Тема: Відомий французький художник Матіс
Мета: - активізувати вживання відомої лексики та ознайомити з новою; тренувати в аудіюванні на основі переглянутого відео
- тренувати учнів в оглядовому читанні та читанні з повним розумінням прочитаного;
- організувати комунікативну практику в усному спілкуванні.
- розвивати комунікативні здібності, навички комунікативного спілкування;
- розвивати мовленнєву реакцію;
- сприяти формуванню вміння працювати в групі
Тип уроку: урок застосування знань, умінь та навичок.
Хід уроку
І. Початкова частина уроку:
1.1. Повідомлення теми , мети уроку
Тоday on the lesson we’ll speak about art,
use the words about art
Learn to tell about famous French painter Henry Mattise
Develop skills in reading , listening, speaking
1.2. Мовленнєва зарядка
I’d like to start our lesson with quotations about art. I think it is useful to know what great people said about it.
Read quotations about art , comment any of them, say which of them do you like the most. As for me most of all I like the proverb by Beecher. I think that only a person rich inside can create masterpieces. First she must feel , than create. What about you?
’A man paints with his brains, not with his hands”.
Henry Word Beecher
‘’A picture is a poem without words”
"Painting is silent poetry; and poetry is painting with the gift of speech."
Pablo Picasso
"Painting is just another way of keeping a diary."
Michelangelo Buonarroti
What is art for you. Look at the slides and be ready
Devide the words into 2 columns: positive and negative and give a short report using these words.
amazing, annoying, silly, appealing, attractive, awesome, beautiful, wonderful, awful, boring, brilliant, fantastic, great, incredible, marvelous, superb, terrible.
Where works of art can be seen. Let’s remember about the pop up galleries. What do you know about them.
Now match the definitions and say how do these words concern the art
Основна частина уроку:
Введення тексту для аудіювання:
And Now I want present you a famous French painter Henri Mattise. Have you ever heard about him?Look at the picture and say what do you think about him?
Before listening activity
Get aquainted with the words
Cut outs – обрізки
Fauver art фовізм
While listening activity
So you will see the short video. You can make notes to answer the questions
Where is he from?
What inspired him to paint?
How did he learn to paint?
What did he like to paint?
What style did he create?
What kind of abstract composition did he make
Post listening activities
True and false sentences
1. He studied to be a lawyer but decided to be a painter
2.Mattise and Leonardo da Vinci made friends but they also were rivals
Mattise was a fauve painter
Fauve means wild flower
Mattise started doing cut outs when he was old and ill
What was his best contribution into art?
Введення тексту для читання
And I suggest you to read about this painter for getting some additional information
Pay attention on the words
Read and note down them
Arthritis- артрит
collages,- колаж
triumph- тріумф
dynamic- динамічний
gouache- гуаш
figurative patterns -образні візерунки
Henri Mattise (1869 – Nice, 1954) was a French artist who loved pure colours. As an old man he was ill with arthritis and could not longer paint. But he didn’t stop creating. During the last feefteen years of his life, Henri Mattis developed his final artistic triumph by “ cutting into colour”. He began creating paper collages, known as cutouts. Using large scissors, he cut stunning paper shapes and arranged them into dynamic designs. Although made when Mattise was in his 80s, the cutouts are among the strongest work of his career. For his cutouts Mattisse used paper that had been hand painted with gouache, and laid down in abstract or figurative patterns. Later the shapes were glued to large white paper backgrounds for shipping and display. The colours he used were so strong that he was advised by his doctor to wear dark glasses.
Multiple choice task:
a. Painted with bright colours
b. Created paper collages
c. Used pure colours in his painting
2. How old was Mattise when he invented the cutouts
1. 80
2. 75
3. 78
To create his cutouts Henry Mattise used
To create his cutouts Henri Mattise used
What additional information did you get from the text
Практикування в реченнях умовного стану
Imagine a situation you were given a possibility make your own cutouts
If I had a possibility to make a cutout I would make a collage of ….
Associative scheme to make reports about the artist
Pair work
Be ready to roleplay a conversation between Henry Mattise and a reporter. Let’s imagine he travelled in our age on a machine of time
III Заключна частина уроку
3.1. What new vocabulary have you known from the lesson
Speak about Henry Mattise using the information from the lesson and find the additional information using resources
10 Amazing Facts about Henri Matisse