Урок-конференція "The Land of Freedom"

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Розробка уроку містить послідовний опис проведення уроку-конференції у 8 класі по темі " Країнознавство.Шотландія".
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Розробка уроку –презентації  з англійської мови

                                          8 клас

2 семестр 4 четверть

Підручник : Oksana Karpiuk « English for the 8th form»


Тема уроку: «The soul of Scotland »


  • to develop students' skills of literary translation
  • to advance  habits of prepared and unprepared speech;
  • to teach students to express their opinion;
  • to develop students' skills in reading;
  • to develop students' skills in listening;
  • to develop students' skills in writing;
  • to teach students to represent information and  respect the traditions of other countries;
  • to help students in  understanding  the culture of other countries.

Обладнання: картки з завданнями ,фото ілюстрації ,словники, проектор, інтерактивна дошка , збірка творів Роберта Бернса, нетбук з аудіозаписами .                                                                        



                          1.  Greeting. Introduction to the lesson.


Римівка « Travelling» (слайд №1  виконують усі учні)


Travelling- exciting.

      Travelling is cool.

      You can go everywhere,

      Without no rules.

      You can see the mountains,

      You enjoy the lakes,

           Flying  on the air balloon,

      Watching fish and snakes.

      Learn the world and sure for whole

      That’s the Earth is our Home!


   Teacher -Class

Teacher: Good morning, dear friends. I'm glad to see you. How did you like the rhyme about travelling?I hope you like it. Are you ready to start our work? I propose to start with such a task.I am sure you will like it.

 (на картках цитати про подорожі- розрізані. Їх частини необхідно коректно  скласти.)               

  “Live with no excuses ***** and travel with no regrets” .


“We travel not to escape life*****but for life not to escape us.”


“People don't take trips,***** trips take people.”


“Don't listen to what they say,***** go see”


    « Don't Quit *****Your Day Dream»

    “The world is a book, *****and those who do not travel read only one     page.”

    “With age, comes wisdom. With travel, *****comes understanding

       “You don’t have to be rich *****to travel well.”

    “If you reject the food, ignore the  customs, fear the religion and avoid the   people, you might***** better stay at home.”

  “Take only memories, *****leave only footprints.”

  “Investment in travel is***** an investment in yourself.

   “Life is short and the world is wide,***** the sooner you start exploring it,  the better.” 


                                       2. Warming up

T. I would like  to draw your attention to the blackboard where the quotation from John Clarke is written: "He that travels far knows much" (слайд № 2). I think these words can be the motto of our lesson. Let's try to think of these words  and  prove that Clarke was really right. What do you think about this quotation? How do you understand these words? What's your opinion?

(Pupils exchange their opinions and make a word-map using the expressions:

I think...

My idea is….

To my mind...

In my opinion...

It seems to me that ...)

Possible answers:

Pupil 1. I think it's true. Travelling develops our outlook.

Pupil 2. To my mind, if you visit different countries, you get acquainted with traditions and customs of these countries.

Pupil 3. No doubt travelling develops our fantasy and imagination .

Pupil 4. Naturally, travelling is exciting, because it means a lot of  adventures.

Pupil 5. That's right. When we travel, we move from one place to another, so travelling gives us movement and keeps us from growing stale and old.

Pupil 6. I want to add that travelling gives us knowledge.

Pupil 7. I  want to add that travelling helps us to study foreign languages alive.

Pupil 8. I support your idea. When I travel, I always try to take pictures of places of interest to enrich my album of photos .

Pupil 9. Don't forget, if you travel, you meet different people and make friends. I think it's cool  to have many friends in foreign countries.

T. Let's summarise everything you have said. Look at the blackboard and read once again why it is necessary for us to travel. (слайд № 3)

Т. Why did I begin our lesson from this quotation?

Pupil 1. Maybe we shall travel today?

T. Yes, you are quite right. We shall make an imaginary trip to one of the English-speaking countries.

By the way, what English-speaking countries do you know?

Possible answers:

PI. Great Britain.

P2. May be Canada.

P3. New Zealand.

P4. Australia.


  T. OK. So ,close  your eyes, relax for a minute and listen….( звучить Шотландська мелодія з фільму « Хоробре серце»).

 Pupils. Scotland.

T. You are right. It's Scotland and the topic of our lesson is "A   Soul of Scotland Scotland". (слайд № 4  з зображеннями пейзажів Шотландії )  


                                      3. Practice


T. We learn a lot  about Scotland from films,books,vocabularies , exchanging E-mails,searching the Web ,do not we? By the way, what do you know about Scotland? Let's  find out ! (слайд № 6)

(One of the pupils reads the factfile.)

Name: Scotland

Area: 78,769 sq km

Population: 5,200,000

Capital: Edinburgh

Political system: A part of the United Kingdom; has its own parliament, legal system, and even its own international football team.

Language: English, Gaelic

T. What does Scotland mean for you? Is it worth seeing?

Possible answers:

P1. To my mind Scotland is famous for its beautiful  lakes. Everybody knows about a mysterious Loch Ness Monster. Maybe it really lives there? It seems to me this country is worth seeing.

P2. In my opinion Scotland is famous for its art festivals, holidays, sport games and of course its national kilts and bagpipes. It's worth seeing.

P3. Scotland is the birthplace of a world-known poet Robert Burns. Every year on the 25th of January Scottish people celebrate his birthday. They recite his poems, sing his songs.

              3.1. Literary comprehension

 T. You are quite right. It's worth seeing. And…by the way! Speaking about Robert Burns.Now it’s a time to check your hometask-you had to try yourself in a role of literary translator! As far as I know you have some success.Lets listen to your variants of translating of « My heart in the Highlands» by Robert Burns.( слайд № 7.Портрет Роберта Бернса.)

Version 1

My heart in the Highlands ,my  heart is not here.

My heart in the highlands, achasing the deer.

achasing  the wild  deer  and  following  roe,

My heart in the Highlands  wherever  I  go.

Між гір моє серце, душа моя там.

Полюю на оленя й кіз, ніби пан.

Стрілою  лякаю їх дивне життя.

Вершини-то моє найвище буття!

    Version 2

Душа в височинах, не тут, не зі мною.

Весь час в полюванні з блискою стрілою.

Полюю на оленів в просторі гір

Бо серце у горaх з прадавніших пір.

     Version 3

Якби мені знати , як вітер спіймати

В гірській височині, між диких тварин

Бо прагну до неба, не можу  чекати

Між зелені й сині  Я –тут, Я- один.

      Version 4

Мчуся за стрілою ,бачу  дичину

Стрімко та безстрашно на височину.

Я –мисливець вправний, то земля моя

Таємнича  й сильна гір височина.

         Version 5

У просторі неба, у величі гір

Iду я у мандри , хоч вір, чи не вір.

Полюю на здобич та й лука згинаю,

Оленя стрімкого стрілою шукаю.

Шотландії  гори-містична стихія.

І лиш серед них і живу я, і мрію!!!

                                     3.2. Reading comprehension

T. Now let`s see, how  attentive readers you are.You have to read the text attentively and then  check the statements according the text.

                              Текст   «  Scotland»

                Nowadays,this country is one of the most  visited tourist places in the whole world.Its popularity is usually connected with its best known and unique liquors,bagpipes ,tartan as well as its spectacular and astonishing landscapes.Scotland has a great history studded with thrilling myths,tales and legends.Many people dream of visiting Loch Ness which is considered to be one of the Scotlands largest lakes because they hope to see  the legendary Loch Ness monster there and take some photos with it.Moreover,the majority of Scots  are friendly,welcoming and helpful hosts .If you need some help ,piece of advice or bed and breakfast ,they are glad to offer you what is need.Although,there can be some troubles with understanding of what they say,in spite of the fact that they speak international English language.Their prononciation  is very different from «Classical prononciation » we used to learn at school.Scots have their own accents and dialects.Besides,the country is  a motherland  of famous artists,scientists, writers and other celebrities.For example,Alexander Graham Bell,the inventor of the telephone,and TV chef Gordon Ramsey were born there.However ,the most famous celebrity of the country is probably Sean Connery.

Scottish towns look very different from English towns. Some words about Edinburgh. Edinburgh,the capital of Scotland,is one of the British most attractive cities.Its a city for people who like to walk.You are never far from green parks,gardens and hills- in the main shopping streets. It’s a busy modern city,but its history is everywhere. At the top of the highest hill is located Edinburgh Castle.It was the home for  royal family until 1603  when King James the 6th of Scotland become the king of England and moved to London.The highlands of Scotland is mountainous and wild.In winter its white with snow  but in summer it becomes purple.Highlands are famous for the Scottish Olympics or the highland Games. These games are not only sporting competitions- music and very different traditional games are very important too.While athlets throw the hammer at  the one end of the arena,you can watch a dancing competition at the other end. These games are very popular in Highlands. Usually between the mountains are rivers  and lakes. Scottish people like fishing very much,that’s why they say that Scottish rivers are good for two-fishing is one,the other is Scotch whisky.Whiskey is made from water and barley.The method has not changing for hundreds years. Scotch whisky is the best one.Scotland is also famous for its kilt,the most important part of national dress and bagpipes-the national music instrument.Scotland is a very beautiful country and if you visit it –you will never forget it.There is an interesting custom in Scotland .It  is  the words biggest New Year  Party,which takes place for several days. At the end of each year people together  sing the old song o Robert Burns –For Old Times Sake. An old belief says that if the first person who enters the Scottish house  after the beginning of New Year is a dark-haired man with a piece of coal,all the members of this family  will have good luck.

St.Andrew is the saint patron of Scotland.St.Andrews Cross is X –shape cross. It forms the central component of the flag of The United Kingdom. St.Andrews Day is celebrated on November 30 th. Scotland is always assotiated with the names of such writers as Walter Scott,Robert louis Stevenson and Robert  Burns.


So ,now decide if  the statements are right or wrong. Correct the wrong statements:( слайд №8 )

  1. Edinburgh is the city for those who like to walk.
  2. Edinburgh Castle is situated on the top of the lowest hill.
  3. Edinburgh Castle was a home of the English royal
    family until 1603.
  4. The famous road is called the Royal Mile.
  5. It takes seven metres of tartan cloth to make a kilt.
  6. Edinburgh is the city for those who like to walk.
  7. Edinburgh Castle is situated on the top of the lowest hill.
  8. Edinburgh Castle was a home of the English royal
    family until 1603.
  9. The famous road is called the Royal Mile.
  10. It takes seven metres of tartan cloth to make a kilt.
  11. A man's kilt pocket is called a sporran.

7. Bagpipes are made in every national workshop.

  1. The Palace of Holyroodhouse was built in 1601.
  1. You can visit the Palace of Holyroodhouse any time
    you want.

10. The Firth of Forth is the name of the bridge.
Possible answers:

P1. Edinburgh is the city for those who like to walk. It's true.

P2. Edinburgh Castle is situated on the top of the lowest hill. It's wrong. Edinburgh Castle is situated on the top of the highest hill.

P3. Edinburgh Castle was a home of the English royal family until 1603. It's not true. Edinburgh Castle was a home of the Scottish royal family until 1603.

Р4. The famous road is called the Royal Mile. It's correct.

P5. It takes seven metres of tartan cloth to make a kilt. It's wrong. It takes eight metres of tartan cloth to make a kilt.

P6. A man's kilt pocket is called a sporran. I agree with this.

P7. Bagpipes are made in every national workshop. I don't know. Maybe.

     P8. The Palace of Holyroodhouse was built in 1601.Its true.

                                 3.3.Writing comprehension.


T. Imagine that you are in a cafe having traditional tasty  tea. You are listening the sound of  bagpipes. You are full of impressions. Write some words in E- mail  to your friends about your first impressions.Of course you can add some photos or pictures. These examples are for you.

(Pupils write some words about their trip.)

Possible answers:

P1. Dear Oleg,

I'm in Edinburgh now. I'm full of impressions. You see,it is so cool, in spite of the fact, that I am so tired walking on foot so much! I have visited many places of interest there. Edinburgh Castle was  like in the fairy tale… I saw  some soldiers in kilts (skirts for men). It was unusual and funny.

Sincerely yours...

P2. Dear Mary,

 As you know I'm in Scotland now. I'm in Edinburgh, the capital of the country. You see ,the sound of   bagpipes… At first it was boring, but now I can understand all  the beauty of this  magic music. I've bought a souvenir for you. You will like it.

See you soon...

4. Summing up

    T. Do you like our today's visit to Scotland? What was interesting for you to know? Possible answers:

P1. Today's virtual  trip to Scotland  was very interesting. We've learnt many interesting facts about Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland.

P2. I liked Edinburgh Castle best of all.

P3.I have a dream now-to visit Scitland!

P4. As for me, the  Scottish sceneries  and nature are great.

    P5. It seems to me, the  Edinburgh itself is like  a museum.

    T. It's a pity, but time flies,  and our today's trip  is over. Let's finish our visit to Scotland  listening to some short Scottish tunes.

T. Your work today was good, you were very active and positively self-confident.

                                                  5. Home Task

T. Your home task will be -a mini project work.You will have to use a standard piece of paper( A4) and  write a short description of place which you liked most in Scotland after todays lesson.You  can add some décor: color paper pictures,photos,stickers, “smiles” ets.  Thank you all! Have a nice day! See you soon. Bye!!!



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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 березня 2020
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