Урок "Days of the Week"

Про матеріал
Це розробка уроку для учнів третього класу. На уроці вивчаються дні тижня в ігровій формі. Діти вчать дні тижня за допомогою різних завдань (лексико-граматичних вправ), які розвивають як усне, так і письмове мовлення учнів.
Перегляд файлу

Days of the week (Form 3)


- to develop students' speaking skills;

- to encourage students to use new vocabulary;

- to develop students' reading, listening and writing skills through various creative activities;

- to form students' ability of using their imagination while discussing different situations;

- to respect culture of the country.

Equipment: postcards with the days of the week, cards with tasks.


I. Introduction. Warming-up

T: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. How are you?

(Students answer one by one.)

T: I hope we' ll have a good work today. What is your favourite day?

(Students answer one by one.)

T: Today I want to invite you to travel around the days of the week. And now let's read a poem.

We sing on Sunday

We work on Monday

We read on Tuesday

We write on Wednesday

We listen o Thursday

We speak on Friday

And we play on Saturday.

T: Remember, the days of the week always write from the capital letter. English people start to count days of the week from Sunday.

II. The Main Part of the Lesson

T: We are going to sing, to read, to write, to listen to, to use the days of the week. The first station is Sunday. What can we do on Sunday?

Ss: We play games.

T: OK. The second station is Monday. What do we do on Monday?

Ss: We go to school.

T: You are right! And I have got a task for you. Complete the sentences with on or in.

1. ___the evening I go to the café.

2.  We have English lessons ____ Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

3. I do my homework ___ the evening.

4. I play football ___ Tuesdays and Thursdays.

5. ____ Saturdays we do the shopping ___ the morning.

6. I get up early ___ Fridays.

T: The third station is Tuesday? What do we do on Tuesday?

Ss: We do homework.

T: Well done! I have got a task for you. Fill in the gaps in the text with these words: have a big Sunday lunch, get up, have breakfast, do my homework, meet my friends.

Mike: We don't ___ early on Sundays.

Nick: Well, you don't get up early, Mike.

Mike: Ok, Nick. I don't ___ , we ___. Our parents read the newspapers - they don't go out. I ___ in the afternoon.

Mary: You two don't have busy weekends.

Vicky: And on Sunday evening I ___.

Mary: Oh, no! Homework! Nick, have you got a CD book?

T: You are very attentive and smart! The fourth station is Wednesday. What do we do on Wednesday?

Ss: We read and write. The next task for you is to write the days of the week in the correct order.

(Tuesday, Sunday, Friday, Saturday, Thursday, Monday, Wednesday)

T: Very well! The fifth station is Thursday. What do we do on Wednesday?

Ss: We listen to music.

T: You are good students.  Do the next task, please. Complete the dialogue with words (go swimming, do the shopping, go to the cinema, go to the Internet café, go to the city centre).

Ann: It's the weekend!

Lisa: Yes, no school for two days. On Fridays, I watch TV or  I ___.

Max: With Alexander?

Lisa: No, with my friends. (to Alexander) You ___ every Friday. That's boring.

Alexander: No, it isn't.

Ihor: And on Saturdays?

Lisa: My dad and I go to the sports centre in the morning. We ___.

Max: You go swimming. Great!

Lisa: I have lunch with my parents and in the afternoon they ___.

Alexander: I____or disco on Saturday evening.

Ihor: Great! I go to the disco club, too.

T: I am pleased with your answers. The sixth station is Friday. What do we do on Friday?

Ss: We speak in English.

T: OK. Try to complete the dialogue.

- Hello!

- Hi!

- What do you do on ___?

- I ___on ___. And what do you do on ___?

- I ___.

- Bye-bye!

- See you soon!

T: Good for you! The seventh station is Saturday. What do we do on Saturday?

Ss: We play.

T: OK! Let's play the game "What is missing?" Look at the board, please. You can see the days of the week on it.

(Students close their eyes and the teacher put out one of the flashcard. Children  open their eyes and name what day of the week is missing.)

* Pairwork

T: Guess the riddles about days of the week. Be attentive!

For example,

S1: It's between Monday and Wednesday.

S2: It's Tuesday.

III. Summing-up. Reflection

T: Our journey is over. Did you like it?

Go to the board and connect the sentences.

Now I know

It is interesting

It is difficult

I can

the days of the week

to travel, to sing, to dance, to play

to listen to the dialogue

to write the days of the week

to read the days of the week



T: You were active and hardworking. Well done!

9 січня 2022
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