Lesson 3
Клас 7
Проблеми зі здоров’ям. Грип
- продовження активізації лексики з теми „Здоров’я“ в усному мовленні учнів
- удосконалення діалогічного мовлення
- вправляння у вживання модального дієслова «should»
- удосконалення вмінь аудіювання
- розширити кругозір учнів інформацією про власне здоров’я, про хвороби(вміти розпізнавати грип та прийняти відповідних заходів щодо перебігу хвороби)
- виховувати культуру спілкування,
- виховувати в учнів необхідність бережливого ставлення до власного здоров’я та здоров’я оточуючих
- розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, удосконалювати вміння діалогічного мовлення,вміння аудіювання.
- розвивати вміння систематизувати знання, логіку викладу матеріалу в усному мовленні
- розвивати увагу та пам’ять
Обладнання уроку: презентація «Health Problems, SHOULD», відеозапис пісні «I am sick», роздатковий друкований матеріал «song», «flu symptoms/flu treating», презентація «flu symptoms», відеозапис «Don't Be the One to Spread the Flu»
Схематичний план уроку
Warming up (checking homework)(7)
Good morning! How are you?
But now look at John, I don’t think he is well?
Ask John and the others how they are? And what is the matter with them. Be ready to give a supportive advice
Warming up (checking homework)
And now let’s play a game, “I can do more”, your task is to give pieces of advice how to stay healthy, the last one to mention an advice is the winner. But you can not use the advice that was already told.
But if you don’t follow these advice you will not feel well, and moreover you can become ill(Br) or sick(Am)
Now listen to the song and be ready to say what is wrong with a person
And while listening correct the symptoms in your song- sheets.
For teacher I am sick. I am sick. What is wrong? What is wrong? I’m sneezing; I am dizzy as can be. A runny nose, sore throat Headache and stomachache I am sick. I am sick. Oh! It’s the flu! |
For students I am ill. I am sick. What is wrong? What is wrong? I’m coughing; I am giddy as can be. A stuffy nose, temperature Earache and toothache I am ill. I am sick. Oh! It’s the flu! |
What was the diagnosis in the song? What of its symptoms were mentioned there? Now let’s think of other symptoms of flu, what they are. Let’s fill the diagram. If pupils have problems doing it the teacher can help by using a presentation.
And remember if you have one or more of these symptoms, it could be the flu.
Symptoms generally appear 1 to 4 days after you have caught the virus ['vaɪ(ə)rəs].
Now we will watch the video, while watching see if we were right about the symptoms, and write out pieces of advice what a person should do when he/she has got flu(fill the diagram #2)
Pupils read out what they have understood they add their own advice
And now tell what a person should do when he or she has flu
Students produce the sentences (with the help of teacher’s help if needed)
He /she should call your doctor/ stay at home/ sleep a lot/ drink a lot of liquids (warm)/ keep yourself warm/ air the room.
He /she should not go to work/school/ use the computer/ watch TV.
It is very nice that you know what to do when you have flue symptoms. Your homework will be
1. to prepare an oral topic “Flu” (symptoms, how to treat, how to prevent getting ill)
2. Learn the words
To sneeze, a runny (stuffy) nose, to fill dizzy (giddy)
Flu symptoms (fever, aches, chills, sudden onset)
Call the doctor/ drink a lot of warm liquids/ visit the doctor for a regular check-up.