Welcome to the Theatre
Lesson Plan (mine)
Greeting. Good morning, my dear friends and
Welcome to the Theatre! Our Guests, please, join us!
Introduction. Aim of the lesson. (seen on the screen)
Teacher: So, what do you usually do in your spare time? (Nothing, I read books, I go for a walk with my friends, I play computer games, sometimes I go to the cinema ok and How often do you go to the theatre? –
Unfortunately not very often, let’s do it today and first of all try to review the Vocabulary
(Vocabulary Revision )
(Перепитати учнів translation)
Акторський склад, дія, декорації, драматург, сцена, спектакль, глядачі, вистава (play/performance) etc
Vocabulary Trainer
(the students here and repeat the sentences+ Plus some words are hidden
and they write them)
1 What’s your opinion about the play? Яка твоя думка про п’єсу?
2 The main character of the film was very convincing- Головний герой фільму (п’єси) був дуже переконливий
3 What’s your impression of the play? Well, I’m not pleased with it, I can’t recommend it – Яке твоє враження про п’єсу? Я не захоплений нею, не можу тобі порекомендувати.
4 The scenery and the costumes were good but I didn’t like the acting - Декорації і костюми були гарні, але мені не сподобалася акторська гра.
5 They staged a famous story of Romeo and Juliet and did it in a quiet original way.- Вони ставили відому історію про Ромео і Джульєту і зробили це у свій оригінальний спосіб
(На екрані показати слайд з цими реченнями)
Teacher: So, my dear friends, try to remember these sentences and use them in your speaking Plus try to remember some expressions – likes and dislikes (to show on the screen +p.150 in a school book)
Presentation – Asking about impressions
What is your favourite play/performance?
Work with Student’s Book. Work in groups.
Read and speak about performances/films. (p.150)
Teacher: Last time we read about the Globe – a famous Shakespeare’s Theatre. What do you remember about it?
Let’s do the Concluding task (to show on a screen)
E) The Globe is one of the oldest theatres in London .
B) People could stand around the stage or sit in galleries on the wooden benches.
A) In Shakespeare’s time women didn’t play on stage
F) At Shakespeare’s Globe there were no decoration on the stage.
D) A flag always waved above the playhouse during the performance
C) William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays which are popular
So, Shakespeare wrote lots of famous plays. People loved his plays, and there was always a big audience at the Globe Theatre
And now, let’s move to our the so - called “School Globe Theatre”
Students speak about the play they saw last week “The Fire of Immortality”
So, we could say “To be “The Fire of Immortality or not to be”?
That is the question….
And we say – to be….
Because at all times people fought for justice, Peace, independence and Freedom as we do today..
Possible answers:
In my opinion, he could certainly write about Oleksa Hirnyk. Shakespeare was always interested in the themes of justice, freedom and human suffering, which are still relevant in our time.
Oleks Hirnyk, a Ukrainian dissident and activist who fights for human rights and freedom of speech, is a well- known figure in modern Ukrainian society.
Thus, Shakespeare, as a literary genius, would have the opportunity to create an impressive work about Oleks Hirnyk, which would inspire and raise the viewer's consciousness to important social issues
“The Fire of Immortality” in his time? – in written form