Africa. Unusual and mysterious
What do you imagine when you hear the word “AFRICA”?
I want to start our lesson with the African proverb “Do not throw away your water simply because you heard it will be raining soon”. Another African proverb says “When bad luck chooses you as a companion, even ripe banana can remove your teeth”.
Now let`s see how much do you know about Africa. This little quiz if for you:
a) Algeria
b) Sudan
c) Ethiopia
3. Which of the following is not in Africa?
a) Mount Kilimanjaro
b) Lake Victoria
c) Gobi Desert
4. Which is the largest desert in Africa?
a) The Sahara
b) The Namib
c) The Kalahari
5. The term “Big Five” refers to:
a) Wildebeest, lion, zebra, elephant, rhino
b) lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, buffalo
c) crocodile, chimpanzee, lion, rhino, zebra
And now I want you to read some interesting facts about Africa:
Here are some suprising facts about iconic Safari animals:
And now let`s watch a short video about this amazing continent.
In this video we are going to learn about the most interesting and diverse continent on Earth AFRICA; location, important facts, places and animals!
Learn all about the Sahara, the Nile River, Kilimanjaro, Madagascar!
After watching I want you to write a short retelling.
In the end of your retelling, please, answer the question “What do you imagine when you hear the word “AFRICA”?” again, because I really believe that you have changed your mind.