Урок "Museums of Ukraine"

Про матеріал
Дана методична розробка була створена викладачем англійської мови Суханицькою Тетяною Юріївною для учнів 10 класу до теми "Мистецтво". На мою думку, навчання учнів повинно бути спрямоване не лише на засвоєння знань, а й на практичне їх застосування. Метою даного уроку є особистісний розвиток учня, виховання в нього бажання вчитися самостійно та аналізувати отриману інформацію. Під час уроку учні створюють проектні роботи (інормаційні брошури для іноземних туристів), застосовуючи інформацію та знання, які вони отримали на уроці.
Перегляд файлу

Theme: Famous Ukrainian museums.

Objectives: to deepen students’ skills in oral speech; to develop the skills of speaking and writing; to broaden students` knowledge about Ukrainian museums; to teach pupils to make conclusions; to revise the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: Copybook, scheme, table, texts.

The plan of the lesson.

I. Beginning of the lesson.

1. Aim.

Today we have a special lesson. I would say a creative lesson. Every pupil must be very attentive and every person will take park in our work. The theme of our lesson is “Ukrainian museums”. But first of all we’ll speak about the museums of Rivne and Rivne region. There are 11 states museums and 295 non-governmental museums and museum rooms in Rivne.


2. Warm-up.

  • Which museums of  Rivne do you know?
  • How often do you visit the museums?


II. Main part of the lesson.

1. Listening.

What do I have in my hand? Yes these are brochures. We take brochures when we want to go somewhere, to see something or to know about something. Today I want you to make your own brochures.Because of the Europe integration of Ukraine many foreign tourists are going to visit our land. Imagine that you are the office-manager and your task is  make the foreign tourists to visit our region, to make them be interested in Rivne and Rivne region.



2. Vocabulary.

Before reading I would like to look the vocabulary which helps you to do the task.

Historical and cultural reserve – історико-культурний заповідник

Museum of local history – краєзнавчий музей

The icons – ікони

The ancient coins – старовинні монети

Things of local living – побутові речі

Things of army – зброя

The amber – бурштин

Peresopnytsia Gospels – Пересопницьке Євангеліє

Archaeological collections – археологічні колекції


Exhibits paintings – експонати живопису

Folk crafts – експонати народного художнього примислу

Pottery – кераміка

Natural collections – природнича колекція

The articles of Cossack days – предмети козацької доби

Peasant homestead – садиба селянина

Books and printing – книги та друкарство

Manuscripts – манускрипти



3. Reading and writing.

You had a special homework. You have prepared the projects about the museums of Rivne and Rivne region. Every pupil reads her own information with the translations. The rest of the pupils listen to the texts and then you must fill in the table in the broushres. I have special examples for you.

(Pupils read their projects about the museums of Rivne and Rivne region).



State Historical and Cultural Reserve in the town of Dubno

Dubno State Historical and Cultural Reserve of the town was founded in June of 1993. Dubno Museum of local history is a part this Cultural Reserve. There is an exhibition of the icons “Our spiritual treasure” which presents the icons of 16-19 centures. The most famous part of the exposition is the heavy brass lighter made by Лука Фріделянт in 1575. The lighter stands on three figures of lions. The exhibition of the museum presents also the coins from the 2 century AD. There are many portraits of the famous owners of the castle.



National historical and cultural reserve "Field Berestetska battle»

National historical and cultural reserve "Field Berestetska battle», also known as «Cossack Graves» is the historical places in the village Plyasheva, Rivne region. It is the place of commemoration of  thousand of Cossacks and peasants participating in Berestetska battle in 1651 during the national liberation war led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky. The Berestetska Battle field Reserve includes the island of Zhuravlykha, Georgiivsky Cathedral and Mykhailivsky Cathedral, Cossack crossing, the island of Gayok, and “Monastyrshchyna field” and “Cossack Yama” (the place where was killed the last cossack). There are many things of local living and things of army in the local museum.




Amber Museum

What is unique in Rivne? - Correct, the amber.  The local government decided to create the amber museum. Little museum displays varity of amber. Different sizes, colours and many ways of working with the amber - jewelry and tableware, ceramics and stained-glass windows, pictures, as well as decorated with amber clothes and- everything you wish you might see here made of Amber - stone of the sun. The museum was opened in 2010. There are some truly unique exhibits in the Rivne museum: for example, more than 40 million years old stones, the oldest disk-amulet two and half thousand years old. Also, you can see a piece of amber weighing about 2 kg.



Cultural archeological centre "Peresopnytsia"

The first open-air museum complex “Kniazhe Misto” and Cultural centre “Peresopnytsia” were founded on 29 August, 2011 in village Peresopnytsia in Rivnenska region. It includes museum, imitation of cottage and fortification constructions of the XII-XIII centuries, library, conference hall and stock sanctuary. All works are made here because the constant archeological expedition works here.  The work for creation of the first Ukrainian Book “The Peresopnytsia Gospels” was finished 450 years ago.  



Ostrog Museum of local history

The year of foundation of Ostrog regional museum they think 1913, making it one of the oldest museums in Rivne region.  At the present time, 6 halls of the museum contain materials that reflect the history of Ostorg from ancient times to the present days. The museum contains valuable archaeological collections, exhibits paintings, folk crafts, pottery and weapons.  In one of the halls of the museum expanded exhibition that reflects the Liberation War of the Ukrainian people led by Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.  Some stands of museum exhibition highlight the life and work of prominent figures that lived here.


Rivne Museum of local history

The First Rivne museum was opened in 1940. The Local History Museum is situated in the building of the former gymnasium. Today in the establishment almost 140 thousand exhibits are kept. There are 23 halls in the museum. These are archaeological, ethnographic, numismatist, natural collections, documents, rewards, personal things of the known figures of the region.  There are hunting amulets, women jewelry of that time. It collected, kept and imagined materials about the history of Rivne area and natural features of the region. The special place in the museum collection belongs to the works of the Volyn icon-painting, the articles of Cossack days.



Sarny Museum of local history

The museum was founded in 1974 as a local historical museum. The museum created its inherent Polissya region, exhibit. It is well-preserved material and spiritual culture. For a short time it was renovated two peasant homestead, chapel of the eighteenth century. Later exposition of architectural ethnographic site was added by smithy, windmills of the nineteenth century.  In 1989 the museum was transformed into historical - ethnographic. Now the museum has three sections: history, ethnography and art. Museum often organizes exhibitions, which show how their stock materials and private collections and exhibits from other museums.


Museum of the book and printing

Museum has three floors. It tells about the history of books and printing, the activities of Ivan Fedorov. Among the rare exhibits are the oldest printed book "Dekretalii" by Pope Gregorii IX (Paris, 1511), the edition of Breviarii Horvatskyi (Venice, 1561), Ostrog Bible by Ivan Fedorov (1581). The basis of the museum consists of book collection which was established in 1909-1912. Today the book collection has about 3 thousand pieces, half of which - manuscripts, Western and Cyrillic printed books of XVI - XVII centuries.






4 .Grammar.

Look at the brochures. Translate the sentences I read.

What kind of sentences is it? (imperative) .  

Yes you are right. Studying this theme we spoke about this sentence. Think and write the imperative sentence on your brochures. Your sentences must stimulate foreing visitors to visit our native land – Rivne and Rivne region.


C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Рабочий стол\урок 2015\1.jpg5.Reading.

Read the sentences you have written.




7.Listening and testing.

Today we spoke about museums of Ukraine. You know that there are 5000 thousand of museums in Ukraine. Only 608 are state, 50 of them are national museums.  There are many museums you visited, you saw, you knew. Today I want to show original, interesting and strange museums. I prepared a presentation about it.

But you have a task. You have a list of museums.

The state museum of toysдержавний музей іграшок у Києві

The museum of historical treasures of Ukraine - музей історичних коштовностей України Києві

The museumZapovitby Taras Shevchenko – музей «Заповіт» Тараса Шевченка

The museum of Pysankaмузей писанок в Коломиї

The museum of chololate – Музей шоколаду у Львові

The museum of water – музей води в Києві

The zoological museum – зоологічний музей у Києві

The wax museum – музей воскових фігур у Києві

The pedagogical museum of Ukraine  педагогічний музей в Києві

The Kievan Rus Park – парк «Києвська Русь»

The state museum of aviation державний музей авіації у Києві

The museum of miniatures – музей мініатюр у Києві

Your task will be to guess which museum I speak about.


8.Showing of the presentation.


III. Conclusion of the lesson

1. Summarizing.

Today we spoke about the museums. I hope you after our lesson you will have wish to visit the places of our past, to know much interesting facts about our history. Because without past we have not future.


2. Homework:

 Search some information about Ukrainian painters and get ready to present it in the class.