Урок "Music in our life"

Про матеріал
Матеріал містить в собі відкритий урок англійської мови з теми "Музика в нашому житті" для 8 класу шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови
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Відкритий урок

з англійської мови у 8 класі

на тему:

«Музика у моєму житті»

(Music in my life)

























Клас: 8

Підтема: Музика у моєму житті (Music in my life)


Практична: вдосконалювати  вміння учнів використовувати англійську мову, як засіб спілкування в рамках теми: «Музика у моєму житті»; розширювати  лексичний запас  з даної теми;

Освітня: організувати діяльність учнів з повторення і активізації лексичного матеріалу теми; удосконалювати вміння і навички говоріння, аудіювання, читання та письма; навчати презентувати свою роботу.

Розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, активність, увагу, пам’ять; сприяти формуванню комунікативних навичок і умінь, пізнавального інтересу до даної теми; розвивати вміння розуміти зміст іншомовного тексту, виділяти необхідну інформацію.

Виховна: виховувати любов до музики, гарний смак; сприяти вихованню шанобливого, толерантного ставлення до іншої культури; виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання:  комп’ютер, відеозапис тексту «The Beatles», пісня, роздатковий матеріал з завданнями, робочий зошит, підручник.

Методи: інтерактивні ( «мікрофон»), ведення дискусії, діалогічні (ведення бесіди), випереджаючі завдання.

Тип уроку: урок розвитку мовленнєвої компетенції, застосування знань, навичок і вмінь.

Очікувані результати:

        правильно вживати лексичні одиниці з даної теми;

        вирізняти потрібну інформацію при відеозаписі тексту з даної теми;

        спілкуватися у межах обраної тематики та основі переглянутого відео;

        чітко та обґрунтовано висловлювати свою думку.








Greeting 1. Привітання

T.: Good morning, children!

Ps: Good morning , teacher!

T: I’m glad to see you! Sit down. I think you are ready for the lesson and have a good mood.

  •  How are you?
  • Who’s absent today?
  • What day is it today?
  • What is the date?

Open your copy-books and write down the date. Write down the topic.


2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Our lesson is devoted to music. Today we are going to speak about the role of music in your life, your favourite music styles and tastes, about your favourite singers and bands.  We will read the text, watch and listen to the video about the famous and popular British group,  you will  learn new interesting facts about it.  So our today’s topic is “Music in our life”.


Warming up 3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

  1. Фонетична розминка

T: But first let’s practice our phonetic skills. We’ll do the tongue-twister and pronounce sounds {s} ,{J} and {t} properly. Listen to me and repeat after me first slowly, then faster and faster.

She sells seashells at the seashore

She saw six ships sailing on the sea.

Don’t trouble troubles till troubles trouble you.

Very good. Well done.

  1. Мовленнєва розминка

Please, look at the blackboard, read the expressions of famous people and translate them

“Music is the universal language of mankind”.

Music is the medicine for  the broken  hearts”

“Where words fail, music speaks”

T: Do you agree with these wonderful quotations?

P1: Yes, I do, because we can’t imagine our life without music.

P2: I thing life without music would be colourless and boring!

P3: In my opinion, music helps us in difficult situations.

P4: Sometimes people speak different languages and don’t understand each other but we all understand the language of music because it’s universal and unites people of different countries


Vocabulary Revision 2. Повторення й активізація ЛО теми.

  1. T: By the way, children Can you tell why people listen to music?


  • For pleasure
  • To have fun
  • Not to feel alone
  • To relax
  • To enrich the vocabulary
  • To know the culture
  • To entertain oneself



  1. T: And what music styles do you know?

P1,2,3….: rock, country, classical, pop, rap, folk, jazz, raggie

(Mind map on the blackboard)

  1. T: What is your favourite music style? And why?

 What adjectives can we use to describe it?

 Look at the blackboard! .Use these adjectives: Beautiful, touching, serious, cheerful, relaxing, sad, simple, traditional, emotional, exciting, catchy, , pleasant, romantic, energetic.

for example : As for me, I like pop music because it is cheerful, simple and touching.


  1. T: Now you task is to guess the music style. I’ll read you the definition, you have to guess. Ok?


  1. Modern music of a simple kind popular among young people (pop).
  2. Popular music in the style of the Southern and Western USA. (country).
  3. Traditional in a particular country music.(folk).
  4. Music, which is played by a big orchestra in a concert halls and lasts over a long period of time(classic)
  5. Music, where the singer speaks or shouts the words.(rap).
  6. Music, that is usually played on electrical instruments (rock).
  7. Music, that comes originally from Jamaica, is often played freely, not following written music (raggae)
  8. Music, that comes originally from black American musicians (jazz).


  1. Т: Good for you! Now look at the pictures and define the type of music. Match the picture with the music style.

Listening Comprehension 1.

Now you are going to listen to 7 music extracts. Listen and match them to the types of music.

  1. Pop                                                 4. Classical               7. Raggie.
  2. Folk                                                5. Jazz
  3. Rock                                               6. Country

 Very good job. Thank you.


Reading Comprehension

Of course each style of music is associated with a certain singer or  a musician, or a band. For example, rock-n-roll is always associated with Elvis Presley, rock is associated with a famous group “Queen” and Freddy Mercury, country – with cowboys, but I want you to read about the person, who paved the way for other musicians to jazz style. He was a giant among American jazz musicians.


So, open your books , page 78. Let’s read the first part of the text “Parade of Fame” one by one in chain.


Now translate into Ukrainian, using the text:

- great music fan   (великий шанувальник музики) ;

- widely recognized (широко відомий)

- the finest vocalist of all times (надзвичайний вокаліст всіх часів)

- impeccable timber (бездоганний тембр)

- broke hearts of millions of young people (розбив серця мільйонів молодих сердець)

- immortal music (безсмертна музика)

- paved the way (проклав шлях)

- invented a new form of singing (винайшов нову форму співу)

- because of his peculiar genius (через його надзвичайний талант)

- the epitome of jazz (уособлення джазу)

- timeless influence (вічний вплив)


Now your task is to make up 3 questions according to this part. I give you 1 minute to prepare. Write down your questions in your copy-books.

Ok, now ask and answer the questions. The first question…

P1 –P2, P2  - P3….

  1. What styles of music were born in America?
  2. What American pop singers do you know?
  3. Was Frank Sinatra a finest pianist?
  4. Who was the first king of rock-n roll?
  5. What is Martha’s favourite music style?
  6. Who revolutionized jazz and invented a new form of singing?
  7. Who called L.Armstrong “an American standard, an American original”?
  8. L.Armstrong invented “scat singing”, didn’t he?
  9. Is Martha proud of such musician?


                                    Фізкультхвилинка “ I’m a music man”

T: Ok, children. May be you are tired a little. Let’s do some exercises. Try to sing and move. Don’t be shy!!!!


Speaking Comprehension “My favourite singer”

And now I want to know about your music preferences. Who is your favourite singer or a band? It’s time to check on your hometask for today. Who will be the first?


P1, P2, P3…..


Listening Comprehension 2

T. Have you ever heard about the legendary  group from LiverpoolThe Beatles” ?  It was extremely popular in the sixtieth and 70-s. I’m sure you’ve heard their well-known songs “Yellow Submarine”, “ Let it be” , “Yesterday” and others.

For today I have prepared some information about the history of this band and their music style.

Listen to the story, look at the screen and be ready to answer the questions. They are given on the cards. Look through the questions.




                      Song “Yesterday”


T: Do you know the most popular song of this group? It’s “Yesterday”, of course.

Today I’ve invited the 11-formers, Matwey and Nelly to perform this beautiful song for you. Nelly and Matwey, you’re welcome. All of you can join them and let’s sing together .

































Homework 1. Домашнє завдання

T: Your home task is to read and translate the 2nd  part of the text on page 78.


Grammar “Reported speech”

T: Our lesson is coming to the end. What was the topic of our today’s lesson?

Now I want you to share your impressions from our lesson and speak about music in your life. Do the task “Microphone”, saying one sentence one by one in chain. Remember that your sentences must be connected with today’s topic “Music”. Say one sentence and pass the microphone to your neighbor. Your neighbor has to report your sentence.


. So we’ll revise grammar “Reported speech” at the same time.

 Don’t forget to change verb tense in reported speech!!!



Summarizing 2. Підведення підсумків уроку

T:  It’s a pity, but it’s time to finish. I hope you enjoyed our lesson. You were very active and hardworking today and I’m satisfied with your job.  I’m going to put you good and excellent marks.


  • What did you like most of all?
  • What was difficult for you?(grammar, reading, questions, listening task)
  • How did you feel during the lesson? Describe your feelings.


The lesson is over. I’ll give you marks tomorrow.


THANK YOU FOR THE LESSON! You are free now.







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