Урок : Family and marriage. Підтема: Love and Marriage.

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Тема: Family and marriage.

Підтема: Love and Marriage.


практична: автоматизація монологічного та діалогічного висловлювання з метою засвоєння даного лексичного та матеріалу на базі всього пройденого матеріалу з теми кохання та одруження.

розвиваюча: удосконалити мовні здібності, розвивати вміння дискутувати, відстоювати свою думку, вдосконалювати навики творчості та самостійної роботи.

освітня: поглибити лексичний запас учнів, розширювати філологічний кругозір учнів.

виховна: виховувати повагу до загальнолюдських цінностей людини, серйозного ставлення до шлюбу та кохання, відповідальність за свої вчинки.

обладнання: вислови про кохання, телевізор, ПК, електронна презентація, роздатковий матеріал.

Хід уроку.

Вступне слово учителя.

Повідомлення теми та мети.


Good morning, my dear. I see you are in a good mood and some of you are even happy. So today we`ll have an unusual lesson. We`ll speak a lot, ask and answer the questions, read, write, sing a song, we`ll have a battle, and I promise that all of you will get a small prize.

OK, let`s look around the classroom.

You see, that we have some quotations. You may stand up and show us the only one, you`ve chosen and present it.

  • -“Love is like a red, red rose that`s newly sprung in June" (R. Burns)
  • -“Happiness is a way station between too little and too much" (Channing Pollock, an American actress.)
  • -“Love conquers all"
  • -“We can only learn love by loving"
  • -Love doesn`t consist in gaging at each other, but on looking together in the same direction".
  • -It is sometimes essential for a husband and a wife to quarrel – they get to know each other better.
  • -Love is blind, but marriage restores its sight.
  • -All weddings are similar, but every marriage is different.

  • As you guessed the theme of our lesson is “Love and marriage"
  • I must admit, that love is a magic feeling. It creates wonders. And what do you know about love?
  • P1: Love can be defined as a strong feeling of personal attachment between friends and family members.
  • P2: It can be defined as tender and compassionate affection shared between two people.
  • P3: When you love someone, you respond emotionally to that person`s needs.
  • P4: You help each other so that your lives are better when you are together than you are apart.
  • T: Some people say that to know love, you must experience it.
  • When we are sad or excited, when we are in love we open a book of poetry and relax reading a poem and now let`s try to create a poem. (скласти вірш, доповнивши словами.)
  • (Учні складають твір, вставляючи пропущені слова)
  • And I Love Her
  • I give her all my …
  • That is all I do.
  • And if you saw my …
  • You`d love her too, and I love …
  • She gives me …
  • And tenderly the … my lover brings,
  • She brings to me, and I live her.
  • A love like …
  • Could never …
  • (Love, her, everything, love, ours, die, kiss)
  • T: Let's read your variant of the poem.
  • P1: …
  • T: And your variant?
  • P2: …
  • -Listening

T: And now, be attentive please we'll listen to the opinions of two people Greg Howes and Yolanda Drake – their names. They will tell us about their feelings. And after that you'll get some tasks. Let's start. (слухають 2 р.)

OK, I'll give you some cards, you have to think a little and circle the correct alternative. You have 3 minutes.

- Lose and relationships (серця).

And now, my dear, I have 2 boxes, I want you to choose the question out of the first box and answerit. If your answer is OK, you can get a prize for you from the other box.

  • 1. -What is the best age to start dating? (Знайомство)
    As for me, the best age is 14-15
  • 2. -What is love at first sight?
    Do you believe in it?
    I think, it is the moment, when you understand, that you meet a person, you need. And you can't breath without him/her. I believe in such love.
  • 3. -How do you know that you are in love?
    I am happy, my mood is perfect and I want to see him/her all the time.
  • 4. -Is getting married giving us freedom?
    I don't think so. Because you have to follow some duties and spend much time with your partner.
  • 5. -What is more important appearance or character?
    To my mind character is more important.
    As a rule, we fall in love with a soul of a person, but not appearance.
  • 6. -At what age do you want to get married?
    I think at the age of 25 or later, when I can earn some money.
  • 7. -Could you love someone who is a lot older than you.
    Yes, I could .( No, I couldn't.)
  • 8. -Can a single person be as happy as a married person?
    Sure, I think can. It doesn't matter what person you are. It depends on a character of a person.
  • 9. -Do you believe in 2 halves of the same apple?
    - Yes, I believe, when people love each other, they begin to think as his or her partner.
  • 10. -What is your idea of an ideal boy friend /girl friend.
    First of all he/she must be beautiful, kind, helpful ,communicative and easy – going.
  • 11. -Do you fall in love easily? How often?
    Yes, of course, not often.
  • 12. -What is the best age to get married when you are independent.
  • 13. -What would you never accept in your partner?
    I hate people when they are selfish and greedy.
  • 14. -When do teenagers start going out in your country?
    They start going out at the age of 14.
  • 15. -What is a wedding ceremonylike in your country?
    It is a great holiday for the whole family. People often celebrate it at the restaurant.
  • -Let's sing a song about the greatest feeling. (пісня)
  • -You are perfect. And your singing is so nice. And now, look at the screen and we'll read the information about a wedding. I want you to get as much information as you can and after that you'll get the cards and you have to choose “True" or “False".


  • -Now let's check your hometask. You've prepared your wishes for a wedding party.

Let's check.

  • -And now we'll have a battle between boys and girls.
    The boys are against marriage and the girls are for marriage. You have to prove your thoughts to each other.
    Let's start from the girls.

G1. (girls) I think people get married because they love each other.

G2. (boys) I don't agree with you. As for me we can love the girl without marriage.

G1. (girls) I don't think so. People get married because they don't want to be alone.

G2. (boys) To my mind your spouse can cause more stress and warries compare to if you would live alone.

G1. (girls) It's boring. In my opinion people get married because they want to start a family.

G2. (boys) As for me, your partner can come home in a bad mood and try to spoil yours as well.

G1. (girls) I don't think so, I want to add that people get married because they to have children.

G2. (boys) I do not agree. I think when you are married you are responsible not only for yourself but for your spouse and kids as well.
All of you were wonderful. And your marks today are:

T:Thanks so much. Well done. Today we spoke a lot, read, wrote, asked and answered the questions and proved that love is perfect.

Your hometask is to write a letter to your pen friend about wedding customs in Ukraine.

I wish you good luck and to fall in love.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Family and marriage.

Підтема: Love and Marriage.


практична: автоматизація монологічного та діалогічного висловлювання з метою засвоєння даного лексичного та матеріалу на базі всього пройденого матеріалу з теми кохання та одруження.

розвиваюча: удосконалити мовні здібності, розвивати вміння дискутувати, відстоювати свою думку, вдосконалювати навики творчості та самостійної роботи.

освітня: поглибити лексичний запас учнів, розширювати філологічний кругозір учнів.

виховна: виховувати повагу до загальнолюдських цінностей людини, серйозного ставлення до шлюбу та кохання, відповідальність за свої вчинки.

обладнання: вислови про кохання, телевізор, ПК, електронна презентація, роздатковий матеріал.

Хід уроку.

Вступне слово учителя.

Повідомлення теми та мети.


Good morning, my dear. I see you are in a good mood and some of you are even happy. So today we`ll have an unusual lesson. We`ll speak a lot, ask and answer the questions, read, write, sing a song, we`ll have a battle, and I promise that all of you will  get a small prize.

OK, let`s look around the classroom.

You see, that we have some quotations. You may stand up and show us the only one, you`ve chosen and present it.

  •    “Love is like a red, red rose that`s newly sprung in June” (R. Burns)
  •    “Happiness is a way station between too little and too much” (Channing Pollock, an American actress.)
  •    “Love conquers all”
  •    “We can only learn love by loving”
  •    Love doesn`t consist in gaging at each other, but on looking together in the same direction”.
  •    It is sometimes essential for a husband and a wife to quarrel – they get to know each other better.
  •    Love is blind, but marriage restores its sight.
  •    All weddings are similar, but every marriage is different.

As you guessed the theme of our lesson is “Love and marriage”

I must admit, that love is a magic feeling. It creates wonders. And what do you know about love?

 P1: Love can be defined as a strong feeling of personal attachment between friends and family members.

 P2: It can be defined as tender and compassionate affection shared between two people.

 P3: When you love someone, you respond emotionally to that person`s needs.

 P4: You help each other so that your lives are better when you are together than you are apart.

 T: Some people say that to know love, you must experience it.

When we are sad or excited, when we are in love we open a book of poetry and relax reading a poem and now let`s try to create a poem. (скласти вірш, доповнивши словами.)

  (Учні складають твір, вставляючи пропущені слова)

And I Love Her

I give her all my …

That is all I do.

And if you saw my …

You`d love her too, and I love …


She gives me …

And tenderly the … my lover brings,

She brings to me, and I live her.

A love like …

Could never …

 (Love, her, everything, love, ours, die, kiss)

T: Let’s read your variant of the poem.

P1: …

T: And your variant?

P2: …


  • Listening

T: And now, be attentive please we’ll listen to the opinions of two people Greg Howes and Yolanda Drake – their names. They will tell us about their feelings. And after that you’ll get some tasks. Let’s start.               (слухають 2 р.)

OK, I’ll give you some cards, you have to think a little and circle the correct alternative. You have 3 minutes.

- Lose and relationships (серця).

And now, my dear, I have 2 boxes, I want you to choose the question out of the first box and answer  it. If your answer is  OK, you can get a prize for you from the other box.

  1.       What is the best age to start dating? (Знайомство)
    As for me, the best age is 14-15
  2.       What is love at first sight?
    Do you believe in it?
    I think, it is the moment, when you understand, that  you meet a person, you need. And you can’t breath without him/her. I believe in such love.
  3.       How do you know that you are in love?
    I am happy, my mood is perfect and I want to see him/her all the time.
  4.       Is getting married giving us freedom?
    I don’t think so. Because you have to follow some duties and spend much time with your partner.
  5.       What is more important appearance or character?
    To my mind character is more important.
    As a rule, we fall in love with a soul of a person, but not appearance.
  6.       At what age do you want to get married?
    I think at the age of 25 or later, when I can earn some money.
  7.       Could you love someone who is a lot older than you.
    Yes, I could .( No, I couldn’t.)
  8.       Can a single person be as happy as a married person?
    Sure, I think can. It doesn’t matter what person you are. It depends on a character of a person.
  9.       Do you believe in 2 halves of the same apple?
    - Yes, I believe, when people love each other, they begin to think as his or her partner.
  10. What is your  idea of an ideal boy friend /girl friend.
    First of all he/she must be beautiful, kind, helpful ,communicative and easy – going.
  11. Do you fall in love easily? How often?
    Yes, of course, not often.
  12. What is the best age to get married when you are independent.
  13. What would  you never accept in your partner?
    I hate people when they are selfish and greedy.
  14. When do teenagers start going out in your country?
    They start going out at the age of 14.
  15. What is  a wedding ceremony  like in your country?
    It  is a great holiday for the whole family. People often celebrate it at the restaurant.
  • Let’s sing a song about the greatest feeling. (пісня)
  • You are perfect. And your singing is so nice. And now, look at the screen and we’ll read the information about a  wedding. I want you to get as much information as you can and after that you’ll get the cards and you have to choose “True” or “False”.


  • Now let’s check your hometask. You’ve prepared your wishes for a wedding party.

Let’s check.

  • And now we’ll have a battle between boys and girls.
    The boys are against marriage and the girls are for marriage. You have to prove your thoughts to each other.
     Let’s start from the girls.

G1. (girls) I think people get married because they love each other.

G2. (boys) I don’t agree with you. As for me we can love the girl without marriage.

G1. (girls) I don’t think so. People get married because they don’t want to be alone.

G2. (boys) To my mind your spouse can cause more stress and warries compare to if you would live alone.

G1. (girls) It’s boring. In my opinion people get married because they want to start a family.

G2. (boys) As for me,  your partner can come home in a  bad mood and try to spoil yours as well.

G1. (girls) I don’t think so, I want to add that people get married because they to have children.

G2. (boys) I do not agree. I think when you are married you are responsible not only for yourself but for your spouse and kids as well.
 All of you were wonderful. And your marks today are:

T:Thanks so much. Well done. Today we spoke a lot, read, wrote, asked and answered the questions and proved that love is perfect.

 Your hometask is to write a letter to your pen friend about wedding customs in Ukraine.

 I wish you good luck and to  fall in love.


14 листопада 2018
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