Урок "Фрукти та Овочі"

Про матеріал
Розробки уроків з англійської мови до Державного стандарту нової української школи для учнів початкової школи.
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Життя суспільства

  1. Fruit and vegetables.
  2. Food. Fruit. Vegetables.
  3. Food. Fruit. Vegetables. Everyday things.
  4. Shop and shopping.
  5. Having meal in a café.











Lesson 1.

Theme:   Fruit and Vegetables.

Aim: To introduce new words to the pupils.

 To teach pupils in dialogue speaking using constructions: Do you like…? Does your friend like…?

To repeat grammar: Present Continuous Tense.

To develop pupils’ speaking skills.

To rear a durable pupils’ attention, to inoculate interesting to English studying.

Equipment: Textbook, representation cards, thematic illustrations(p.102 - 103).


  1. The beginning of the lesson
    1. Greeting

Good morning Sue! Nice to see you!

Hello, Ralf! How is life?

Hi, Seon! How are you getting on?

  1. Plan of the work

T: Today we are going to speak about fruit and vegetables, we’ll learn the vocabulary on this topic. Besides we’ll describe what people are doing at the moment in the kitchen.

  1. Warming up

Poem Five little peas

(На дошці малюнок горошини в стручку. Учитель мімікою й жестами показує, як горох зростав і як лопнув стручок. Діти повторюють вірш за вчителем).

Five little peas

In a peapod pressed;

One grew, two grew,

And so did all the rest.


They grew and grew

And did not stop,

Until one day

The peapod popped!

  1. Main part
    1. .Presenting new vocabulary.

(Учитель вводить назви фруктів і овочів, використовуючи картки з малюнками).

T: Look! These are fruits and vegetables.

This is a banana.

I am a fruit.

I am long and yellow.

I am sweet and tasty.

I grow in the tree

Monkeys like to eat me.

This is an apple.

Look, in the garden

Ripe apples come down!

Down, down, down,

Red, yellow, brown

Ripe apples come down!

You can see an apples

In the apple-tree

Eat me.


This is cherry.

I am cherry

Very merry,

I am red and sweet,

I believe I will be tasty

In the pies and jelly.


This is strawberry.

I am a berry,

I am strawberry.

I have many vitamins

Eat me, children.

It is worth

I’ll be useful for your health.




This is orange.

Oranges, oranges,

Juicy and sweet.

Walk up and buy them.

They are tasty to eat.


This is cucumber, carrot, cabbage, tomato, onion, potato.

  1. Speaking practice with pictures(p.102).

T: Let’s look at the small pictures on page 102. What fruits and vegetables can we see here?

Point to cucumber. What colour is it?

P1: The cucumber is green.

T: Point to the tomato. What colour is it?

P2: The tomato is red.

T: Point to the apple. What colour is it?

P3: The apple is green.

T: Point to the banana. What colour is it ?

P4: The banana is yellow.

  1. Grammar practice. Present Continuous Tense.

Role-playing The Baby’s Sleeping

Mum: Sh! Sh! The baby’s sleeping, the baby’s sleeping!

Dad(дивлячись телевізор): What did you say? What did you say?

Mum: I said : Hush! Hush! The baby’s sleeping, the baby’s sleeping!

Dad: What did you say? What did you say?

Mum: I said: Please, be quiet! Please, be quiet! The baby’s sleeping, the baby’s sleeping!

Dad: What did you say? What did you say?

Mum(починає кричати): I said: stop it! Stop it! The baby’s sleeping, the baby’s sleeping!

Baby: W-a-a-a-a-a.

  1. An interval


    My hands upon

    My hands I place

    On my shoulders,

    On my face.

    Then I put them

    In front of me.

    And gently clap

    One, two, three.


Speaking practice using Do you like… .Does your friend like… ?

T: Do you like banana?

P1: Yes I do. No I don’t.

T: Does your friend like cherry?

P2: Yes, he(she) does.

T: What do you like?

P3: I like apple.

T: What does your friend like?

P4: My friend likes strawberry, carrot.

    Game “By chain”.

P1: Do you like tomato, Denis?

P2:Yes, I do. Do you like cabbage, Nastya?...

  1. Conclusion


  • Скласти діалоги, використовуючи нові слова за зразком:
  • Do you like…?
  • Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
  • Виконати впр.3(с.102), письмово.
  • Summing up.
  • Т: Чого нового ви сьогодні навчилися? Що вам найбільше сподобалося робити? Які завдання були найскладнішими?


















Lesson 2


Тheme:    Food. Fruit. Vegetables.

Aim: To introduce new words to the pupils.

To repeat grammar: The Present Indefinite Tense.

To make acquainted with new grammar: Indefinite article a, an and pronoun some.

To develop speaking skills.

To rear interesting to the culture and traditions English-speaking countries.

Equipment: textbook, thematic illustrations, individual cards.


  1. The beginning of the lesson
  1. Greeting.

T: Good morning, children!

Ps: Good morning, sun!

 Good morning, sky!

 “Good morning” – say together.

 We like this day the best of all

 And start this lesson.

T: The topic of our lesson is “Meals, Fruit. Vegetables”.

  1. Warming up.

Work with cards.

(Учитель роздає учням картки з реченнями, в яких пропущені слова. Учні повинні вставити правильні слова).





Заповни пропуски словами з рамки.

Dinner          cooking          breakfast           eating

Drinking       supper            making              lunch

  1. It’s eight o’clock. Mr. Brown is having… .
  2. It’s one o’clock. Mr. Brown is having… .
  3. It’s four o’clock. Mr. Brown is having… .
  4. It’s fife o’clock. Mr. Brown is having… .
  5. Tom is …………………………  a cake.
  1. Main part
  1. Presenting new vocabulary.

(На дошці вивішені малюнки з назвами продуктів. Учитель просить учнів прочитати назви продуктів за ним).

T: Look! This is pizza.

   Pizza is my favourite food.

   Pizza, pizza it’s so good.

   Put some cheese on top of it.

   Pizza, pizza it’s a hit!

These are fish, cheese meat, egg.

   I like fish.  

   I like eggs.

   I like cheese and meat.

   I like cake and biscuits.

   In fact I like to eat.

T: Let’s look at the small pictures on page 103. Who can you see in the picture? And in these pictures Tom is doing different things. What’s he doing? Let’s read the new words and answer this question.

(Учні читають нові слова).

T: Picture1. What’s Tom doing?

P1: Tom is eating.

T: Yes, Tom is eating some cereal. Picture2. What’s Tom doing?

P2: Tom is drinking.



  1. Grammar. Indefinite article a, an, and pronoun some. Ex.3(p.105).

T: Подивіться на слова впр.3(с.105). Вони розподілені на два стовпчики. Яка різниця між словами першого й другого стовпчика? Чи можемо ми сказати одне яблуко?

Ps: Так.

T: А одне молоко?

Ps: Ні, ми скажемо:одна склянка/чашка/літр молока.

Т: Чому? Тому що такі речі, як молоко, вода, сік, чай, кава, не можна порахувати, ми міряємо їх чашками, літрами, склянками тощо. Так само ми не можемо порахувати суп, салат, сіль. Тому ми просимо: Дайте мені трохи супу, Дайте мені трохи солі, Дайте мені трохи салату. Отже, якщо йдеться про речі, які не можна порахувати, ми використовуємо неозначений займенник some: some juice, some water, some milk…  . Якщо ж ідеться про речі, які можна порахувати, ми використовуємо неозначений артикль a, an: an egg, a tomato, an apple…

  1.                         Grammatical game

Учитель поділяє клас на дві команди. Потім називає продукти харчування, подані на с.105. Команди по черзі додають a/an чи some. За кожну правильну відповідь команда отримує 1 бал.

T: Egg.

Team A: An egg.

T: Tea.

Team B: Some tea.

  1. Revising grammar: The Present Indefinite Tense.

                            Grammatical game

T: Make up the sentences using never, always, sometimes, usually.

P1. Tom never cooks the cakes.

P2. Children always go to bed at 10 o’clock.

P3. Good children always help Mum and Dad.

P4. I sometimes play chess.

P5. I sometimes go to bed at 10 o’clock.

P6. Children always go to school at 8 o’clock.





  1. Sound pronunciation.

(Учні виконують завдання на картках).

T: Sort out words according pronunciation

Заповни слова в стовпчики відповідно до правил вимови звуків.

Apple, lemon, salad, sugar, juice, soup, water, salt, fish, coffee, bread, orange, egg































  1. An interval.


   My hands upon

   My hand I place

   On my shoulders,

   On my face.

   Then I put them

   In front of me.

   And gently clap

   One, two, three.

  1. Speaking practice.

T: We are at Cooks’ Station. Who wants to be a teacher?

P1: Good morning! I am a teacher. Can you cook? What can you make?

P2: I can make a fruit salad. Look, I take an apple, an orange, a banana, some sugar.

T: What can you make?

P3: I can make a vegetable salad. Look, I take a cucumber, an onion, a tomato, some oil, some salt.

T: What can you make?

P4: I can make an omelet. Look, I take 2 eggs, some oil, some salt.

T: Thank you. Good bye!

  1. Conclusion

Home work

Ex.5(p.106),in writing.

Write about cooking your favourite dish.

Summing up

T: We worked hard today. Your marks are…

Lesson 3

Theme:   Food. Fruit. Vegetables. Everyday things.

Aim: To repeat vocabulary on topic” Food”.

To develop pupils’ skills in dialogue speaking for theme” Everyday things” using the Present Indefinite Tense and frequency adverbs usually, never.

To develop listening comprehension.

To rear communication beauty.

Equipment: Textbook, thematical illustrations(p.107 - 108), individual cards, a ball.


  1. The beginning of the lesson


T: Good morning, children!

Ps: Good morning, sun!

 Good morning, sky!

 “Good morning” – say together.

 We like this day the best of all

 And start this lesson.


Plan of the work

T: Today we’ll continue our speaking about meal, fruit and vegetables. I can see you are ready start to work.


Warming up

T: Do you like travelling?

Ps: Yes, We do.

T: Imagine you are in the Food-train. It is going to the “Food-Country”. Let’s look at the map. How does the train go?

Ps: Chun-chun-chun.

T: Look at the map. We can see many stations. Take your places, please. We are at the Song station.

 Sing the song

    Do you want?


  Do you want chicken?

  Do you want fish?

  Do you want an omelet on a clash?

  Please and thank you we can say

  When we want our food today

Do you want chips?

Do you want rise?

Do you want cutlets?

I think they are nice.

Do you want spaghetti?

Do you want beans?

Do you want pizza?

Say ”please”, yes “please”.


  1. Main part

Listening comprehension

T: We are at the Rhymes’ Station. It’s a rhyme. Let’s try to find the words.

I am Sam. I like…(ham).

I am Bruse. I like…(juice).

I am Sophie. I like…(coffee).

He is Tony. He likes…(macaroni).

She is Betty. She likes…(spaghetti).

He is Lee. He likes…(tea).


Language work.

T: Write the words in the right place.

Cake . Coffee . Father. Grandfather . Grandmother. Jam . Milk . Mother . Tea . Cheese . Fish . Orange . Juice .


Members of the family

Things to drink

Things to eat


















Game “Funny ball”

(Учень кидає м’яч товаришеві, ставить запитання, той відповідає і кидає м’яча далі. Хто не відповість, той виходить із гри).

P1: What fruit do you like?

P2:Do you like fish?

P3: Can you cook?

P4: Do you like milk?

P5: Who wants to tell about his breakfast?


Work with cards.

(Учитель просить учнів скласти речення із поданих на картках слів).

Склади речення з поданих слів.

1. usually/ for breakfast/ eat/ I / cereal.

2. eats/ sandwiches/ never/ Julia.

3. at 7 o’clock/ gets up/ usually/ Jack.

4. drink/ never/ coffee/ I .

5. has/Nick/ usually/ on Tuesday/ Art.

6. has/ Nick/ never/ on Tuesday/ English.

  1. An interval


My hands upon

My hands I place

On my shoulders,

On my face.

Then I put them

In front of me.

And gently clap

One, two, three.


  1. Conclusion

Home work

Learn the dialogue. Ex.1(p.110).


Summing up

T: I want to thank you for this wonderful lesson. Did you enjoy it? Great! Thank you very much.
































Theme:   Shop and shopping.

Aim: To repeat and to make fast vocabulary on topic “Shops and Shopping”.

To develop pupils’ dialogue and monologue communication, acoustic memory, attention, logical thinking, ability to the conjecture, skills working in groups and pairs, to stimulate pupils’ communication and perceptional activity speaking in English.

To rear reliable attitude to the teacher and classmates.

Equipment: thematic illustrations(p.109 – 110).



  1. The beginning of the lesson.
  1. Greeting.

T: Good morning, dear children! I am glad to see here in this classroom. Now we begin to work. Let’s play a game ”Echoes”.

Ps: OK!

T: Are you ready?

Ps: Ready!

T: Are you feeling fine?

Ps: Fine!

T: Is the weather good?

Ps: Good!

T: Is everything OK?

Ps: OK!

T: OK! Let’s start our lesson. Today’s lesson will be devoted to shops and shopping; we are going(завдання уроку):

  • to read the poems;
  • to revise the words;
  • to play some games(“Hidden words”, “Me to you, you to me”);
  • to guess riddles;
  • to work in pairs;
  • to work in groups;
  • to have a situation;
  • to a role play” In the shop”.
  1. Phonetic drills

T: Look at the blackboard! Let’s repeat sounds[æ] and [i:] in different words.

  1. [æ]

Apple, carrot, shop-assistant, cabbage.

  1. [i:]

Meat, tea,ice-cream.æ


  1. Get up, little Freddy,

Breakfast is ready;

Butter and cheese,

All that you please.

Milk and bread

For little Fred.

Tea and jam

For brother Sam.


  1. 1,2,3,4

Who is going?

Grandma’s going.

Where is she going?

To the grocery store.

When’s she going?

At quarter past 4.


What’s she going to buy at the grocery shop?


a loaf of bread a bottle of milk

a big bag of cookies and a little of peas.


  • It can be from orange, apples, bananas, cherries. We drink it.(Juice)
  • It can be from different vegetables or fruits. We cut and mix all of ingredients.(Salad)
  • What food gives us a lot of vitamins?(fruit and vegetables)
  • What food has proteins and helps you grow? (meat, fish, milk)


  1. Main part
  1. Vocabulary

Game ”Me to you, you to me”

T: First of, let’s repeat the words we know. Game “Me to you, you to me”. ( The teacher throws a ball to the pupil and names a word in Ukraine. The pupil needs to translate it in English and then throws the ball to the next pupil).

T: морква.

P1: carrot. Банан.

P2: Banana. …

Game “Hidden words”

Some names of fruit and vegetables are hidden among letters. Find, read and circle it. Who will be the first?


    Word associations”

Pupils must make up the words using different parts of them and then read those words with translation. P1 – P2

  1. Car/rot, ap/ple
  2. Su/gar, cof/fee
  3. Mi/lk, ice/cream
  4. Bana/na, su/gar.


T – Ps ( режим роботи)

  • Читає вчитель;
  • Читають учні хором за вчителем;

- Читають індивідуально.



1). To buy bread

Купувати хліб

2). To buy cheese

Купувати сир

3). Butcher’s shop

М’ясний магазин

4). Greengrocer’s shop

Овочевий магазин

5). Tinned fish

Рибні консерви

6). Department shop


7). Tinned meat

М’ясні консерви

8) We buy tinned fruit at the grocer’s shop.

Ми купуємо консервовані фрукти в бакалійній крамниці.

9). We don’t buy sugar at the butcher’s shop.

Ми не купуємо цукор в м’ясному магазині.

10). - Do you buy fruit at the greengrocer’s shop?

 - Yes, I do.

Ти купуєш фрукти в овочевому магазині?  -  Так.

11). We can buy almost all we want at the department stores..

Ми можемо купити майже все, що хочемо, в універмазі.

12). – What can you buy at the department store?

- Almost all I want.

 - Що ти можеш купити в універмазі?

 - Майже все, що хочу.


T – P1 – P2…

T: What can we buy at the grocer’s shop?

P1: We can buy – at the grocer’s shop.


P3. –

T:What can we buy at the greengrocer’s shop?

P1: We can buy – at the greengrocer’s shop.

P2. –

P3. –

T: What can we buy at the baker’s shop?

P1: We can buy – at the baker’s shop.

P2. –

P3. -

T: What can we buy at the department store?

P1: We can buy – at the department store.

P2. –


Work in groups

Pupils take different words from the box and write:

I group – at the grocer’s shop;

II group – at the greengrocer’s shop;

III group – at the department store.

Oil, apples , tea, meat, banana, water, cheese, sugar, carrot, coffee, bread, juice, tomatoes, potatoes, onion, cabbage, fish, orange, cucumber, milk, tea.


  1. An interval

My hands upon

My hands I place

On my shoulders,

On my face.

Then I put them

In front of me.

And gently clap

One, two, three.

  1. Game “In the shop

T: Now, let’s play game “in the shop”. One of you is an animal and other is a shop-assistant. You must knock at the door and introduce yourself and then tell what you want to have.

Ex: Can I have some sugar, please?

T: And the shop-assistant must ask the questions “ Who are you?” “ What do you want?” Then you must give him or her food. Do you understand?

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: Are you ready?

Ps: Yes, we are.

T: Take your masks and let’s begin.

Pig: Knock, knock, knock. May I come in?

Sh-as: Yes, you may.

Pig: Good morning.

Sh-as: Good morning. Who are you?

Pig: I’m pig.

Sh-as: What do you want?

Pig: I’m very hungry and I want to eat. Can I have some meat, please?

Sh-as: Yes, you can. Here you are.

Pig: thank you. Good bye.

Sh-as: Not at all. Good bye.


  1. Conclusion

Home work

T: Make up the dialogues “ In the shop”.


Summing up

T: I think you have worked hard today at the lesson. I like it. You have got the following marks…





Lesson 5

Theme:  Having meals in a cafe.

Aim: To teach pupils put questions and answer them.

To repeat vocabulary on topic “ Food”. To introduce new words to the pupils.

To train them in using preposition “of” in constructions such as a can of Cola.

To develop pupils’ skills in pronunciation, reading and dialogue speaking.

To rear respect to the friends and older; to rear ability in communication and aesthetic taste.

Equipment: distributing cards, an individual cards.


  1. The beginning of the lesson.
  1. Greeting.

T: Good morning, my dear!

It’s so nice to see you.

I hope you are fine.

Ps: We hope you are too.

Nice to see you too.

T: How is your mother?

P1: She is fine, thanks.

T: How is your father?

P2: He is fine, thanks.

T: How is your sister?

P3: She is fine, thanks.

T: How is your brother?

P4:He is fine, thanks.

T: How are you?

P5: I am fine, too. Thank you.

T: I am happy to see you

So shiny today.

And now I can tell

That we are very well.

  1. Plan of the work.

T: Today we are going to talk about food and visiting the café, to compose the shopping list, to read the dialogue and make-up your own.

  1. Warming up.

Phonetic drills

( The pupils repeat the chant after the teacher one by one)

Eggs and salt(3 times)

Orange and apples(3 times)

Bananas and cheese(3 times)

Sandwich and cakes(3 times)

Ham and pizza(3 times)



Poem ” What have I got in my big bag?”

What have I got in my big bag?

Two bottles of water, a carton of juice

A bag of rice and a pack of eggs

And one big jar of tomatoes.

  1. Main part
  1. Activation of lexical on topic “Food”.


Look in your box,

What’s for lunch?

Here’s is cake and an apple to crunch.

A sandwich for me,

A sandwich for you,

A banana, an egg and an orange too.


 Tongue twister

The fish is on the dish.

Is the fish on the dish?

Yes, it is. The fish is on the dish.

Where is the fish?

The fish is on the dish.



“I like milk and bread”,

says little Fred.

“I like tea and jam”,

says little Sam.



T: Guess the riddles.

1).There are ten letters in the word.

It is a small red berry.

What is it? (A strawberry).

2).There are five letters in the name of this fruit.

It is red or green and it is neither big nor small.

What is it? (An apple).

3).I am yellow,

I am sweet and tasty.

There are six letters in my name.(A banana).

  1. Presentation new vocabulary.

T: Look at the word combinations of exercise 2 page 111 and say what we can buy in cans/bottles/packs etc.

(Учні читають словосполучення, звертаючи увагу на вживання прийменника of)

  1. Reading practice, ex.3(p.112).

T: The theme of our lesson is “At the café”. So let’s read and translate the dialogue ex.3,p.112 about it.

  1. Making up the dialogues.

T: Put the sentences in the logical order.

  • One moment, please.
  • What kind of ice-cream do you want?
  • 4 orange juices, please.
  • O’key. Anything else?
  • 2 bars of chocolate.
  • Hello! Can I help you?
  • We would like 4 ice-creams.
  1. An interval.


My hands upon

My hands I place

On my shoulders,

On my face.

Then I put them

In front of me.

And gently clap

One, two, three.


  1. Game “In the café”.

T: Now, let’s play game “In the café”. One of you is a customer and other is a waiter. A customer must order what you want to have.

Waiter: Welcome to our café! What would you like to have?

Customer: I’m thirsty.

W: How about some apple juice?

C: I don’t like apple juice! Have you got any orange juice?

W: Sorry, no. But we have a fruit salad made of oranges and cream.

C: I love fruit salads! I’d love one. But can I have anything to drink?

W: Would you like some tea?

C: Lemon tea – yes, it’s good.

W: OK, a lemon tea and a fruit salad. Anything else?

C: No, thank you.

  1. Conclusion.

Home work.

Make up dialogue “In the café”.

  Summing up

T: Let’s sum up our work but first let’s turn back to our expectations.