Урок "Газети і журнали в нашому житті"

Про матеріал
Мета: Активізувати знання учнів у вживанні лексики в діалогічному та монологічному мовленні. Навчати учнів вести бесіду та спілкуватися англійською мовою. Формувати навики пошукового читання тексту. Стимулювати мовну активність з використанням гри. Сприяти формуванню в учнів вміння працювати самостійно, в парах, групах. Розвивати навики аудіювання, логічного мислення, та творчих здібностей. Виховувати загальну культуру учнів, культуру праці та спілкування на уроці, доброзичливість; розвивати естетичні смаки. Розширювати та поглиблювати знання учнів про газети,.
Перегляд файлу

Тема: Преса. Газети і журнали в нашому житті.

Мета: Активізувати знання учнів у вживанні лексики в діалогічному та

монологічному мовленні. Навчати учнів вести бесіду та спілкуватися англійською мовою. Формувати навики пошукового читання тексту. Стимулювати мовну активність з використанням гри. Сприяти формуванню в учнів вміння працювати самостійно, в парах, групах. Розвивати навики аудіювання, логічного мислення, та творчих здібностей.

      Виховувати загальну культуру учнів, культуру праці та спілкування на уроці, доброзичливість; розвивати естетичні смаки. Розширювати та поглиблювати знання учнів про газети,.

Обладнання: мультимедійна дошка, проектор, комп’ютер, картки з  

                         завданнями, кросворд.


Хід уроку.


I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

        1. Introduction.

- Good morning to everybody! I’m very glad to greet you and our guests in this room.

- How are you? (We are happy. We are fine. How are you?)

- I’m fine too. I’m very glad to see that all of you are healthy and happy.

-So, Welcome to our lesson!

                                                      (Слайд 1)

2. Aim.

-I think that you’ve noticed our topic on the screen. Read it aloud, please!

-Now pay attention to our objectives!

(Слайд 2)( Newspapers and magazines in our life)

-Objectives of our lesson are:

  • to practice  in using  our topical vocabulary.
  • to develop four types of languages skills(reading, writing, speaking, listening);
  • to develop the grammar comprehension.

- Today we’ll practice in using our topical vocabulary. We’ll develop four types of languages skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening); and to develop the grammar comprehension.

- Today, we are going to talk about different newspapers and magazies; to share our opinions about press and its role in our lives. And one more thing that is worth your special attention!

- By the end of our lesson be ready to comment on the key-question to all our work

(Слайд 3)

-Is newspaper or magazine useful and interesting for us?

- You should be attentive and active and friendly at or lesson. Listen closely to your friend and me.



        3. Warming-up (crossword)

-There are a lot of kind of press in the world.

- What names of newspapers do you know?

*(Ukrainian Truth, The Fact, The weekly Mirror, The Voice of Ukraine, The Business

   Reporter, The Corespondent, Dzerkalo Tyzhnya)


*(The Times, Financial Times, Daily Express, The Independent, The Sun, Daily Mirror, Post, Talk, Sentry, The New York Times)

-Every newspaper consists of pages with different information and news.


  1. Crossword
  1. Look, at the unusual crossword and write down names of newspaper themes.


  • politics
  • finance
  • ecology
  • business
  • technology
  • education
  • health
  • weather
  • entertainment


  1. Let’s name nouns or verbs associated with these kinds of themes.

( a paper, a country, a monthly, a weakly, a page, a column, an article, contents, event, a world, a message, an advertisement, a problem, an idea, an editor, a correspondent, a photographer, a deligation, a headline)

( to stress, to advertise, to develop, to exchange, to take part, to make, to discuss, to disapprove, to subscribe, to issue, to cover, to criticize, to control, to shape, to inform)


 b) Poem’s writing.

-So, you like to read interesting magazines and newspapers, don’t you?

3. Brainstorm some adjectives that come to your mind when you listen to smth about press. And in four minutes make up the poems about press using some methods

(Слайд 4)

(For example: “A 5 W poem”, “cinquan” or “If I…”)

Four minutes have passed. Finish and read your poems, please.

  • Who wants to recite a poem?

(Лунає музика)

For example:

  1. Oksana

Reads the comics

With friends at home

After the school lessons

It makes her laughing.


  1. Newspaper

Big and small

Develops our skills

Informs and criticizes our life.



  1. If I were the writer, I’d write a beautiful.

     If I were the reporter, I’d make a nice article.

     If I were the magazine, I’d be very popular.

     If I were the newspaper, I’d  publish everyday. ……


II. Основна частина уроку.

1. Speaking (Mind map)

- Dear friends, I think that time changes and we change with it. The psychologists believe that press information change us and our characters.

- Do you agree with them?

( Yes, I do. Because when we read smth about our idols we want to be like them.We can read good and bad informatin.)

-O.K. You are right. The information can be different in newspapers .

Well, British newspapers are divided into two groups.

-What are they?   ( the quality papers, the tabloids)

-Please, tell some words about these kinds of newspapers . Complete the table using your multi-colored papers.


The tabloids -----------------have many pictures

                         - are small in size

                                 - describe privat life

                                 - have shorter article

                                 - are about less important things


the quality papers --------- are large in size

                              - describe important events

                      - have detailed serious articles

2. Matching.

- Let me divide you into 3 groups. Do the following tasks.(You have three different tasks) Work in pairs.

The time is limited. I think it’ll take you not more than three-four minutes.

(Слайд 5)


1 card

Match the names of the magazines and the  newspapers with headlines of  the articles

1. Students Saw It up                                                                   a) California Up date

2. Tourists Tour London                                                              b) Fishing Digest

3. Where the Fish Bite in Idaho                                                 c) Running for Health

4. New Ballet Sizzles                                                                   d) Fabric Digest

5. New School for Dance opens in California                             e) London News

6. Carve Your Own Canoe                                                           f) Ballet News

7. Marathon Runner                                                                     g)Do it Yourself

Key:1-d; 2-e; 3-b; 4-f; 5-a; 6-g; 7-c.


2 card

Choose the correct item to complete the sentences

1. The greatest number of newspapers has offices or reporters ______________.

a) in every country of the country it comes from

b) worldwide

c)in the capital city

2. ____________ bring the news to their country.

a) Businessmen

b) Travellers

c) Reporters

3. Most newspapers rely on news services for _______________.

a) international news

b) local news

c) current events

4.__________is the most competentsupplier of timely and objective information.

a) The Internet

b) The “Interfax-Ukraine” News Agency

c) The 1+1 TV Channel

5.______________ always tell the truth.

a) Newspapers

b) People

c) Magazines

6. Nearly ______ newspapers are published around the world every day.

a) 40,000

b) 60,000

c) 50,000

Key:1-c; 2-c; 3-a; 4-b; 5-a; 6-b.


3 card

Match the lists of papers with their definitions.

1. Sunday paper                          a) a serious magazine on particular subject,containing

                                                        articles by university teachers, doctors, etc.

2. The prees                                b) a set of large folded sheets of paper containing new

                                                        articles, pictures, which is printed and sold every day

                                                        or every week.

3. Journal                                    c) a newspapers that gives news mainly about the town

                                                       or area where it is printed.

4. Local paper                             d) a paper that is sold every Sunday, and is usually

                                                         bigger than papers sold on other days.

5. Newspaper                              e) a newspaper and the people who write for them.

6. Comics                                    f) a magazine that consist of funny or excitiing stories

                                                       which are told using a series of pictures.

Key: 1-d; 2-e; 3-a; 4-c; 5-b; 6-f.

-I see that you’ve finished with your tasks. What are the key-words?

(Слайди 6, 7, 8)

4. Writing

* Let’s train in making up the sentences in  the Passive Voice.

- How is the Present Passive formed?

1. The present passive is formed with the correct form of the verb to be+V3 and the past participle.

  • This show is filmed in Spain.
  • Magazines aren’t sold in that shop.
  • Is this newspaper printed in China?

- When do we use “by”?

2.  When we want to say who performed the action, we use by.

  • This book is published by Oxford University Press.

-O.K. Look on the screen and do the following task.

(Слайд 9)

Key: 1-is; 2-are; 3-are; 4- is; 5- are; 6-is; 7-is; 8-are.

3. Listening

- Many newspapers and magazines are published every day.

- So, your next task is to listen to the story “How paper is made”.

-Number the pictures in the correct order and complete the sentences with the present simple passive. Work in pairs.

(Слайд 10)

1) tree farm, paper mill, metal sheets,hair dryer,a button, rolls, a lorry.

Key: - 4; 6; 5; 1; 3; 2.

(Слайд 11)

4. Time for rest.

-Dear friends! Look through the windows. The world is beautiful and nice. Please, smile to each other, because without your smiles the sun won’t shine, and the world will be a dull. Today we have a nice winter day, look to each other friendly and continue our work.

5. Game “Title readers” 

1            yellow           a)

2            green             b)

3            pink               c)

4            blue               d)

- Let’s play a game “ Title readers”

(Слайд 12)

- Imagine that you work at “The Daily Express”. Choose the writer, the text readers, the title readers and the pictures viewers in your groups. Find the information on the walls of our classroom and make up an Informal Pages for our newspaper.

         (репортери ідуть до листків з цифрами, читачі текстів- до букв, читачі заголовків-до кольорів. Несуть редакторові, він складає статтю. Потім несуть плакати, чіпляють на дошку і розповідають зміст тексту.)

  •     Text- “ Interestion information about US Newspapers ”  p.186 (Карпюк О.,2008)

- What american newspapers do you know? Name them, please.

- How many langueges are the daily newspapers  published in the USA?

- Can we divide American newspapers into 2 groups?

- What can you say about popular newspapers in this country?

- What newspapers of national or international importance are in the USA?

  •                 Text- “Human beings and their envirement”       p.105   (Карпюк О.2004 р.)

- What problems demand world action nowadays?

- What is ecology?

- What is envirement?

- What is the text about?


  • Text- “Born to be wild”    p.78 (Карпюк О,2008)




4. Oral Practice. Speaking (Speaking in pairs)

(завдання для дітей першої групи)

-Now work in groups again. I hope you understand that you’ll work in pairs. I think 5 minutes will be enough for doing these tasks.

(Слайд 13)


a)  Make up short dialogues  according to the theme of our lesson.. Work in pairs.



A: -Do you like reading newspapers and magazines?

B: - No, I don’t. But some time for time I read them.

A: - Really? Why?

B: - Becouse reading press is boring for me. I  read newspapers  when my teacher say I have to.

A: - What section of aditions do you like to read best of all?

B: - Oh, I like reading comics.

A: - When do you read them?

B: - I read them when I want to relax.

A: - Where do you read them?

B: - I often read in my bed.


A: - Do you like reading?

B: - I enjoy reading! I simply cannot imagine my life without books and different kind of press.

A: - And what kind of reading do you prefer?

B: - Oh, I like reading true stories. I prefer of articles about historical events.------?????

A: - As for me, I like reading magazines about fashion and famous people. What about love stories?

B: - I don’t like love stories. I find them boring.

A: - Have you ever read “ The New York Times”

B: - No, I have not. I have read the British magazines for pupils “Cools”



A: - Hello! I wonder if you could help me. I’m looking for a magazine about fashion.

B: -  It’ll be over there in the magazine’s section.

A: - I can’t see it on the shelves.

B: - Do you know the name of it?

A: - I think it “……..”

B: - I’m sorry. We don’t have it in stock.

A: - Can you orter it for me?

B: - Yes,it’ll be here in a week

A: - That’s fine.


(В той час, коли перша група пише діалоги, друга група робить проектну роботу )

Project works.

  • Now your special task- is the project work. Your project work is very interesting.
  • What do you know about these years? Make up the mind- map.
    1. 4.000- 4.000 newspapers are published in Ukraine.
    2. 1.500- In the USA there are more than 1.500 daily papers.
    3. 34- American daily newspapers are published in 34 different languages.
    4. 300- Fleet street has been the home of the British press for 300 years.
    5. 60.000- Nearly 60.000 newspapers are published around the world every day.
    6. 1812- Ukrainian periodicals began with the “Kharkiv Weekly”,1812.
    7. 4- The press is generally known as the “fourth estate”.
    8. 1749-One of the first Ukrainian newspapers was published in Polish, 1749.


 (В той час, коли дві групи працюють, працюю з третьою групою)

  • Play a game “Tic and tac”. Devide into pairs to debate on the following statement

“Magazines and newspapers play a very important role in our life.”

-Do you agree with it?

- Who wants to start ?


The advantages---

  1. Newspapers and magazines bring information about the world to our living- room. We can see people from different countries. We can learn their customs, traditions and opinions,
  2. The newspapers and magazines for youth, show us some our problems and give different points of views. They are usually about fashion, friendship, cultural events…
  3. Press teach us to think, to develop speaking skills, to share exiting events.
  4. Press brings the world to our home. We become better informed by reading economic, social, political issues.
  5. Thanks to press, we become better informed about events at home and abroud, about arts, sport and music.
  6. Press helps us to relax after a hard work.

The disadvantages---

  1. Lots of us prefer TV news or Internet news. Because reading press is boring.
  2. Some kinds of magazines information are dangerous and bad for children. Because this information is like dreams. Every person may believe in it in different ways.
  3. Some press information is not serious.
  4. While reading many people do not concentrate their attentions- so they are a waste of their time.
  5. Reading newspapers , magazines and other kinds of press or literature may lead to poor health, lack of sleep, eyestrain.


- O.K. I like your answers.

- Let’s listen to some dialogues of your schoolmates.

(Діти читають написані діалоги)


  • -Look at the blackboard.
  • Do you agree with answers of your friends?
  • What famous newspapers in Volyn’ region do you know? Name them.
  • What sort of newspapers do you prefer?
  • What other interesting information about press do you know?


III. Заключна частина.


- Many years ago one American writer said, “All I know is what I see in the papers”.  As for me, press is a big nice world of information. So, I agree with this statement.-

-Do you agree with it?

( Yes, I do. Because there is no family that does not buy one or two newspapers and magazines.)


-So, all pupils were active and tired to work hard at the lesson. Some pupils were brilliant….. get excellent marks. Some pupils have made some mistakes in their speaking, reading, writing. So….. get good marks too. Thank you very much for your activity at the lesson.

(Слайд 14)

2. Homework

-Your home task will be to read the story. Write down adjectives,  nouns, verbs and make up your own one.

-See you soon. Good buy!







Moseychuk Natalia
11 березня 2019
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