Урок «Моя маленька батьківщина. Місто Середина-Буда.»

Про матеріал

Буде цікаво для тих хто працює з краєзнавчим матеріалом. Допомагає розширити знання про Україну, виховувати почуття гордості за свою Батьківщину, розвивати почуття колективізму. Розвиває логічне мислення учнів через повторення та систематизацію вивченого, мовну та слухову пам'ять, зв'язне усне мовлення та творчу уяву.

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« Моя маленька батьківщина. Місто Середина-Буда.»


Тема уроку: Моя маленька батьківщина. Місто Середино-Буда.


Навчальна мета:

повторити словник учнів із теми за попередні роки й поповнити його,

практикувати учнів у діалогічній і монологічній мові,

розвивати  навички розуміння мови на слух,

закріпити знання учнів про рідну країну та свій край.

Розвиваюча мета:

розвивати логічне мислення учнів через повторення та систематизацію вивченого,

розвивати мовну і слухову пам’ять,

розвивати зв’язне усне мовлення та  творчу уяву.

Виховна мета:

розширити знання про Україну,

виховувати почуття гордості за свою Батьківщину

розвивати почуття колективізму

Міжпредметні зв’язки: географія, біологія, інформатика

Тип уроку: урок закріплення знань, навичок, умінь

Форма проведення уроку: Урок-екскурсія

Обладнання: текстові завдання, учнівські повідомлення, диференційовані завдання,  ілюстративний матеріал, завдання на картках, контрольні запитання.



Змістові лінії:

Громадянська відповідальність-учень планує краєзнавчу подорож, оцінює інфраструктуру дозвілля власної громади.

Екологічна безпека та сталий розвиток-учень складає перелік місцьдля екотуризму в своєму регіоні.


Методи: інформаційно-рецептивний, репродуктивний , проблемно-пошуковий

Форми:  розповідь-пояснення, повідомлення учнів,  пошукова діяльність учнів, самостійна творча робота учнів на здобуття та розширення знань.

Прийоми: виклад інформації, пояснення, активізація уваги та мислення, постанова заємозв’язаних проблемних запитань, активізація уваги та мислення.



І. Організаційний 


Teacher: Good morning! I am glad to see you at our lesson. I hope you are fine and we’ll have wonderful minutes of communication.

Who is on duty today? Is anybody absent? Why? What is the date today?

- Today is the 5th of September.

Describe today’s weather, please!

-Today it is hot, the sun is shining brightly, the sky is blue, the wind is not blowing.

b) Формування мети й завдань уроку. Aim.

Teacher: We have spoken a lot about Ukraine, its geographical position, political system, the capital city. But today we are going to speak about cities and towns of Ukraine, about the place, where you were born and live in. The topic of our lesson is “My little motherland is  Seredyna-Buda”. The lesson is unusual, we are going to have an excursion about our  town. Please, open your copybooks and write down the day and the topic of the lesson.

c) Мотивація навчальної діяльності. Warming-up.

Motherland… What does this English word mean? Let’s look up into Oxford Learners Dictionaries.



the country that you were born in and that you feel a strong emotional connection with.  Copy it down into your copybooks

Ex: He was willing to die for the motherland.She fears she will never see her motherland again.

T-Love of Motherland comes to people in different ways. What does your Motherland begin with for you?

Pupil1: My Motherland begins with the dearest person in the world – my mother.

Pupil2: My Motherland begins with my home, my parents.

Pupil3: Motherland means to love my town, my family.

Pupil4: Motherland is my town, my street, my friends…

Pupil5: My Motherland is the history of our country, its outstanding people.

Pupil6: My Motherland is our wonderful nature.

Pupil 7: Our motherland is our soul, brain and light.

 Teacher: Some people consider their home or their street to be Motherland. Some people think that Motherland is their native country. But, by all means, it is the best place. So, the aim of our lesson is not only to help you to understand, to watch, to feel the beauty around you in the place you know and live but also to kindle the interest of foreigners to our small town.

II. Main Part.

a) Актуалізація опорних знань, умінь, навичок . Phonetic Drills.

Teacher: At the previous lesson I asked you to learn some poems about homeland, by heart.  Would you like to start reciting?

- It is so beautiful and bright

It gives me home, a shelter and light

And we are proud of its history,

Full of struggles and victories.

-We got this country from God as a gift,

Not just to take, but mostly to give

Our mother land takes care of you and me,

And only here we can stay forever free.

-Love your dear Motherland,

Love it with your whole heart,

Love Ukraine when the days are happy,

Love when the days are dark,

-Cherish your Mother tongue,

Cherish your family root,

Never stop thinking of your parents

And make their life good.

-We live in Ukraine, a beautiful land

It’s home for me and you, my friend,

Its towns and villages are so nice

The Ukrainian people are wise.

Teacher: Thank you. It’s so charming. Now  let’s remember famous proverbs and sayings. Match two parts and translate them.

1) East or west                                     a) is my castle.

2) There is no place                                   b) so many customs.

3) So many countries,…                         c) can love nothing.

4) He who doesn’t love his country              d) home is best.

5) My home                                              e) like home.

6) Home…                                              f) his own nest best.

7) Every bird thinks…                                        g) sweet home.


1) Teacher: Nowadays it’s very popular to travel to different countries but wherever we go, we are always happy to come back to Ukraine. Let’s remember what we know about our country. Complete the sentences:

P1: This is Ukraine. Its total area is more than 60 000 square km. It borders on Russia ,Belarus, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia.

P2: Its population is more than 47 million. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.

P3: The largest cities are Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa and Dniepropetrovsk. The main rivers are the Dnipro, the Bug and the Dniester.

P4: There are three main official symbols of Ukraine: its emblem, flag and anthem. Our national emblem is a golden trident on a blue background. The trident is the symbol of power.

P5: Our flag is yellow and blue. Yellow symbolizes golden grain fields and the sun. Blue symbolizes the blue sky. We have our own language, which is Ukrainian.

P6: The Ukrainian language took the second place in the world on melodic criteria after Italian.

P7: Our people are hospitable, talented, hard-working and friendly.

P8: Our people are good both at work and rest. We like to sing, dance and play musical instruments.


  1. Контроль виконання домашнього завдання. Hometask.

Teacher: You visited some Ukrainian towns and cities during last summer holidays. Your hometask was to prepare reports about your travelling in Power Point.

  1. Lviv

I visited Lviv in June. I went there with my mum and my friends for a couple of days. Lviv is a beautiful city with small streets and wide squares. It's a city of ancient architecture and extraordinary restaurant culture. We walked around the central town square, drank flavored coffee in cafes.

We walked to the mountain, which is called High castle, and looked the whole city from the top of it.

I liked the Modern Art Gallery best of all. It was founded at the end of 1990.It is situated  in the centre of the city and you can get there by bus or on foot.Here you can see the paintings and graphics, sculptures and photography, new media and other techniques of modern art.There are famous pieces of art of Ukrainian leading masters of classic and modern Ukrainian Art. The best thing about it was the exhibition of old Lviv pictures and photos. Also there is a restaurant "House of Legends", which occupies the whole house and where each room preserves certain Lviv's legend.

We walked on The Rynok Square and to the Italian yard, went to the Lychakiv cemetery, visited  market “Vernissage”, churches and temples, enjoyed town streets and the beauty of the Ukrainian language.

We’d like to go back and to add to our list some new places to visit, for example, “Lvіv Handmade Chocolate” etc. I fell in love with Lviv.

  1. Ternopil

Ternopil has something for everyone – a town centre with two fountains, small boulevards with flowers, a few book stalls and a variety of cafes and restaurants. Additionally there are gift shops, a greek-style theatre , an old castle, three ancient churches, three interesting museums, two huge parks with cafes, an open air stage, a small well-kept zoo,etc

This is the lake Ternopil is famous for. It is the best place for walking near, fishing or swimmiing. As our guide said, some centuries ago it was the main source of income for the noble, once in three years the water was drained away and people could sell the fish left on the bottom of the pond.

This castle is almost 500 years old and worth seeing. The reflection in the lake makes a good photo and from the city it is also picturesque. It is used as an athletic club today.

I liked to visit this church of the XVIII century. It was built during 30 years by the owner of the city Jozef Pototskiy as a Dominican Cathedral. The paintings in the church were made by a modern Ukrainian artist George Zhuravskij in 1990s. From 1991 this church became the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception.

  1. Kamyanets-Podilsk

Kamianets-Podilskyi stands on the Smotrych River in the south of the Khmelnytskyi Oblast, located in the western Ukrainian region of Podillia. The first part of the city's dual name originates from kamin' ,the second part of the name relates to the historic region of Podillia  of which Kamianets-Podilskyi is considered to be the historic capital. Kamianets-Podilskyi is on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. A lot of amazing 11th – 19th centuries' monuments and landmarks are concentrated on the territory of the Old City. Famous tourist attractions include the ancient castle, the cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Holy Trinity Church, the city hall building, and the numerous fortifications. Because of so many historic monuments, Kamianets-Podilskyi gives you the opportunity to dive into a truly medieval atmosphere. And in order to get the most out of this wonderful city, you should visit it during a holiday or festival, which take place here almost all year round!

Teacher: A very good work. Thank you.

VІ. Вивчення нового матеріалу:

There are a lot of tourist attractions in Ukraine. And what about  Seredyna-Buda ? Is it worth visiting? If your relatives or friends from other towns come to you, what do you show them? ( Avrora, Myrshchyna, central park, the Desna river…)

So, let’s talk about our native place and decide if it is worth visiting. But first I want you to divide into two groups: Travel agency and Group of Tourists . Those who have  blue are in Travel agency , those who have yellow are tourists.


  1. Pre- listening activity: You are going to listen to some information about Seredyna-Buda. Be  ready to understand and remember it. You’ll hear some new words in the text. Try to pronouns well and understand them

Confirm, Old Believers, pearl-ash , distilling industry, smithcraft, cooper's craft,  locksmith's trade , sink into decay,  regiment.

2.1.2. While listening

1. Seredyna-Buda is a small town  in Sumy region. It is situated in the north-east of  Ukraine. It stands on the river Bobrik. The  population is 7,500 people. It is located on Bryansk to Konotop branch line, railroad station is Zyornovo. The territory is 1123 square kilometers.

Seredyna-Buda was first mentioned in 1638. It was founded in the 17th century by Old Believers migrated from Russia. It took its name from a cossack Sereda  who founded the first settlement there and an  old word “ buda” that meant a place, where pearl-ash was produced. In the second part of the 18th century Seredyna-Buda  became a trade center with developed crafts, especially distilling industry. At the beginning of the 20th century there were 20 small manufactures there. Many people were engaged in different crafts, such as smithcraft, shoemaking, tailoring, cooper's craft, locksmith's trade, farming and gardening. Some people went for seasonal work to Kursk, Poltava and Podil. Since 1920s the town has become a district centre. During the Great Patriotic war there were  many battles on the territory  of Seredyna-Buda district. Partisan regiments led by Kovpak and Saburov took part in them. In the 20th century Seredyna-Buda was a developed industrial town with a big plant of metallurgical equipment, butter-making plant, a bread-making plant and others. In the 1990s all the plants sunk into decay. Nowadays the main economic activity is in commerce and building industry.

Tourists prepare questions to agents. Agents have to answer them.

1.Where is Seredyna-Buda situated?

2.What is the population of the town?

3.Does the railway station have the same name as the town?

4.Was Seredyna-Buda first mentioned in the 12th century?

5.Whom was the town founded by?

6.What did Seredyna-Buda take its name from?

7. What crafts were people engaged in?

8. Since what time has Seredyna-Buda become a district center?

9.What were there during Great Patriotic War on the territory of Seredyna-Buda district?

10. What is the main economic activity nowadays?


1. Seredyna-Buda is situated in Sumy region in the north-east of  Ukraine on the river Bobrik.

2. The  population is 7,500 people.

3.No, it doesn’t. The railroad station is Zyornovo.

4. No, it didn’t. It was first mentioned in 1638, in the 17th century.

5. It was founded by Old Believers migrated from Russia.

6. It took its name from a cossack Sereda  who founded the first settlement there and an  old word “ buda” that meant a place, where pearl-ash was produced.

7. People were engaged in different crafts, such as smithcraft, shoemaking, tailoring, cooper's craft, locksmith's trade, farming and gardening.

8. Since 1920s the town has become a district centre.

9. During the Great Patriotic war there were  many battles on the territory  of Seredyna-Buda district. Partisan regiments led by Kovpak and Saburov took part in them.

10. Nowadays the main economic activity is in commerce and building industry.

Teacher: Well done! Now can you answer my question: How old is Seredyna-Buda?  - 379

  1. Первинне закріплення і корекція. Projects. 

 Teacher:   Imagine that you are  foreigners. You are going to visit some places of interest in Seredyna-Buda. Travel agents will try to give some useful information and they will ask you questions , so be attentive!

1. Everybody knows that while travelling you think about places where you can sleep and have some meal. First of all, there is a small hotel in Hlukhivskyi Provulok. You can reserve a room beforehand. The rooms are on the first floor. They are comfortable and clean. Second, in a restaurant on the ground floor you can also have tasty food for breakfast, dinner and supper. It’s always fresh. If you like to start your day with morning exercises, you can train in a gym. There is a sauna there, too. Also there are some cafes in the center of the town. The café “ Chayka” in Yevropeyska Street in the newest of them. It serves mlyntsi with different stuff and other delicious things.

2.  If you want to do some shopping, you can visit a lot of shops, especially food shops. They work from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. There is a great variety of products. But the most popular is the supermarket “ Avrora” which is four years old. There you can take a trolley or a basket, choose vegetables, fruit, dairy products, meat, sausage, drinks, ice-cream and pay at the cashier desk. Also they have a lot of household goods, perfumery, toys, copybooks and others. This supermarket is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

3.  In Seredyna-Buda there are two main parks. One of them is in the center of the town. You can go for a walk there, sit on benches and have a rest.  Also it has got a good play ground for children. You can see a lot of small children with their parents there. Now a big fountain is being built on a little square near the park. It is going to work soon.

One more park  memorial complex “ Myrshchyna” is much bigger than the central park. It looks like a forest and it is connected to events of The Great Patriotic war. There you can see a monument to soldiers who gave their lives defending our town. Every year we go to “Myrshchyna” to honour their memory on the 9th of May. That park is a place of different sports events that take place on a big stadium. Schoolchildren often go for field trips with their teachers there. In winter you can ski in the park.

4.  But the biggest and the most important is the National Natural Park “Desnyansko-Starogutsky” which was established in 1999. Its area is 16,215 ha. This park embodies the greatness and beauty of  the Ukrainian Polissia. Ecological and educational activity of the National Natural Park “Desnyansko-Starogutsky” is interesting because of the ecological camp for schoolchildren " Desnyanski  Zori" that is  regularly located here on the Desna river. In this camp enthusiastic young naturalists can understand the essence of field study and get acquainted with real scientists for the first time.

5. Welcome to the Desna river if you are tired of city life with its busy traffic, pollution and stress! For children there is a summer camp, where they can have a good rest, make new friends, and  take part in various competitions. Also there are little houses for those who want to live with their families in the forest on the picturesque  banks of the Desna river. Those houses are very comfortable and don’t cost much. You can gather mushrooms and  berries, go fishing, swimming and boating.

This is the view of the Desna. Nothing is more beautiful than this part of Ukraine. Here you can get to know everything about nature, you will be pleased to watch exciting festivals such as Ivan Kupala festival, to get a good treatment for your tired bodies and souls.. This wonderful trip  will be one of the happiest moments in your life.


6. Teacher: But  the greatest value of our town is people. They are open hearted, kind, talented, tolerant, hospitable. They are well-known. They are great and simple as nature itself. I’m proud that I’m a part of this beautiful town. And you?

Seredyna-Buda district is proud of its talented people. Among them there are painters, singers, poets and others. I would like to tell you about two of them. Galyna Mayorova was born  in Seredyna-Buda  in 1954.  She is a teacher of Maths and worked at Seredyna-Buda school #1. Now Galyna is on pension. Galyna Mayorova  is a very talented poet. She is not only in Seredyna-Buda  literary club, she is a member of Kharkiv song poetry club and a reprsentative of this club in Sumy region. Galyna Mayorova is the author of some albums of poems. «У истоков родников святых»,«Світлиця»,«Окно, распахнутое в осень»,«Надвечір’я», «За далями – дали». Halyna’s daughter and granddaughter are also poetesses.

Buyakov Yevhen was born on the 20th of April 1940 in Briansk region. He was graduated from Novozybkov pedagogical institute, philology department. He worked as a teacher in Mefedovka school in Seredyna-Buda district. Then he was promoted and became a director of this school. After graduating from Nizhyn pedagogical institute he was  a teacher of German and English in Seredyna-Buda school number  2. He is a talented poet. There is  a very big collection of his poems. Yevhen Buyakov is a member of the literary studio “ Red Spring” and his poems are published in the local newspaper “ Znamia truda”. He is the author of school anthem.  He is not only a poet. He is a good artist. Some of his landscapes and portraits are in the school museum. His daughter, Liubov, is as talented as his father. She is the author of Seredyna-Buda arms. As for Yevhen Buyakov’s  hobby, he likes gardening and  many people ask for his advice on growing different fruit and vegetables.

--- This is the municipal arms of Seredyna-Buda

The municipal arms of Seredyna-Buda are an official symbol of the town.  They were confirmed on the 24th of March 2006 by the decision of Seredyna-Buda local council.  The author is Liubov Buyakova.

The field of the arms is divided into three parts.  At the top of it you can see the cross of Old Believers on the blue field and a torch with three flames on the red one.  These two parts   are divided by a frontier post. Below you can see two leaves: a chestnut tree leaf and an oak tree leaf. They are on the yellow field.

The blue color symbolizes cloudless sky of Seredyna-Buda. The cross of Old Believers symbolizes their contribution to the history of the town.  All in all, religion has always played a very important part during its history.

The red one is the color of heroism. This color and a torch with flames on its background mean the heroic struggle of local people during the Great Patriotic War.

The yellow color is the color of sand.  The leaves symbolize the building industry. The green color symbolizes rich forests. The town was founded   on the outskirts of a big oak forest, now the rest of it is represented by the park “Myrschyna”. Wood has always been the main natural resource of local industry.  The number of leaf apexes means the number of communities in the local council. The frontier post symbolizes the location of Seredyna-Buda in the border zone.

My native town

You are like a flower

My native town

You are like a song

My native town

You become much better

Oh, Seredyna-Buda

We love you best of all.


a)Підсумки уроку . Evaluating.

Evaluating and giving home task.

T: Our excursion around our town is over. Thanks for your fantastic work during the lesson and your very interesting projects. Everybody got good marks. Thank you for attention.

Домашнє завдання

At home you’ll write a short composition under the following title «Seredyna-Buda is worth visiting»


Look here, please. You can see the exposition of books. All these books have a lot of information about our native town. If you are not sure in your knowledge, you can learn more about past and  present of our town from these books.

T: The lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye, pupils. Have a nice day!



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