Урок Граматики " Conditionals ІІ"

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додаткові граматичні вправи на тему " Conditional II" для учнів 10 класу, до підручника Л. Морська

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Conditionals II

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form .


  1. If you (to understand) friends, you (not to speak) like that.
  2. She (to grow up) a sensible person if they (to stop) treating her like a     toy.
  3. The plants (to grow) better if you (to water) them every day.
  4. If she (to ask) him, he (not to mind) it.
  5. If he (to want) to see them, he (to come).
  6. They (not to lose ) the game if  they (to train).
  7. If I (to be) you, I (to help ) my friends.
  8. They (to clean ) the room if the mother ( to say) to do it.
  9. If it (to be) not so dark, they (to go ) out.
  10. If you ( to see) this with your own eyes, you (not to believe) it.


Complete the following sentences.


  1.  You would think so if……….
  2. You would do this if…………
  3. They would not say this if…..
  4. You would support them if….
  5. If I were you, I ………………
  6. If it were not so late …………
  7. If you knew him……………..
  8. If we saw her…………………
  9. You would not be ill…………
  10. If I left my watch at home……


Translate into English


  1. Якби ми з вами зустрілися ,ми б випили чашку чаю.
  2. Якби я отримала зарплату, я б купила нове плаття.
  3. Якби не було так пізно, ми б пішли погуляти.
  4. Якби я була тобою, я б підготувалася до контрольної роботи.
  5. Якби не вітер( but for…), погода б була хороша.





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