працювати над темою «Здоров'я», формувати основні мовні та мовленнєві компетенції при розвитку навичок діалогічного та монологічного мовлення з використанням граматичних структур, тренувати усне мовлення на базі прочитаного, систематизація та активізація ЛО, сприяти формуванню вміння працювати в парах самостійно, розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію використовуючи види мовленнєвої діяльності
( читання, мовлення, аудіювання, письма), використання інтерактивні технології «Ланцюжок», парна та групова робота, рольова гра.
Розвиваюча мета: розвиток мовленнєвих навичок та розвиток творчих здібностей учнів шляхом впровадження інтерактивних технологій, розвивати пам'ять, мовну здогадку, логічне мислення, злагодженість в роботі, розвивати між предметні зв'язки ( англійська мова, фізкультура, основи здоров'я), розвиток довгострокової та короткострокової пам'яті, фонетичного слуху.
Виховна мета: виховувати бажання й необхідність збереження власного здоров'я та оточуючих; збагачувати духовний світ особистості, наголошувати на необхідність вести здоровий спосіб життя, дбаючи про здоров'я.
Відкритий урок з теми “Health and Body Care”
Навчальна мета: працювати над темою «Здоров’я», формувати основні мовні та мовленнєві компетенції при розвитку навичок діалогічного та монологічного мовлення з використанням граматичних структур, тренувати усне мовлення на базі прочитаного, систематизація та активізація ЛО, сприяти формуванню вміння працювати в парах самостійно, розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію використовуючи види мовленнєвої діяльності
( читання, мовлення, аудіювання, письма), використання інтерактивні технології «Ланцюжок», парна та групова робота, рольова гра.
Розвиваюча мета: розвиток мовленнєвих навичок та розвиток творчих здібностей учнів шляхом впровадження інтерактивних технологій, розвивати пам’ять, мовну здогадку, логічне мислення, злагодженість в роботі, розвивати між предметні зв’язки ( англійська мова, фізкультура, основи здоров’я), розвиток довгострокової та короткострокової пам’яті, фонетичного слуху.
Виховна мета: виховувати бажання й необхідність збереження власного здоров’я та оточуючих; збагачувати духовний світ особистості, наголошувати на необхідність вести здоровий спосіб життя, дбаючи про здоров’я дитини.
Обладнання: малюнки про «Здоров’я» (види хвороб), схеми "Healthy life ", таблиці, міні-підручники, тести, картки для роботи в групах.
Хід уроку
1. Привітання.
Good morning, children,
Good morning!
2. Мотивація уроку через розвиток навичок аудіювання.
2. Motivation of the lesson. Listening comprehension with Jessica.
What is life? What are the values of life? People have been asking regularly these questions and each generation tries to find the keys to them. There is an old legend. Long ago there lived two men. When their children were born they left their families and stared wandering with sacks on their backs. While traveling they put small stones into their sacks. Years passed. Two men decided to return to their families. They were very happy to get together again. In the evening, when opened their sacks they saw that their stones had disappeared. One of them found beautiful flowers in the sack. They were Health, Love and Happiness. And he gave these flowers to his children and asked them to take care of them all their life.
Another man found spiders and snakes in his sack. He had nothing to give to his children. What is the moral of the legend? The most important thing for each person is to find the real values of life while young and stick to them throughout our lives.
So, what are the most important values mentioned in the legend?
They are Health, Love and Happiness.
Right! The topic of our discussion today will be Health and Body Care.
The motto is
“A healthy mind is a healthy body”
We must develop the lexical skills in different exercises, we must revise reported Speech, we must make the knowledge of the topic deeper to develop the culture of communication in different situations, and we must use teaching materials of previous lessons in monologue and dialogue.
3. Мовленнєва зарядка. Фонетичне відпрацювання.
3. Improving Phonetically skills.
“A healthy mind is a healthy body”
Who can give Russian equivalent?
У здоровому тілі здоровий дух.
Dear pupils! What other proverbs about health do you know?
Pupil 1:
Health is above all.
Здоров’є головніше всього.
Pupil 2:
Health is better than weather.
Здоров’є краще ніж багатство.
Pupil 3:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Їж здорову їжу до лікаря ходити не будеш.
Pupil 4:
Live every day of your life as though you expect to live forever.
Живи кожен день свого життя так, ніби збираєшся жити вічно.
Pupil 5:
Early to bed and early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Рано лягати та рано вставати
Роблять людину здоровою, багатою та мудрою.
Thank you. So, what does the meaning Healthy life include?
Pupil 1:
Healthy life means healthy way of living.
Pupil 2:
Healthy life means doing regular exercises.
Pupil 3:
Healthy life means taking a cold shower.
Pupil 4:
Healthy life means eating healthy food.
Pupil 5:
Healthy life means life without alcohol, drugs and smoking.
Pupil 6:
Healthy life means love, respect, tolerance, kindness, friendship.
Thanks a lot. Pupils, do you know what words and word – combinations will help you?
4.Активізація лексичного запасу за темою.
4. Improving lexical skills. Jessica works with children.
Look at the screen. Let’s read and give Russian equivalent every word- combinations. I read the word you reap eat after me.
To feel really bad – почувати погано
To feel exhausted - почувати виснажена
To sneeze - чхати
To cough - кашляти
To have a sore throat – біль у горлі
To have a toothache – мати зубну біль
To have a stomachache – мати біль у шлунку
To have a headache – головний біль
To have a backache – біль у спині
To have a earache – біль у в вусі
To suffer from – страждати від
To follow doctor’s advice – наслідувати поради доктора
To swallow – проковтнути, ковтати
To look unhealthy – виглядіти не здоровим
To prescribe medicine – виписати ліки
A pain in lungs – біль у легенях
Heartache – душевний біль
A high temperature – висока температура
To bring down the temperature – збити температуру
To examine a patient – оглянути пацієнта
Ambulance – машина швидкої допомоги
To keep one’s bed – дотримуватися постільного режиму
Gargle – полоскати горло
Cold in the head - нежить
Chemist’s shop - аптека
To recover - видужувати
Throat - горло
5. Розвиток навичок писемного мовлення, виконуючи граматичне правило. Використання інтерактивної технології «Ланцюжок»
5. Improving writing or speaking skills.
We should think about our health before we get ill, we should take care of our health from the early age.
Look at the screen and say what people should or shouldn’t do to keep fit:
What would you recommend your friend to do?
1. We _________ get up and go to bed early.
2. We __________ do our morning exercises every day.
3. We __________ clean teeth every morning and evening.
4. We __________ take a cool shower.
5. We __________ wash hands with soap before eating.
6. We __________ watch TV more than one hour and a half a day.
7. We ________ eat healthy food.
8. We __________ smoke.
9. We _________ go to the policlinics regularly.
10. We _________ take care of our health by ourselves.
I think you want to be healthy, so all of you should follow these rules to keep fit.
“To be healthy you should follow the healthy way of life” ( читають учні з дошки)
Look at the screen and read after me all together.
6. Розвиток навичок граматичного матеріалу. Використання інтерактивної технології «Ланцюжок».
6. Improving Grammar skills.
Look at the picture on the screen. All these people have problems with their health. Say what the matter is with them.
Make up the sentences, using the picture.
Pupil 1.
Bear ate too much ice – cream yesterday, and today she has got a sore throat.
Pupil 2.
Bear didn’t wash his hands before supper and now he has got a stomachache.
Pupil 3.
Bear ate too much sweets, that’s why has got a toothache.
Pupil 4.
Bear often has got headache because he watches TV from morning till night.
Pupil 5.
Bear played football yesterday. He fell down and now he has got a fracture.
Pupil 6.
Yesterday bear spent much time outdoors. It was rainy and cold. Bear has a high temperature (fever)
Pupil 7.
Yesterday bear spent much time outdoors. It was windy and cold. Bear has got a earache.
7. Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення.
7. Developing dialogue speech.
Let’s listen the dialogue between the doctor and patient.
At the doctor’s.
Doctor: Would you like to come in?
Patient: Thank you. (He coughs)
Doctor: That cough sounds really very bad. How long you had it?
Patient: For about 2 weeks. But it’s all right.
Doctor: I think I should listen to your chest and to your lungs. Take off your shirt. Breathe in deeply, that’s right…. And again, please, and once more, please. Sit down. I’m going to take your blood pressure.
Patient: Can I put my shirt on? It’s rather cold in here.
Doctor: Oh, certainly. You can. Sorry about the cold. The central heating is broken. Well… Do you ever take any exercise?
Patient: Not really. Sometimes I do. But hardly ever do mornings exercise.
Doctor: You should take more exercise. All right. Now I want to take your pulse. Stand up, please, and touch your toes. Do you smoke?
Patient: Oh, yes, I do, Doctor. About ten cigarettes a day.
Doctor: You shouldn’t smoke at all. You should stop immediately. Now, I want to take your temperature. OK. That’s all right. Well, there you are then. Take this medicine 3 times a day after meals.
Patient: But, Doctor, I didn’t come here because of my cough.
Doctor: You didn’t?
Patient: No, it’s my feet, Doctor. My feet hurt every time I walk.
Doctor: Take your shoes off! Let me see. Do they hurt now?
Patient: Oh, yes, they hurt. It awfully hurts here. I’ve had this pain for about 2 weeks.
Doctor: I see… And these shoes… How long have you had them?
Patient: The shoes? Oh, for about 2 weeks, Doctor. Oh, yes. I see, Doctor. It’s silly of me. Thank you, Doctor. Good-bye.
8. Розвиток навичок мовлення. Вірш.
8. Improving speaking skills.
When I am ill I go to bed
And on the pillow lay my head
The doctor comes and says “Dear me!
Whatever can the matter be?”
She feels my pulse and sees my tongue;
She tests my heart and then each lung
She asks how old I am, and then
She takes her paper and her pen.
She gives me medicines that taste
So, bitter, that I’m sure it’s waste
To take them. But she says “Each noon
Take this, and you’ll be better soon”.
9. Розвиток писемного мовлення при систематизації лексичного запасу.
9. Improving writing skills.
Look at the screen. You can see sentences. Your tasks. You have got 3 minutes.
Complete the sentences. Use the strong, active and full energy, good, tired and sleepy, very important, unhealthy and pale.
1. Healthy people are ________________
2. Children who don’t have enough sleep are _________
3. Exercises keep the body ______________
4. Exercises are _________ for all people.
5. Fresh fruit and vegetables are _______________
6. People who don’t go in for sport are _______________
(Діти отримують картки та виконують завдання)
10. Фізкультурна зарядка.
10. Physical drills.
If you are happy and your know it
Clap your hands
If you are happy and your know it
Clap your hands
If you are happy and your know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and your know it
Clap your hands
If you are happy and your know it
Snap your fingers
If you are happy and your know it
Snap your fingers
If you are happy and your know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and your know it
Snap your fingers
If you are happy and your know it
Stamp your feet
If you are happy and your know it
Stamp your feet
If you are happy and your know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and your know it
Stamp your feet
If you are happy and your know it
Say: “O.K”
If you are happy and your know it
Say: “O.K”
If you are happy and your know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and your know it
Say: “O.K”
If you are happy and your know it
Do all five
If you are happy and your know it
Do all five
If you are happy and your know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and your know it
Do all five
11. Робота в іншомовній атмосфері. Робота за тестом визнання результатів способу життя дитини.
11. Test for children about Healthy life.
Let’s do test “Do you live a Healthy life?
“Do you live a Healthy life?
1. You get up early.
2. You do morning exercises.
3. You don’t eat cakes and sweets for breakfast.
4. You don’t eat hamburgers.
5. You always eat soup for dinner.
6. You visit your dentist regularly.
7. You don’t play the computer more than one hour.
8. You clean your room every day.
9. You go for a walk every evening.
10. You don’t watch TV late at night.
11. You visit some sports club.
12. You don’t go to bed late.
Count your points. - = 0; + = 2
Now let’s read about your results.
Your life is perfect. You are a healthy and active person. You have a lot of friends; you can plan your day to do all the things well. You‘ll have a successful life.
You do your best to be active and cheerful. But sometimes your don’t plan your day well enough to do everything you need.
You are rather a lazy person. You don’t have enough time for your family and for doing homework. If you don’t change your way of life, you’ll have a lot of problems.
You’ll have a lot of problems with your friends because they don’t like boring people. You don’t often keep your word. You have some problem with your health. You must change your way of life.
12. Розвиток монологічного мовлення. Рольова гра.
12. Improving monologue skills.
I see that you are real specialists in medicine. I think your pieces of advice will help your patients to recover soon. The next point we are to talk about is bad habits and wrong life stile. This diagram will help you to understand what they are.
See SHEME 1.
Our reality show will convince us how they are harmful.(шкідливі)
Reality show.
Pupil 1.
Well show you our Reality Show. It’s the way we understand how bad habits and wrong lifestyles influence our body. Meet our guests! Ladies Lungs! Miss Liver! Mr. Stomach! Mrs. Blood! Mr. Brain! We are welcome. Everyone will tell us about their problems. They will tell us about their owners and about their bad habits. Ladies Lungs!
Ladies Lungs!
We are chocking! We are covered with a thick lay dust, we are coughing.
We sent signal to owner, but in vain. He goes on smoking these awful cigarettes. We ask you try persuade him to give up smoking or we shall die.
Miss Liver!
My owner is not better. He treats me badly. He eats a lot of sweets, chips, fast food. He drinks alcohol. I suffer. I have a bad pain. But he thinks everything is
Ok! But I am feeling worse and worse. Please, I beg you, my hostess, stop killing me. Stop killing me.
Pupil 1.
Dear friends! Let’s have a break and watch an advertisement.
An advertisement: Our cigarette company “Try and Die” offers you three new kinds of cigarettes.
The first one. Lungs are filled with smoke.
The second one. Lungs have become black.
The third one. Lungs have fallen down.
Pupil 1.
We continue our show. Mrs. Blood and Mr. Stomach we are welcome.
Mr. Stomach
Sorry for being late. My owner is a business lady. She has too little time to eat proper healthy meal. I can’t swallow the food she eats.
Mrs. Blood.
My hostess doesn’t go in foe sports. The way I go through is getting narrower and narrower. It’s difficult for me to push the way through.
Pupil 1.
We invite our respectable Mr. Brain.
Mr. Brain.
I look like an old man. But actually I’m young. My owner is only 14 but he takes drugs. It makes me silly. Sometimes he tries to use me and I think with all my might, but without a result.
Pupil 1.
Thank you very much Mr. Brain. At last we invite our doctor.
The doctor.
There are so many cars and streets. Oh, those people, they are always in a hurry. They stopped eating food for pleasure, they just gulp it down! They have no time for proper meal. Taking drugs and smoking make their health worse and worse/ they care only about their career and money. They forget that the most precious in our life is Health.
So, what does it mean? No smoking, no drugs, on alcohol. Breathe in fresh air and go in for sport. So we wish you to be healthy.
12. Розвиток навичок читання. Групова робота.
12. Improving reading skills.
Let’s read the text “Healthy Henry” and answer the questions.
Діти читають текст та усно працюють за ним. Діти діляться на три групи та обговорюють життя Джека.
Read the text and say what facts from Henry’s life impressed you most.
Group 1.
You discuss:
1. What kind of person was Henry?
2. Does Henry get up early? Why?
Group 2.
You discuss:
1. Do you think Henry plans his daily routine correctly?
2. What does Henry rush home?
Group 3.
You discuss:
Text “Healthy Henry”
Henry is a clerk in an office in town. He is also a health freak. He wants to live to be a hundred, so health is very important to him.
He gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning and does his morning exercises for thirty minutes. For breakfast he eats raw vegetables and a raw egg with garlic and chilly pepper. It tastes disgusting, but he thinks it’s good for him. Then he runs for an hour in the park, even if the weather is bad. He leaves for work at seven o’clock.
He never goes by bus or by train and he thinks that cars are extremely dangerous. So he walks everywhere – with a mask over his nose and mouth. He also wears a uniform which he designed to protect himself from dust and dirt.
At the office he washes his hands ten times a day and he wears gloves to pick up the telephone in case it’s dirty. He takes his lunch to work with him. He eats fifteen sunflower seeds and one onion. He is sure that the lunch which the firm provides isn’t good for him.
After work he rushes home to water the plants. He has hundreds of plants, because they provide oxygen. In the evening he sometimes listens to the radio, but he never watches TV because it might damage his eyesight.
On Monday he goes to a deep breathing class and on Thursday he goes to a vegetarian cookery class. He rarely goes to the cinema or to the theatre – there are far too many germs. He goes to bed early. In summer he sleeps in a tent in the garden. At the weekend he goes camping in the country, but he never sits in the sun. On the first day of every month he goes to the doctor’s, just to make sure that he isn’t ill. After all, he doesn’t want to find himself in hospital.
Answer the questions:
Group 1.
1. What kind of person was Henry?
Henry is a health freak.
Yes, He gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning and does his morning exercises for
thirty minutes.
Group 2.
1. Do you think Henry plans his daily routine correctly?
Yes, I think Henry plans his daily routine correctly, He leaves for work at seven o’clock. He never goes by bus or by train and he thinks that cars are extremely dangerous. So he walks everywhere – with a mask over his nose and mouth.
2. What does Henry rush home?
After work he rushes home to water the plants. He has hundreds of plants, because they provide oxygen.
Group 3.
1. How does Henry spend his time at the weekend?
At the weekend he goes camping in the country, but he never sits in the sun.
On the first day of every month he goes to the doctor’s, just to make sure that he isn’t ill. After all, he doesn’t want to find himself in hospital.
The motto of his lifestyle is “A healthy mind is a healthy body”