Матеріали до уроку у 10-му класі "Спілкування" підібрано з метою контролю навичок мовлення. Спонуканням до розмови стануть задані твердження, які допоможуть учням з власним висловлюванням. А вчителю перевірити вірити рівень сформованості навички усного мовлення учнів та зорієнтувати учнів на реалізацію здобутих знань на практиці.
Дата: 18.12.17
Клас: 10
Тема: Спілкування. (Communication)
Цикл: контроль певних навичок (усного мовлення).
Обладнання: підручник, картки з запитаннями
Хід уроку
Тeacher: Good morning pupils!
Are you ready to start speaking?
Teacher: Every day we communicate with scores of people.We talk about politics, work, life, money and so on. After all, do we know what communication is?
Communication is one of the most important necessities of every human being.
Even millions years ago when primitive men could not speak.
They communicate with the help of gestures, sounds and pictures.
If we try to imagine our life without communication with each other, the picture will be dull.
Teacher: Starting a conversation with someone is probably one of the hardest parts of communication. You may find that you can talk to some people instantly, while talking to others is like pulling teeth. But don't worry -- there are a few universal tricks that will help you start a good conversation with almost anyone,
Do you have any ideas how to start the conversation or speech?
Pupil 1 Start with something good!
Pupil 2 Present your ideas clearly!
Pupil 3 Comment on a topic of general interest.
Teacher: Don’t be shy! Use your vocabulary! Use spoken phrases! Use a fixed expression!
For example:
If you don’t remember a fixed expression. You can just start talking in a natural way, as if a friend has asked you the same question.
For example:
Describe an indoor game you have enjoyed playing in your free time.
(Учні отримують картки з завданням)
Teacher: Your task is to talk about the topic for 1-2 minutes.
Card 1 Have you chosen your future profession yet? Is it a question that makes you feel uneasy?
Card 2 You study various subjects at school. Each one is important and knowledge of every subject is necessary.
Card 3 Studying at school is not easy, is it? However we can make the process of learning less difficult.
Card 4 People enjoy decorating their room in a way that reflects their personality.
Card 5 Leisure is time for rest and for doing something useful for yourself. Do you think so?
Card 6 Many school subjects are considered more important than others.
Підготуйтесь до контролю навичок письма за темами «Особистість», «Шкільне життя», «Професії». Повторіть лексику тем.