     b) one of the world's seven natural wonders

                                     c) for Oscar


                           б) Бесіда з учнями. (Showing of the slide)

                            Т: When did the Giant's Causeway become an official UNESCO World Heritage Site?

                                 What area does this place occupy?

                                 What is the Giant's Causeway made up of?                                  

                                 When was the Giant's Causeway nominated one of the world's seven natural wonders?

                                 Do you think it should be recognized as one of the world's seven natural wonders? Why?

Listening            5. Аудіювання.

Comprehension    ( Watching of the video “ The Giant's Causeway ”, www. youtube.com)

                              1) T: Tell us what new have you learned watching this video.

                               2) T: You see our world is so wonderful!  And now for you Louis Armstrong with a song

                                         “ What a Wonderful  World”. (www.esolcourses.com )

                                          Listen and do the task Gap Fill Quiz  in pen. Put the necessary adjectives into the gaps.


                                  green /  pretty / bright / red / white / wonderful / dark / blue

                               I see trees of  ____________ , ____________ roses too

                                    I see them bloom , for me and you

                                    And I think to myself, what a _____________ world.


                                     I see skies of __________ and clouds of __________

                                     The __________ blessed day, the __________ sacred night

                                     And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.


                                     The colours of the rainbow, so _________ in the sky

                                     Are also on the faces, of people going by

                                     I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do

                                     There′re really saying, I love you.


                                      I  hear babies crying, I watch them grow

                                      They′ll learn much more than I′ll never know.

                                      And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

                                      Yes I think to myself,  what a wonderful world!



Homework    1. Домашнє завдання.

                     Впр.10, ст.133    

Summarizing 2. Підведення підсумків уроку.

                            Бесіда з учнями.

Т: Did you enjoy our lesson today?

 Is it interesting for you to learn new facts about the landmarks of our wonderful world?

Would you like to visit the Giant's Causeway?


                                  green /  pretty / bright / red / white / wonderful / dark / blue

                               I see trees of  ____________ , ____________ roses too

                                    I see them bloom , for me and you

                                    And I think to myself, what a _____________ world.


                                     I see skies of __________ and clouds of __________

                                     The __________ blessed day, the __________ sacred night

                                     And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.


                                     The colours of the rainbow, so _________ in the sky

                                     Are also on the faces, of people going by

                                     I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do

                                     There′re really saying, I love you.


                                      I  hear babies crying, I watch them grow

                                      They′ll learn much more than I′ll never know.

                                      And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

                                                Yes I think to myself,  what a wonderful world!


                                  green /  pretty / bright / red / white / wonderful / dark / blue

                               I see trees of  ____________ , ____________ roses too

                                    I see them bloom , for me and you

                                    And I think to myself, what a _____________ world.


                                     I see skies of __________ and clouds of __________

                                     The __________ blessed day, the __________ sacred night

                                     And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.


                                     The colours of the rainbow, so _________ in the sky

                                     Are also on the faces, of people going by

                                     I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do

                                     There′re really saying, I love you.


                                      I  hear babies crying, I watch them grow

                                      They′ll learn much more than I′ll never know.

                                      And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

                                      Yes I think to myself,  what a wonderful world!

                                green /  pretty / bright / red / white / wonderful / dark / blue

                               I see trees of  ____________ , ____________ roses too

                                    I see them bloom , for me and you

                                    And I think to myself, what a _____________ world.


                                     I see skies of __________ and clouds of __________

                                     The __________ blessed day, the __________ sacred night

                                     And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.


                                     The colours of the rainbow, so _________ in the sky

                                     Are also on the faces, of people going by

                                     I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do

                                     There′re really saying, I love you.


                                      I  hear babies crying, I watch them grow

                                      They′ll learn much more than I′ll never know.

                                      And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

                                      Yes I think to myself,  what a wonderful world!
















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