Урок "Life in Cities and Villages."

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови на тему "Life in Cities and Villages" за підручником А. Несвіт 4 клас.
Перегляд файлу

Theme: A House.

Topic: Life in Cities and Villages.

Form: 4

Time: 40 mins.

Objectives: Talking about different rooms of a house.

Type of a lesson: a lesson of development  speaking skills.

Structures: “What room is this?”, “ Do you live in a house or in a flat?”, “Where is it located?” , “ Do you like to live there?”

Targed Vocab: a hall , a living room , a bedroom , a kitchen , a bathroom,  a toilet, a house, a  dining room, a garden.

Lesson equipment: textbook “English 4” A. Nesvit, flashcards “House/Home”, magazines / catalogs with pictures of household objects.

Learning outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able to tell about rooms of a house.

Lesson Procedure

  1. Warm-up:

1. Greeting: Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you.

Sts: Good morning, dear teacher!

        Good morning, how are you?

        We are very happy

        To say “Hello” to you!

2. Mini-dialogue:

T: I’m fine, thank you. Now, tell me, please, how are you?

St1: I’m OK.

St2: I’m fine.

T: What season is it now?

St3: It’s autumn now. 

T: Yes, you are right. What’s the weather like today?

St4: It’s sunny, warm and not windy.

T: Yes, thank you. What month is it now?

St5: It is October.

T: Thank you.

2. New Learning and Practice:

1. Teach rooms vocab.

Before class, cut out 6 pictures of household objects from a magazine/catalog: one for each of the rooms of a house, for example: bed (for the bedroom), refrigerator (for the kitchen), shower (for the bathroom), TV (for the living room), dining table (for the dining room), flowers (for the garden). On the board draw a picture of a house.

Next, hold up the cut out "bed" magazine picture and elicit/teach the word. Ask one student to come up to the board stick the picture in one of the rooms (make sure it is the large, upstairs room). Do the same with the other 5 pictures, each time eliciting the word and getting a student to stick on your house so that each room has a picture in it (and one outside in the garden). Now, elicit/teach the words for rooms of the house and garden: point at the bedroom and ask "What room is this?". If no one knows, say, "Well, it has a bed and it is a room, so it's a ..." and try and elicit "bedroom". Then write the word in the room and chorus 3 times. Do a similar thing with the other places, e.g: - bathroom: a room with a bath - living room: a room where we live - dining room: a room where we eat dinner (dinner room ... dining room) - kitchen/garden: not compound words so can't teach this way - just teach and chorus.

2. Read classroom reader (Ex.1, p.27)

T: Thanks! You are great! Open your books at p.27. We are going to read the text about two different places. I will read the text and your task is to read the sentences in silence after me.

A teacher translates difficult words into Ukrainian if it’s necessary.

T:  Now, read in chorus.

Post-reading: “Match the pictures to the texts”

Key: 1.b     2.a





3. Practice the vocab. (Ex. 2,p.27)

1. Do a class survey.

T: Now let’s make 3 groups of four and do a class survey. Ask your friends about their homes and fill in the table from Ex. 2,p.27. Will you read the instruction?

St6: Do a class survey. Ask your friends questions about their homes and make a graph. Speak in class. Talk about your friends’ homes.

A teacher explains how to make a graph. Gives every group a big piece of paper for their graphs. 

T: Now tell the class about your friends’ homes.

One member of a group tells about his/her friends’ homes.

2. Play "Flashcard Slam"

T: Now, it’s high time to play. You have flashcards, pictures up. When I say “Touch the kitchen” you must quickly slam your hand down on the correct card.

Lay all the flashcards, picture up, on the floor and get everyone to sit around the cards in a circle (for large groups, have a few sets of flashcards so you can do this in groups). Play this until every card has been practiced.

3. Do Ex. 3,p. 28.

T: Now, read the words and match them to the numbers as in the example.

3. Wrap up

1. Play the "Rooms of a house Quiz"

T: To finish this lesson, play a game "Rooms of a house Quiz".

Put your students into groups (of 2-6 students per group, depending on how many students are in your class). Get each group to elect a team captain and then give each captain a piece of paper and pencil. Tell the captains to write the numbers 1 to 12 down the left-side of the paper. Each captain is going to write the 12 answers to the quiz questions on this sheet, but the rest of the group will help give him/her the answers. The teacher reads out the following questions as the groups write the answers on their sheets:

1. Where in the house do you brush your teeth? (bathroom)

2. Where in the house do you cook food? (kitchen)

3. Where in the house do you sleep at night? (bedroom)

4. Where in the house do you eat dinner? (dining room)

5. Where in the house do you  watch TV? (living room)

6. Where do you see grass? (garden)

2. Homework: revise the words p. 28, read Ex. 1,p.27
















1. Навчальні програми з іноземних мов 2-4 класи. https://mon.gov.ua/ua/osvita/zagalna-serednya-osvita/navchalni-programi/navchalni-programi-dlya-pochatkovoyi-shkoli

2. https://www.eslkidstuff.com/esl-kids-lesson-plans.html

3. https://www.mes-english.com/flashcards/house.php

4. Несвіт Алла Англійська мова : підруч. для 4-го кл. загально-

освіт. навч. закл. — Київ : Генеза, 2015. — 144 с.: іл.



















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