Тема: Їжа, яку ми їмо. (Food we eat) 11form
Мета: ознайомити учнів з національними кухнями світу; навчати систематизувати і узагальнювати інформацію; повторити і закріпити лексичний матеріал теми; продовжувати формувати навички монологічного мовлення; тренувати учнів в аудіюванні і читанні; розвивати комунікативні навички учнів; виховувати дбайливе ставлення до їжі як до складової свого здоров’я.
Очікуванні результати: повторити та активізувати лексику теми, розвивати навички усного і писемного мовлення, навички читання та аудіювання.
Засоби навчання: підручник, зошит, словник, комп’ютер, проектор, аудіозапис, CD-player, роздатковий матеріал.
Тип уроку: урок-презентація, урок застосування знань, умінь і навичок
Хід уроку
І Організаційна частина
ІІ Основна частина
With which country do you associate the following food and drink?
1.f, 2.c, 3.i, 4.a, 5.j, 6.b, 7.d, 8.g, 9.e, 10.h
Read poem and answer the questions
I like food, I like eating lots and lots of food.
Bread and jam, and meat, and fish,
Cakes and biscuits too.
Beans and mustard, eggs and chips,
Mutton steaks, potatoes peas,
And salted mushrooms too.
I like food, I like eating lots and lots of food.
Cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce leaves,
Chocolate and cheese,
Toast and butter, soup and spices,
Onions, cereal, cucumber slices,
Marrows, pumpkins, beets
Don’t forget I also like drinking, when I eat:
Coffee, tea and water soda,
Fruity lemonade, coca-cola,
Sugar makes them sweet.
What food do you prefer eat?
What food is healthy?
What food do vegetarians eat?
What food do you like eat?
Pupils’ possible answers:
Is it connected with food?
Is it a dish?
Is it big?
Is it tasty?
Do we eat it?
Is it cooked?
Is it liquid?
Is it sweet?
Do we usually eat it for breakfast?
Can I cook it?
Is it baked?
Is it a dairy product?
Can we eat it at school?
Is it a borsch ?
The traditional Ukrainian food includes hot borsch, kasha, mlyntsi, pyrohy and varenyky.
We like to cook. Today we are cooking borsch. We take…
(двоє учнів виходять до дошки і «готують борщ», вибираючи продукти з малюнків)
Watch a video about cooking famous Ukrainian dish. It’s borsch.
Put the sentences in the right order
1. Put some oil into the pan and fried onion and beetroot
2. Add carrots and potatoes.
3. Take meat and vegetables.
4. Add some cabbage.
5. Add fried onions and beetroot
6. Put some sour cream and parsley.
7. Cut vegetables.
8. Add some salt.
9. Put meat into the water and boil 15 min.
10. Cut some meat into small pieces.
1.3, 2.10, 3.9, 4.7, 5.2, 6.4, 7.1, 8.5, 9.8, 10.6
Now it is time for break.
Listen to a man’s story about his visit to a restaurant and
tick (+) the information that he provides.
a when he went
b what the weather was like
c how he was dressed
d what he did before going to the restaurant
e how often he goes there
f what his friend ate
g how much he paid for the meal
h what his friend thought of the meal
Listen and choose the right word for each item of the review.
The Big Bistro
Atmosphere Good / Average / Poor
Service Good / Average / Poor
Food quality Good / Average / Poor
Value for money ____ / 10
Sala Thai
Atmosphere Good / Average / Poor
Service Good / Average / Poor
Food quality Good / Average / Poor
Value for money ____ / 10
Read the short dialogues and say where they are.
Conversation 1(At the restaurant).
Waitress: Good evening sir, welcome to Stanley House, can I help you?
Jason: Can we have a table for two please.
Waitress: Please come this way please.
Waitress: Are you both ready to order now?
Jason: Yes, we are. Can we have the Sunday roast
with vegetables and Chicken salad please?
Waitress: Would you like anything to drink
with your meal?
Jason: 2 glasses of white wine please.
Waitress: Would you like to see the dessert menu
Jason: No thanks, can we have the bill please.
Conversation 2 (At the fast-food restaurant).
A: What can I get for you?
B: Hello, may I have a double cheeseburger?
A: With everything on it?
B: That sounds great.
A: Did you want fries with your order?
B: May I get a large order of curly fries?
A: Did you want something to drink?
B: Get me a medium Pepsi.
A: Would you like anything else?
B: No, thank you. That's it.
A: No problem, that'll be $21.45.
B: Thanks a lot. Keep the change.
Conversation 3 (At the coffee shop).
A: Good morning! Can I take your order?
B: Yes, please. Could I have espresso to go.
A: Sure. What size would you like?
B: Umm… double. No sugar.
A: Milk?
B: No, thanks.
A: Would you like to have chocolate muffin to your coffee?
B: That would be nice. One chocolate muffin, please.
A: That would be 2.40. Here you are. Enjoy your coffee!
B: Thanks a lot. Keep the change
Speak on the following questions
- Which kind of restaurants do you like to go?
expensive restaurants
small, local restaurants
family restaurants
fast food restaurants
self-service restaurants
- What do you usually have to eat when you go out for a meal?
6. Writing
“Jumble sentences”
A |
C |
Q |
W |
E |
R |
T |
Y |
U |
I |
B |
O |
R |
S |
C |
H |
U |
S |
O |
R |
A |
M |
P |
O |
R |
R |
I |
D |
G |
E |
N |
P |
O |
T |
A |
T |
O |
E |
S |
H |
A |
O |
M |
L |
E |
T |
T |
E |
V |
A |
N |
T |
I |
A |
S |
O |
U |
P |
B |
K |
A |
E |
L |
O |
B |
Y |
V |
I |
D |
L |
P |
I |
Z |
Z |
A |
B |
R |
E |
A |
D |
Borsch, porridge, potatoes, omlette, soup, pizza, bread, compote.
ІІІ Заключна частина
Гра «Великий комбінатор».Закінчити речення за змістом.
Rabbit likes to eat …
We eat soup with …
Little mouse likes …
Tiger would like to eat …
We drink coffee with …
Children drink tea with … and …
2.Marks. Самооцінювання учнями своїх знань
3.HOMEWORK. Домашнє завдання