Урок для 3 класу за підручником Т. Будна

Про матеріал
Учні ознайомлюються із новими лесичними одиницями; практикують вживання дієслова "can" в усному мовленні; продовжують розвивати вміння діалогічного мовлення; учні тренуюються в читанні; розвивають навички письма; тренують увагу та пам'ять ; виховується позитивне ставлення до тварин.
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Year 3

Theme : Animals and their sounds.

Objectives:  repeat and activate the lexical material of the topic;

                   to acquaint students with new    lexical units and to consolidate their use

                   in oral speech; practice students in the use of verbs; develop writing

                  skills; teach students to read; train attention and memory; to cultivate a

                  positive attitude towards animals;

Equipment : cards, pictures, books, workbooks, pens.

Procedure :

Organization moment.

Greeting .

-Good morning! Good morning!

How are you? How are you?

-I am fine! I am fine!

And what about you?

Warming up.

1.Today we are going to learn about animals and their sounds. You will learn a rhyme, play a game, work with books and workbooks, and learn about animals a lot interesting.

Let’s learn a rhyme.

Here is my dog,

His name is Jack.

His ears are big,

His eyes are black.

2.Physical education activity.


II. Main part.

  1. Let’s learn new words.

Penguin, slide, cat, purr, dog, bark, bear, roar.(children repeat after the teacher several times. Then one of the pupils goes to the board and picks up the animal and its sound).


     2.Ex.1 p.46 (w/b)

3.Pupils sing a song.


Animal song.

Oink,oink says the little pink pig one day.

Oink, oink says the little pink pig.

Oink, oink says the little pink pig one day.

And the pig says(oink, oink, oink).

4.Ex.2 p.46 (w/b)

5. Physical education activity. “Animals’ song”


6.Ex.3 p.70 (book) The teacher explains the use of the modal verbs “Can” and then children perform the exercise. Complete the sentences with can or can’t. Read and write.

7. The teacher shows a picture with  animal and ask pupils what this animal can do. Pupils answer using a short answer with a modal verb: Yes, it can/ No, it cannot.

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