Урок на тему " All about food"

Про матеріал
Урок має на меті узагалити та вдосконалювати лексико- граматичні навички в усному мовленні з теми " Їжа".під час уроку ведеться формування соціокультурної та комунікативної компетенцій. на уроці використано наступні форми роботи: мозковий штурм, ментальна карта, перевернута класна імната , інтерактивні ігри . розробка включає посилання на всі онлайн джерела. Розробка буде корисна як урок узагальнення знань
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  « ALL ABOUT  FOOD »     ( 7th FORM)



-  узагальнити та вдосконалювати лексико-граматичні навички в усному мовленні з теми;

-  вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання;

-  навчити використовувати набуті знання в реальному житті



- формувати соціокультурну, комунікативну та здоров’язбережувальну компетентності 


- розвивати логічне мислення, мовленнєву здогадку, навички     групової роботи,  мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови



- формувати культурні смаки

-  активізувати творчі та ділові здібності учнів

- сприяти активному усвідомленню необхідності берегти здоров’я













I.Привітання.      Greeting.

Teacher:   Hello, everybody. Today we are having the concluding lesson on the topic  “Food”. You will:---- sum up your knowledge about healthy and unhealthy food, 

---classify food into groups,  --- learn what nutritials are, ---know what food of different colours is good for.

Intrested?  OK. Here we go.

II. Введення в іншомовне спілкування.     Warming Up

  1. Read the poem and complete it with the proper words

What would you like for breakfast time?

Would you like to drink some tea?

Or to eat some garden ……..?-                   (pea)

Would you like to have some jam?

Or a hamburger with……?                          (ham)


                      Would you like to eat some cheese?

                      I would  like to ask you, ……..     ( please )

                      You should eat a lot of fruit

                      And avoid unhealthy…….            ( food)



Try to guess the names of some food

  •  It’s  a vegetable.  It is long. It is orange in color. It is sweet. We add it to salad.     ( CARROT)
  • It’s a fruit. It is yellow. It is not round. It is not sweet, it’s sour. You cn have it in the tea.     (LEMON)
  • It’s a fruit. It can be sweet or sour. It is round and juicy. It can be red or green or yellow.     (APPLE)
  • It’s a vegetable. It is long and green. We often have it in the salad.       (CUCUMBER)

 -    It’s white and cold, and sweet.  All children like it.    (ICE- CREAM).

-     It is round, with sausage, tomato and cheese on top. What is it? ( PIZZA)

-     It’s white outside, and yellow inside. We have it from chicken. (AN EGG)

  1. Find the odd word out:
  • Youghurt, cream, spagetty,cheese
  • Tomato, potato, carrot,orange
  • Apple, lemon, kiwi, hamburger
  • Sandwich, hot-dog, pizza, milkshake
  • Coffee, tea, juice, fries


II.Активізація вживання лексичних одиниць

  1. Мозковий штурм.  Brainstorming

Divide the names of food into  different groups: Vegetables,  Fruit,  Berries, Sweet things,  Drinks,  Unhealthy Food

FOOD FOR LIFE ---- https://learningapps.org/view514286

  1. Ментальна карта.      Mind Map

Food Pyramid ---     https://www.liveworksheets.com/zl2497058nf

  1. Гра   «здорова-нездорова їжа»

    Game: Healthy- Unhealthy Food             https://learningapps.org/view3444120            

III. Основна частина.    

1. ЧИТАННЯ      Reading

Pre-reading tasks

Find English equivalents:

1)поживні речовини                                    a) fibres

2)  жири                                                           b) proteins

3) вітаміни                                                       c) nutritials

4) білки                                                            d) carbohydrates

5)клітковина                                                   e) fats

6)вуглеводи                                                     f) vitamins




Eating Habits

             If you want to be healthy, you should have good eating habits. Proper nutrition protects us from infections and helps us be healthy and beautiful. It also helps control weight and not to get fat.

            You will kook better and more athletic if you eat food rich in vitamins, minerals. Your organism will be healthier and more energetic.

            Healthy food consists of vitamins, and minerals. They are essential for our bodies and help develop and function normally.

            Proteins are of great nutritial value and are very important for life. Foods high in protein : meat and fish, cheese, eggs, beans, bread, hummus, nuts and seeds.

            Carbohydrates are sugars, starches and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables and dairy products.

             Healthy fats are “ good fats”, they give you energy, they protect your heart and   brain health.


       READING COMPREHENTION:  (перевірка розуміння змісту)  -  

  Find groups of food

https://www.liveworksheets.com/ae1378688xq -  


2.« ПЕРЕВЕРНУТИЙ КЛАС »    Flipped Classroom

ПЕРЕГЛЯД    ВІДЕО.    Watch the video and do the tasks after it


Task I. Match the 2 parts of the sentences:

1) RED                                         a) help stay happy

2) ORANGE                                 b) make us more creative

3) YELLOW                                  c) sooth emotionally & physically

4) Green                                      d) get you moving

5) Blue                                         e) help keep emotions under control

6) Purple                                      f) brain food

KEYS:  1.d     2.f     3.a    4.e     5.c    6.b 

Task II. Complete the text  with the proper words:

young,  concentration, bones,   habits,  healthy,  optimistic,  diet,  protect


A way to have healthy eating …………is  to follow a rainbow …….

Red foods ……. you from illnesses. Orange foods improve your power of …….. Yellow foods make us more ……. Green foods keep teeth and ……..

strong and …… Purple foods can keep you looking ……..

Task III.  Answer the questions:

  1. How do we call the habits to eat fruit & vegetables of different colors?
  2. What color foods contain lots of vitamin C?
  3. What does this vitamin fight off?
  4. What does vitamin D improve?
  5. Where can we find this vitamin?
  6. What colour foods keep older people active longer?
  7. These foods help us relax. What color are they?
  8. What  foods help us stay happy?



  1. Rainbow diet                     2. orange                                     3.infections

4.blood,  eyesight, heart       5.purple vegetables: plums,  aubergines,

6.red                7.green           8. bananas, pineapple, lemon, yellow plums


Task IV.  Give some tips for healthy  eating


Imagine yourself experts in healthy eating and offer the foods for:

 breakfast, snack,   lunch,    dinner


BREAKFAST :   I recommend you to eat cereals and an apple or a glass of orange juice every morning. They will give you energy

LUNCH:  I advise you to eat vegetables, Such as : cabbages, broccoli, peas. They will make you more creative

SNACK : You can eat one or two bananas. They will make you more optimistic

DINNER: Blue & green foods are the best for dinner.A few of green fruits & raisins or blueberries will help sleep well all  the night.


IV. Рефлексія.    Feedback


Today I’ve learnt about……..

It was interesting to ………

Now I can……

     HOMEWORK   ---Livesheet ----“Food and your body”




















Task III. Answer the questions


Task IV.  Create your own menu for the meals of the day: breakfast, snacks, dinner. What colour food you would recommend for different parts of the day,  explain why.




IV. Рефлексія.   FEEDBACK

  1. What new things have you learnt at the lesson?




































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