Урок "Чи можливе життя без смартфона?"

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План - конспект уроку для учнів 9 класу за темою "Світ науки". Конспект містить мету уроку, очікуваний результат, всі етапи уроку та посилання на інтернет-ресурс
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Клас: 9                                                                                                            

    Тема :  Чудеса науки.

Урок 49

Підтема: Чи можливе життя без смартфона                           

Мета: Сприяти розвитку в учнів уміння здійснювати спілкування про вплив наукових винаходів на наше життя, висловлювати свої думки та відстоювати власну точку зору, використовуючи для цього необхідний лексико-граматичний інвентар в усній та письмовій формах; сприяти розвитку мовної здогадки та пам’яті; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань; виховувати відповідальність за долю світу.

Очікувані результати: 1. учні поповнять словниковий запас з теми, вмітимуть описувати поняття наукового винаходу; 2. удосконалять уміння сприймати інформацію на слух та висловлювати власну точку зору щодо почутого; 3. повторять правила телефонного етикету.

Тип уроку: комбінований

Обладнання: підручник А. Несвіт, роздатковий матеріал (аудіювання), аудіофайл (інтернет-ресурс).



          1)Організаційний момент. Бесіда з учнями.

          2) Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Мотивація навчальної діяльності.

Aim T: Watch the video and define our today’s topic. Our topic today is ``Can we leave without smartphones?``. By the end of the lesson you will be able to talk about the pros and cons of using smartphones with the new vocabulary and improve your listening skills.

          3) Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Мотивація навчальної діяльності.

Warm-up. T: What do you know about the phone etiquette? 

             Ps ideas (mind-map)                                                                                                 

II. Основна частина уроку. 

1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

      Ps: Express their ideas “Are mobile phones taking over our lives?”

2. Повторення правил телефонного етикету.

a) Read the typical phrase.

b) Ex.7, p.101 – work in pairs, read and complete the telephone conversations.

c) Ex.8, p.102 – read and act out the telephone conversation.

3. Розвиток навичок аудіювання  (ESL-leb)


Smart Phones

   1. Pre-Listening Activity

In today's world, is a phone a necessity for people of all ages, or is it just a luxury item? Why or why not? How do people who grew up without mobile phones feel about this?

Matching Exercise

Complete the sentences with the words: entitled, a speck of dust, walk away, self-reliant, caring.

1. James need to be more _____________ and not depend on help from mom and dad.

2. Why do you always feel so _____? Do you think it is my responsibility to pay for everything you want?

3. Jessica is so __________. She helps anyone who is in need.

4. Please don't ___________ when I am talking. We need to discuss the problem about your phone.

5. Be sure to clean the table. I don't want to see even ___________ on it.

      Key: 2. Entitled, 5. a speck of dust, 4. walk away, 1. self-reliant, 3. caring

   2. While-Listening Activity

Listen to the telephone message.

1. The young man says he needs a new phone because __________.

A. his parents took his last one

B. someone stole his last one

C. his phone is an older model

2. How many phones does the young man already have?

A. two   B. three   C. four

3. According to the conversation, what are the young man's parents like?

A. friendly     B. generous    C. kind

4. What do his parents want their son to do to get a phone?

A. take out money from his bank account

B. find a job and work to earn money

C. ask his brother if he can use an old phone

5. What is the BEST word to describe the young man's personality?

A. talkative    B. mean     C. self-centered

Key: 1. his phone is an older model;  2. Two;  3. kind

4. find a job and work to earn money;  5. self-centered

   3. Post-Listening Activity

Many teachers have concerns about students' use of cell phones at school and in the classroom. Think of three reasons for and against this issue and explain your ideas from your own experience.


Woman: Hey. Uh, you look really unhappy. What's going on?

Young Man: Ah, you don't want to know.

Woman: Okay, see ya.

Young Man: Wait, wait, wait! Why are you walking away?

Woman: Well, you said I didn't want to know.

Young Man: No, wait. You see my parents really don't love me.

Woman: What do you mean? When I met them last week, they seemed really caring.

Young Man: Uh, you don't understand! You see. I want a new smart phone . . . I mean, I need one, and my parents won't buy me it!

Woman: Uh, excuse me, but uh, don't you already have a iPhone?

Young Man: Man, yeah, but it's three months old, and it has a small scratch on it.

Woman: Where? Let me see. [Look!] I don't see a scratch.

Young Man: Look, look right here!. [THAT?] [Do] you see it?

Woman: It's just a speck of dust.

Young Man: Anyway. And my other phone . . .

Woman: What? You have two phones?

Young Man: That's beside the point.

Woman: So, so, did your parents give you a reason for not buying you a new phone?

Young Man: Not a good one. Only something about being self-reliant and not being so entitled, or something like that. And now they want me to work . . . on the neighbor's farm to pay for it. [Good idea!] It's not fair.

Woman: Hey, I think I know the problem. [What?] Take a look in the mirror. You'll see both the problem and the solution.

Young Man: Uh! You're no help.


III. Заключна частина уроку.

Homework. 1.Домашнє завдання.

T:   написати есе «Чи можливе життя без смартфона?».

Summarizing 2. Виставлення та аргументування оцінок. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: What did you do at the lesson? Which activities did you like the best ?

What new have you learnt?





P.S. ( for smart pupils)

* Online Investigations

Write one of your teachers an email about one of the topics or questions below. Then, summarize the teacher's response and compare his or her answer to your own opinion.

1. At what age is it appropriate for a child to have his or her own phone?

2. How important is it for parents to track their children's phone calls, text messages, or Internet use on the phone?

3. Should children pay at least a part of their phone bill, and if so, how much?

4. Which method is better to ask someone out on a date: sending a text message or calling the person?

5. Which method is better to end a relationship: sending a text message or calling the person?

6. Is it illegal to text and drive in your city or region? If so, what is the penalty?

7. If a student cheats on a test by taking pictures of it and sending them to a friend, how do you handle the situation?