Урок "Geographical Outlook"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку, у якій описано основні етапи заняття, а саме: Speaking, Story-telling, Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar.
Перегляд файлу







(English – Speaking  Countries)




English speaking countries - презентация онлайн


























                                                                   Iryna  Garkavets

                                                                    a teacher  of  English


                                                               School – lyceum №5

                                                               Luhansk Region 






Урок – Діалог  8 клас

Тема: Geographical Outlook. English-speaking Countries

Мета: Повторити лексико-граматичний матеріал теми.

   Розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.

            Удосконалювати навички читання.

            Виховувати усвідомлення важливості вивчення англійської


Тип уроку: Урок узагальнення та систематизації знань.


  1. Привітання

Т:Good morning, everyone! I am glad to see you.How are you today?

Ps: Good morning, teacher. We are very well, thank you.


2.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T:Today we are going to summarize all the points on the topic ‘’Geographical Outlook’’. So we have to talk a lot: make up dialogues and revise words, retell stories and I know that you’ve prepared project works and you will introduce them to us.


3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

 Т: So let’s start. First of all I would like you to express your ideas about Geography as a subject. Do you like it? Is it a useful subject?

P1: I think this subject is closely connected with English. Geography means travelling and if you want to travel around the world you should know English.

P2: Geography is exciting and enjoyable, because if you don’t have enough money to travel you can do it looking at the map of the world.

P3: This subject helps us to know more about different countries and continents, their people. For example about English speaking countries.


4.Розвиток умінь діалогічного мовлення. Рольова – гра.

T: Imagine that we’ve got enough money to travel and you’re on a board the ship, which is going to Great Britain. Make up short dialogues deal with the situation.

P1: Well, friends, we are sailing to Great Britain. Have you ever been to this country, Nick?

P2:No, I am travelling there for the first time. And what about you, Max?

P3: I visited Great Britain last year. It was exciting!

P1: What places of interest did you visit there?

P3: I’ve got some photos of the Britain sights.

P2: Could you show them to us?

P3: Yes, certainly.( the pupil shows the photos of the British sights and says) This is the Tower of London. It is a museum now. And this is Westminster Abbey. It is one of the oldest royal churches.

P1: I know that there is a beautiful park in London which is called Regent’s Park. It is famous for its zoo.

P2: Oh, it’s very interesting. I hope we’ll have a great opportunity to visit it.

P1: So, we are coming to Great Britain. I’m sure our journey will be enjoyable and useful.


5 Розвиток монологічного мовлення. Story-telling.

Клас поділяється на групи (5-6 учнів). Кожна група отримує картки на яких  написано фрагменти тексту. Учні повинні розташувати картки так, щоб отримати відповідну розповідь. Виконавши це завдання, учні ланцюжком розповідають текст. (Завдання може бути однакове для всіх груп). Розповідь повинна бути такою:


Two old men who lived in a village deep in the country

decided one day to take a trip to London. This meant

they had to leave their village, get on a bus to the nearest

town, and there catch the train for London. It was all a big

adventure for them, as they had never done anything like it

before. To tat on the journey, they had bought some

bananas. They’d never eaten bananas before either.

they got on the train and were marveling at the speed. One

man decided to try his banana, but just as he was taking a 

Bite the train entered a tunnel.

‘’Have you eaten your banana yet?’’ he called out to his friend.

‘’No,’’ replied his friend.

‘’Well, don’t,’’ said the first man. ‘’I took a bite of mine and went blind.”


6 Удосконалення навичок читання

Т: Just now students, open your textbooks at page 125 Ex.5. We’re going to read some interesting facts about the Union Jack. Do you know what it is?

P1: As far as I remember the Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom.

T: That’s right. So let’s start reading and then we’ll answer some questions.

(Учні читають текст, а потім відповідають на запитання.)


6 Повторення й узагальнення лексико-граматичного матеріалу 

T:Let’s revise the words on the topic (слова по темі на слайдах). We’ll translate them into Ukrainian and then into English(учні перекладають слова та складають з ними речення).

e. g. The climate is mild and soft in the west of the country. Great Britain is surrounded by seas on all sides. Over 20,000 British people are fishermen, etc.

7 Проектна робота. Розвиток умінь монологічного мовлення.

T: Students, it’s high time to introduce your project works to us (учні презентують проектні роботи, які вони підготували

8 Підведення підсумків уроку. Summarizing and Homework.

T: So, children, our lesson is going to an end and I want you to share your ideas about the importance of learning English nowadays. If it is significant, from your point of view? Why should we work so hard? Maybe it is not worth doing.

P1: English is the language of international communication. I’m fond of travelling and I want to make friends all over the world.

P2: We can’t get a good lob if we don’t know English. Because it is used in all spheres of life.

P3: I’m interested in English and in future I would like to be a translator.

P4: If you want to be a well-educated person and respect yourself, you have to study foreign languages.

T:Well, thank you, children. Today you’ve proved that a good command of English means a lot. You’ve got excellent marks for your work. For the next lesson you should write a paragraph about the importance of learning English. See you . Have a nice day

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