Конспект уроку для учнів 9 класу на тему: " Non-defining relative clauses", на якому учні вчаться утворювати і вживати поширені означальні підрядні речення.Урок створені на основі автентичного підручника "SOLUTIONS INTERMEDIATE"
Equipment: Solutions intermediate class book, work book, words strips, sentence worksheets
Teacher: All the students are divided into three groups. Each group gets paper strips with words on them. Group 1 has to choose the names of jobs, group 2- adjectives to describe work, group 3- activities that people do at work.
Teacher: Today we are going to study non-defining relative clauses. First of all I want to present you the situation in which non-defining relative clauses are used.
Teacher: Now try to read this text again, ignoring the relative clauses in red. Does the text make sense without them? Yes, of course. So, we use non-defining relative clauses to add some additional information to the noun. A non-defining relative clause comes immediately after the noun. It starts with a comma and ends with a comma or full stop.
Teacher: Look at the board and read sentences. Try to make a non-defining relative clause from the two sentences.
My aunt lives in London. She’s an accountant. ( My aunt, who is an accountant, lives in London)
I’d like to visit Hollywood. Many pop-stars live there. ( I’d like to visit Hollywood, where many pop-stars live)
I like my job. It involves a lot of paperwork. (I like my job, which involves a lot of paperwork.)
Peter wants to be a vet. His mum is a businesswoman. (Peter, whose mum is a businesswoman, wants to be a vet).
My sister wants to be a teacher. She loves children. (My sister, who loves children, wants to be a teacher).
Teacher: You are having some handouts with non-defining relative clauses. I’m going to read a text about one man and you have to put the sentences in a correct order according to the text.
Answers: 1c, 2b, 3d, 4a, 5f, 6e.
3 minute review
Teacher: Let’s revise the usage of the non-defining clauses. (Students tell some sentences about the form and usage on non-defining clauses)
Teacher: Each pair is given a text. Your task is to add some non-defining relative clauses to make it more interesting.
On 1st June, Dan Smith went for a job interview, with a large company. The interviewer looked at his CV and asked some questions. Dan told her about his previous job. Dan received a letter and showed it to his work. He got the job, but he wasn’t happy with the salary.
-evaluation of students
Differentiated task
Group 1 (weaker students)
Group 2 ( stronger students)
Group 3(the best students)
Write 16-18 sentences about your favourite singer or group. Use non-defining relative clauses.