Урок "Exploration of space in the world"

Про матеріал
Проведення уроку має на меті удосконалювати навички читання та аудіювання; повторити лексичні одиниці по темі, поглибити знання учнів про дослідження космосу; розвивати вміння висловлювати свою точку зору та відстоювати її; викликати в учнів бажання отримувати знання та використовувати їх на практиці, викликати інтерес до розвитку космонавтики, гордість за досягнення в нашій країні.
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Тема уроку: Exploration of space.

Мета уроку: практична: удосконалювати навички читання та аудіювання; освітня: повторити лексичні одиниці по темі, поглибити знання учнів про дослідження космосу; розвиваюча: розвивати вміння висловлювати свою точку зору та відстоювати її; виховна: викликати в учнів бажання отримувати знання та використовувати їх на практиці, викликати інтерес до розвитку космонавтики, гордість за досягнення в нашій країні.

Тип уроку: урок узагальнення і систематизації вивченого.

Методи і прийоми навчання: говоріння, аудіювання, читання, письмо, бесіда, «мозковий штурм», повторення, мовна здогадка, лексична розминка, доповнення речень, переставлення букв (анаграма), доповнення слів з пропущеними буквами, кросворд, робота в групах («акваріум» ),  вводна бесіда за темою уроку.

Обладнання: дошка, підручник, книга «Космос», ілюстрації, ксерокопії.

                              План уроку.

1.Організаційний момент.

2. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

3. Оголошення теми і мети уроку.

4. Мотивування навчальної діяльності учнів.

5. Активізація опорних знань, умінь і навичок.

6. Узагальнення і систематизація вивченого.

7. Підсумок уроку.

8. Коментар домашнього завдання,оцінок.

The topic of today’s lesson is “Exploration of space”. We’ll remember the glorious scientists of the world who explored space and made a great contribution into development of astronautics. To the end of the lesson we’ll repeat the words on the topic, discuss the questions on the theme, improve your speaking skills, do a little test from listening comprehension. 

-What science studies space?

Astronautics is a science of the space, flying into space and exploration into space.

Your homework was to read and retell the text “To the stars” about   famous explorers of space.

-What outstanding scientists do you know?

-What famous cosmonauts do you know?




Famous cosmonauts     Famous explorers

Yu. Gagarin                                                                             K. Tsiolkovsky

V. Tereshkova                                                                         S. Korolyov

L. Kadenyuk                                                                            M. Kopernyk

N. Armstrong                                                                          G. Galileo

A. Leonov                                                                               Yu. Kondrayuk

V. Titov                                                                                   K. Kostyantinov

N. Grechko                                                                              V. Zasyadko

S. Savitskaya                                                                           V. Hlushko

V. Beregovoi                                                                           M. Yangel


Listen the statements and agree or disagree with them.

1. Science serves progress and interests of man. (+)

2.  There are many branches of science. (+)

3. Yuri Gagarin is the first man who stepped on the Moon. (-)

4. Sergey Korolyov  is a famous designer of space rocket systems. (+)

5. The Moon is a centre of the Solar System. (-)

6. Thre are ten planets in  the Solar System. (-)

Answer the guestions:

-What contribution have the explorers made into development of space?

- Can you say what did M. Kopernyk explore?

M. Kopernyk  explored that the Earth and other planets go round the Sun. Earlier people believe that the Sun goes round the Earth.

Pre - reading

- Who is S.P. Korolyov?

- What Korolyov famous for?

- What did he do?

- What was his job?

Read the text “Sergey Pavlovych Korolyov” and be ready to say about this famous space designer.

                               Sergey  Pavlovych Korolyov.

S.P. Korolyov was born in 1907 in the town of Zhytomyr. His parents were teachers. In his early years little Sergey lived with his grandfather and grandmother in the town of Nizhyn. It was in this town in 1910 that Sergey saw for the first time an aeroplane flying in the sky. In those days the famous Russian pilot Sergey Utochkin was in Nizhyn and made his flights there.

In Nizhyn Sergey learned at home with a teacher. Arithmetic was his favourite subject. In 1922, when he was fifteen years old, Sergey began to study at a vocational building school in Odesa where his favourite mother lived at that time. Korolyov was a very good pupil at that school. He liked mathematics and literature, and he read much. All his life Sergey loved music. For a short time he learned to play the violin.

In 1925 Korolyov began his higher education at the Kyiv Polytechnical Institute where he studied aviation and mathematics. In the evening he had to work  for money. He was a building worker, he worked at the post – office and played very small roles in films. He was a very good student at the Politechnical Institute and he  always found time for his hobby – the construction of gliders.

Two years later Korolyov came to Moscow and began to study  at the Moscow Higher Technical School. In the daytime he worked at home at the design of a new glider.

In 1930 Korolyov finished  Moscow Technical School. He was now an aviation engineer. At the same time he finished the Moscow Pilot School. His interest in rockets was very strong and he decided to study jets and to construct and pilot rocket planes.

The first Soviet rocket on oil went up into the sky on the 7th of August, 1933. This was a great result for its constructors.

On the 4th of October, 1957, the first man – made sputnik of the Earth was sent from Baikonur. It was sent the result of thirty years of  hard work. The Chief Constructor was S.P. Korolyov.     

After that the scientist began to work out of idea of the design of the first spaceship. At first dogs were sent into space, and only after many experiments the first cosmonaut in the world – Yu. Gagarin – in the ship “Vostok” went into space on the 12th of April, 1961. He made one turn around the Earth.

 Post – reading

-What was the result of thirty years of Korolyov’s hard work?

- Who was made the first spaceship “Vostok” go into space?

- When did the spaceship “Vostok” go into space?

- Who is the first spaceman of independent Ukraine?

- What do you know about his flight into space?

Complete the sentences.

1. Yu. Gagarin is …

2. S. Korolyov was …

3. Yu. Kondratyuk has made …

4. L. Kadenyuk was …

5. At first the dogs were …

Work in groups (“Aquarium”).

I group. Discuss and make a decision. S. Korolyov is a general designer of space rocket system.

II group.   Yu. Gagarin is the first cosmonaut of the world.

III group.  L. Kadenyuk is a first astronaut of independent Ukraine. 

Unscramble these words.

ROLOKOYV -  Korolyov

PERKOKNY -   Kopernyk

LYGALIE -  Galiley

RAGIGAN -  Gagarin

NYKKEDAU – Kadenyuk

Fill in the gaps with the missing vowels:

A ……………..S

S…………….. E

S ……………..P


A……………. N


                                             G   A   G   A   R   I   N


                      K   O   R   O   L    Y   O   V

                      A         O         I                 O

                      D         C         L                S

S   P   A   C   E         K         E                T

                      N         E         Y                O

                      Y         T                            K


                      K   O    P   E   R   N   Y   K

-What was the topic of our lesson?

- What famous scientists have we spoken about?

- What famous cosmonauts do you know?

- What is the name of well – known cosmodrom?

Your homework is to prepare a project “Space.”


29 червня 2020
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