Урок "My favourite T.V. programme"

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Це розробка уроку для 9 класу, до якої додається презентація.В розробці уроку показані різні методи та прийоми для закріплення лексики по темі.Учні працюють в групах, парах, дивляться та обговорюють відео.

Перегляд файлу

                 Television. My favourite T.V. programme.


Освітня: сформувати більш повне уявлення учнів про телебачення, поглибити та розширити знання про вже відомі факти, тренувати учнів в читанні, письмі, говорінні й аудіюванні.

Розвивальна: Розвивати пам`ять та логіку, розумові та речові здібності учнів.

Виховна: виховувати толерантне відношення й пізнавальний інтерес учнів.



Introduction.  Greeting.


- Good morning children. How are you? I hope you are fine. I’m too.

I’d like to create a warm and friendly atmosphere. It is the basic of a good discussion. Wish something pleasant to your classmates. Let’s start a “wish chain”

1. I wish you good impressions.

2. I wish you witty answers.

3. I wish you to be successful in life.

4. I wish you excellent marks.

5. I wish you our dear teacher clever and creative pupils.


Warming- up

And now I want to draw your attention to this picture?

Whom do you see there?

Where are this people?

- Do you like to watch film?

So, how do you think what is the theme of our lesson?

You are right. Our theme is Television. Different types of films and TV programmes.

- We are going to speak about TV programmes you like or dislike watching.

- We’ll be able to watch a video and do different tasks for remembering new information.

- So, answer the questions


1. How often do you watch TV?

2. When do you usually watch TV?

3. What TV channels are popular in Ukraine?

4. What are your favourite channels?


There are a lot of TV programmes, films.  Look at the blackboard  and read the types of program  and kinds of films that are shown on TV.

3 слайд- talk show

4 слайд – news programmes

5 слайд - documentary

6слайд – soap operas

7 слайд – musical programmes

8 слайд – game  show

9 слайд - cartoons

10 слайд- horror films

11 слайд- comedies

12 слайд – sport programs

13 слайд – advertisement or commercial

Now let’s give an example of some TV programme in our country.

- What are your favourite programmes?

And now watch a short video about film ganres. Answer the questions

1. What film ganres have you watcherd?

2. What is your favourite film ganre and why?

Group work.

I see you have a lot of favourite  programmes. So the next task is to match each type of programme on the left with the correct item on the right.


The 1-st group

a) nature films

1) football, boxing, swimming

b) quiz shows

2) life of different countries

c) news

3) people try to win prizes by answering questions

d) soap operas

4) advertisements for products

e) commercials

5) animals, fish, birds, plants, flowers

f) travel films

6) information about what’s happening in the world

g) comedies

7) jokes and funny situations

h) sport

8) information for students

i) education programmes

9) story of the daily life of a family


The 2- nd group

Say which type of TV programmes is described.

1.A short film telling people about a product or service.

2. TV programme in which the presenter interviews well-known people.

3.A regular TV programme that shows the same characters in different funny situations.

4.A set of reports of the recent events that is broadcast at the same time every day.

5. An animated film about imaginary heroes especially loved by children.

6.  TV programme in which a special topic is discussed by the audience.

The 3-rd group

7.A film about the lives and problems of a group of people that is broadcast every day.

8.A TV competition in which people try to answer the questions and get money or prizes. 

9. A programme about pop, rock or hip-hop stars, their lives and performances.

10.A TV film in which the same character appears in different stories.

11.A programme about different games, competitions and tournaments.

12.A TV film or programme that is usually based on real events.

The 4-th group

1. Programmes that is broadcast several times a day which tells you about all the important events.

    2. Film stories for children made by photographing a series of drawings.

3. TV stories about a group of people and their lives which is broadcast regularly for many years.

4. Situation comedies, a popular form of humorous TV having a number of standard characters who appear in different stories every week.

- So, let’s check up our tasks.



Watch a video and answer the question

-What genre of film is this?

-What sights of London have you watched? What do you know about them?

As you know TV has a lot of good and bad sides.

You are divided into two groups . The task of the first group is to prove only good sides of television

The second group share us with the information why TV is bad.


Look at the screen.


Vocabulary work.

Opinions about TV programmes are divided . But what about TV hosts?

-Are they real professionals?

- Is it difficult to be a TV presenter?

Before you speak I want you to look at the words in your cards.

                              Слайд 15  ( A perfect TV Presenter)

To have a creative mind- мати творчий розум

To be good looking and photogenic- мати приємну і фотогеничну зовнішність

To be a diligent and skilled specialist-бути старанним та умілим спеціалістом

To be a bright personality- бути яскравою особистістю

To be able to communicate with different people- уміти спілкуватися з різними людьми

This job involves meeting many people- ця робота вимагає зустрічі з багатьма людьми

To be confident of success- бути впевненим в успіху

Work in pairs.


Now I offer you to work in pairs.

Imagine that one of you is an interview.

Complete the dialogue .

- Hello. I am from the local newspaper. May I ask you some questions about your favourite TV programmes and TV presenter on Ukrainian television?

- Why not? Certainly.

- What are your favourite television programmes?

- |Let me think. I like to watch………. because…….

- Is there any TV host whom you consider to be a real professional?

- Of course. I can’t help admiring the professionalism of…….. Because she/he is

- What are your requirements to a TV presenter?

- Well, to begin with, a good TV presenter must be………..

- Thank you.


- Ask your partner about his requirements put forward to a presenter. Use the following scheme.

1. Say hello. Introduce yourself. Say that you want to ask some questions about favourite TV programme and TV host.

2. Say hello. Express that you want to help an interview.

3 . Ask about his preferences as to Ukrainian TV programme.

4. Speak about your favourite TV programme.

5. You want to know who his favourite TV presenter is.

6. Speak about your favourite TV presenter.

7 Ask  about his requirements to a good TV presenter.

8. Give your ideas.


Now we know the idea about a good TV host. So.

- Do you find this job difficult?

- Would you choose it for yourself?

So, you want to have a try. Why not. Imagine that you work on television. Present some news in brief. You may speak about music, sport, politics etc.

You have two minutes for preparation.


                                       Слайд 16

Read the example.

Good evening. I am Alla Mazur. Listen to the latest news. A popular Indian folk dance ensemble gave a performance in Kyiv. The viewers who attended the performance in Kyiv said it was a real success.

And now I’d like you to draw your attention to the screen of the monitor.

At home you had done a project work . It is a short film about your class. Lets have a rest and watch it.

Summing up.

The lesson has  come to the end. You have done a lot of tasks. What was the most interesting for you?

Home assignment.



Which film are Mario and Tamara going to see?

a) Mr and Mrs JonesWar

b) GamesRobot

 c) 2075King Robert

d )VMidnight

f)  MoonForever

What time does the film they want to see start?















Tamara: Hi, Mario. Do you want to go and watch a 

Mario: Hi, Tamara. Sure, what’s 

Tamara  Well, there are two action films, Mr and Mrs Jones and War Games, and they’re both in 

Mario: I’ve already seen Mr and Mrs Jones. I haven’t seen War 

 but I don't  really want to see an


What else is 

Tamara: There’s that science fiction film, Robot 2075, but I’ve already ……


Mario: Is it …..

it is, but I don't want to see it ….

 There’s a 

 comedy called Forever.

I’m not sure. Are there any 

 films on?

Tamara: Yes, there's Midnight Moon. It's got 

 in it.

Mario: OK, sounds good. Let’s go and watch Midnight Moon. What 

Is it on?

Tamara: It’s on at 12 o’clock or at half past 

Mario. Is it on this

 Tamara: Yes, at 7.30. 

Mario: Perfect. Let’s ….

 at 7.30.


The 1-st group

a) nature films

1) football, boxing, swimming

b) quiz shows

2) life of different countries

c) news

3) people try to win prizes by answering questions

d) soap operas

4) advertisements for products

e) commercials

5) animals, fish, birds, plants, flowers

f) travel films

6) information about what’s happening in the world

g) comedies

7) jokes and funny situations

h) sport

8) information for students

i) education programmes

9) story of the daily life of a family


Say which type of TV programmes is described.

1.A short film telling people about a product or service.

2. TV programme in which the presenter interviews well-known people.

3.A regular TV programme that shows the same characters in different funny situations.

4.A set of reports of the recent events that is broadcast at the same time every day.

5. An animated film about imaginary heroes especially loved by children.

6.  TV programme in which a special topic is discussed by the audience.

The 3-rd group

7.A film about the lives and problems of a group of people that is broadcast every day.

8.A TV competition in which people try to answer the questions and get money or prizes. 

9. A programme about pop, rock or hip-hop stars, their lives and performances.

10.A TV film in which the same character appears in different stories.

11.A programme about different games, competitions and tournaments.

12.A TV film or programme that is usually based on real events.





Do you like……. Why?

Are you fond of …… Why?

Are you interesting in….. Why?

                   Possible answers.

Yes, because they are/ it is  interesting, amusing, funny, gives us additional information about, we get to know about.. ,  it makes us laugh, educated.

No, because they are/ it is dull, stupid, predictable, boring,  it makes me cry.


Do you like……. Why?

Are you fond of …… Why?

Are you interesting in….. Why?

                   Possible answers.

Yes, because they are/ it is  interesting, amusing, funny, gives us additional information about, we get to know about.. ,  it makes us laugh, educated.

No, because they are/ it is dull, stupid, predictable, boring,  it makes me cry.



Do you like……. Why?

Are you fond of …… Why?

Are you interesting in….. Why?

                   Possible answers.

Yes, because they are/ it is  interesting, amusing, funny, gives us additional information about, we get to know about.. ,  it makes us laugh, educated.

No, because they are/ it is dull, stupid, predictable, boring,  it makes me cry.



Do you like……. Why?

Are you fond of …… Why?

Are you interesting in….. Why?

                   Possible answers.

Yes, because they are/ it is  interesting, amusing, funny, gives us additional information about, we get to know about.. ,  it makes us laugh, educated.

No, because they are/ it is dull, stupid, predictable, boring,  it makes me cry.


- Hello. I am from the local newspaper. May I ask you some questions about your favourite TV programmes and TV presenter on Ukrainian television?

- Why not? Certainly.

- What are your favourite television programmes?

- |Let me think. I like to watch………. because…….

- Is there any TV host whom you consider to be a real professional?

- Of course. I can’t help admiring the professionalism of…….. Because she/he is

- What are your requirements to a TV presenter?

- Well, to begin with, a good TV presenter must be………..

- Thank you.

- Hello. I am from the local newspaper. May I ask you some questions about your favourite TV programmes and TV presenter on Ukrainian television?

- Why not? Certainly.

- What are your favourite television programmes?

- |Let me think. I like to watch………. because…….

- Is there any TV host whom you consider to be a real professional?

- Of course. I can’t help admiring the professionalism of…….. Because she/he is

- What are your requirements to a TV presenter?

- Well, to begin with, a good TV presenter must be………..

- Thank you.

- Hello. I am from the local newspaper. May I ask you some questions about your favourite TV programmes and TV presenter on Ukrainian television?

- Why not? Certainly.

- What are your favourite television programmes?

- |Let me think. I like to watch………. because…….

- Is there any TV host whom you consider to be a real professional?

- Of course. I can’t help admiring the professionalism of…….. Because she/he is

- What are your requirements to a TV presenter?

- Well, to begin with, a good TV presenter must be………..

- Thank you.

- Hello. I am from the local newspaper. May I ask you some questions about your favourite TV programmes and TV presenter on Ukrainian television?

- Why not? Certainly.

- What are your favourite television programmes?

- |Let me think. I like to watch………. because…….

- Is there any TV host whom you consider to be a real professional?

- Of course. I can’t help admiring the professionalism of…….. Because she/he is

- What are your requirements to a TV presenter?

- Well, to begin with, a good TV presenter must be………..

- Thank you.