Матеріал уроку розрахований на учнів третього класу і дає гарну можливість відпрацювання лексики та граматики теми. клас середньої наповнюваності та достатнього рівня навчання.
Мета. Закрiпити граматичний i лексичний матерiал за темою «Я, моя сiм'я та
Друзі», «Професiii», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Я, моя сiм'я та друзі», формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенцi читання, аудiювання й усного монологiчного мовлення, вчити уважно стежити за презентованою iнформацiею, ефективно спiвпрацювати пiд час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовнiсть брати участь в iншомовному спiлкуваннi, розвивати рiзнi типи пам'ятi - слухову, зорову, увагу, уяви учити працювати у парi, логiчно висловлювати думку; виховувати умiння концентруватися, слухати iнших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класi.
Обладнання: плакат та картки за темою «Сiм'я», «Професiї».
Хiд уроку
T. Look at the blackboard. You can see the twister. Let’s read it.
Feed the bees with three sweet pees.
T.What sounds do you hear? \s, i:, O\
4. Aim and task. T. Today we have an unusual lesson. We will revise the topic “Family. Professions.” You will work individually, in pairs and in groups. To the end of the lesson you will able to get good marks for the topic.
1. Vocabulary. Listening.
1) Pre-listening activity.
a) T. At first, let’s remember the words on the topic and watch the presentation.
b)T. Look at the parts of word-combinations. Can you match them to get the whole word-combination?
1. Match and write.
To feed to drive to help to teach to grow
Sick people animals fruit a car children
To feed animals, _________________________________________
2) While- listening activity
T. While you are listening to the story, will you complete the sentences?
1. I have got a …
2. My mother is ….
3. She is a ….
4. My father is a …
5. He is …
3) Post-listening activity
T. Read the sentences you have got. Great.
Текст для вчителя
I have got a family. I have got a mother and a father. My mother is 30. She is a teacher. She teaches children at school. My father is 35. He is a driver.
2. Relaxation.
T. Let’s relax and do some exercises. (video)
3. Reading (the texts are on the cards)
1) Pre-reading activity. T. Look, fill in and match the sentences.
2. Fill in the blanks and match.
to help to teach to make to cook to drive to grow
2) While-reading activity. T. Will you read the texts? And then complete the sentences.
Jane’s father is very strong and handsome. He get’s up very early. He feeds the animals. He works in the field every day. He grows vegetables.
Jane’s father is a …. .(a farmer)
Tom’s mother is very kind. She get’s up early. She comes to work at 8 o’clock. She works at school. She loves children.
Tom’s mother is a … . (a teacher)
Ann’s mother is strong and kind. She comes to work early. He wears a white uniform. He helps sick people.
Ann’s father is a … . (a doctor)
3) Post-reading activity. Pair work.
T. Now you can write about a doctor.
Ann’s father is a farmer. Mike’s mother is a _________.
He works in a farm. She ____________________.
He looks after animals. ________________________.
He loves his job. ________________________.
3.Speaking. Group work.
T. Make a story about a family. Use the cards on the topic and fill in the text. Then read your texts.
I have a family. There are … (2,4,5) of us.
I have got a _______________________________________.
My __________________ is a ………… .
Her name is ___________________________________ .
She is …….. .
My _________________ is a …………… .
His name is ____________________________________ .
He is ……… .
I have got a ________________(sister, brother, cousin) .
He\She is … .
He\She is a ……………...(pupil, student).
III. The end of the lesson.
1. Homework
(p56 ex1 усно, слова.)
(Виставлення оцінок)
T. Did you like the lesson? What activity did you like most? Why?