Урок Друг по переписці. Написання е-мейлів.

Про матеріал

Урок про друзів про переписці. Містить практичні поради щодо написання емейлів. У плані на початку уроку використано гру Sad Man. Мета уроку вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення з теми;

формувати навички вживання нових JIO в MM і ДМ учнів у лексико-граматичних структурах;

формувати навички групової і парної роботи, відповідальності за доручену справу, колективізму і толерантності;

сприяти розвитку аналітичного та критичного мислення; розвивати кмітливість і пізнавальний інтерес до вивчен­ня англійської мови.

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UNIT 5. THE UK AND UKRAINE                February 27   8th   B  grade

                                                                             March 1st      8th A grade


Тема. My Pen-Friends. Modifying Adverbs

Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення з теми;

формувати навички вживання нових JIO в MM і ДМ учнів у лексико-граматичних структурах;

формувати навички групової і парної роботи, відповідальності за доручену справу, колективізму і толерантності;

сприяти розвитку аналітичного та критичного мислення; розвивати кмітливість і пізнавальний інтерес до вивчен­ня англійської мови.


    Організація класу. Привітання


3 - min

Т: Dear pupils, good morning. Today we are going to talk about people who wants to have e-mail friends.

Let’s play game “Sad man”

Children call out letters from English alphabet

Friend        e-mail       Letter

123456        1 2345      123456


Warm –up


5 min

Grayson tells about








You write a letter with a pen. Friend who exchange letters, but rarelyor never seen each other in real life are called “panfriends” (or “pan-pals” in the U.S.). They commonly live in different countries.

Т: Have you got any friends? Who are they? Have you got pen friends? Do they live in our country or in other countries? Do you write letters to them or do you phone them? Maybe you send e-mails to your friends. As far as I know you’ve got a pen friend already. Her name is Amelia and you wrote her your letters. What are your letters about? Right, about your families and the place you live in, please, let me see them. Who wants to read the letter?

    Основна частина уроку

7 min

Grayson & Alina

Ex.  Ex.1, р. 116 — Look at the photos and say where the children are.

How do they communicate with each other?

What things do they tell each other about?

Read the e-mail and put them in the correct order.

Children start reading.

Vocabulary notes. Modifying Adverbs


Alina helps translation

3 min

We use modifying adverbs a little, not at all, really, quite, very, slightly to make the meaning of adjectives stronger or weaker.

They go before the adjective or before the word combination a (an)+ Adj.+N.




Task might be a little hard for students

4 min

I don’t like tuna at all.

Do you like horror movies? Not at all.

The sequel was quiet different from the original.

He’s a really good wrighter.

He’s very good at sports.

I was slightly angry when heard the news.




6 min

Listen to what Greg has written to Dan about his interests and character. Fill in the missing Modifying Adverbs: a little, not at all, quite, really, slightly, very.

My name is Greg and I’m from Scotland. I’m 14 years old and I am in a year nine at school.

I’ve got lots of hobbies and interests. I’m keen on music and enjoy playing the bagpipes. I practise  quite a lot time every day. I’m really interested in learning more about the countries in Europe.

I’m a little  shy. I’m not at all confident and sligthtly ambitious. I’ve probably got few falts. I think I’m really impatient and may be very quick – tampered.



Listen to what Greg has written to Dan about his interests and character. Fill in the missing Modifying Adverbs: a little, not at all, quite, really*2, slightly, very.

My name is Greg and I’m from Scotland. I’m 14 years old and I am in a year nine at school.

I’ve got lots of hobbies and interests. I’m keen on music and enjoy playing the bagpipes. I practise _______ a lot time every day. I’m ________ interested in learning more about the countries in Europe.

I’m ____ shy. I’m _______confident and _______ ambitious. I’ve probably got few falts. I think I’m ________ impatient and may be ________ quick – tampered

 Grayson Alina

6 min

Ex.4 p.118 Ex. 4, p. 117 — Complete the sentences with the modifying ad­verbs.

I'm slightly sensitive. My friend is really hard-working. I find Chinese quite difficult. He is not at all a rude person. She is a little shy. He is very attentive to his friends.

Leasur time.


Ex. 6a, p. 118 — Make the questions.

 Us Use the prompts and the correct auxiliary verbs; is, are, have, do.

Where do you came from?

How big is your family?

What school do you study at?

What are your favourite school subjects?

What free time activities are you interested in?

What countries have you visited?


Reading 2 p.121

Завершальна частина уроку

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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
4 квітня 2018
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