Урок на тему: Basic combat training

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Урок з теми: Нова лексика. Basic combat training

Мета уроку:

- вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення та читання;

вчити аналізувати отриману інформацію;

систематизувати вивчений матеріал;

-   розвивати слухову пам’ять, увагу, логічне мислення, уміння працювати в групі;

розвивати уміння робити зіставлення, висловлювати свою думку,  збагатити  словниковий запас;

- виховувати розуміння важливого значення основної бойової підготовки та оволодіння іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею, як засобом спілкування.

Тип уроку:   урок комплексного використання знань, умінь та навичок.

Обладнання:  роздатковий матеріал,  підручник, дошка,екран,планшети.

І. Організаційний етап


Teacher’s greeting: “Glory to UKRAINE!”

Cadets’ greeting: “Glory to Heroes!”

T: Good morning, cadets. Our today’s lesson is dedicated to the very important topic:  Basic combat training. We’ll discuss about basic combat training in the USA.  And you will make the.

Let’s read the motto of the lesson:

Remember! The last easy day was yesterday!

T: What do you think about this?

II. Мовленнєва розминка.

T:  And my first question is: 

Which words come to your mind when you hear the word combination “Basic combat training”? 

1.Let’s make the MIND MAP:




2.Interactive exercise «MICRIPHONE»

T:  What does combat training mean to you? 

       What do you like and dislike at it?

Cadets have to express their point of view with one sentence.

III.Основна частина уроку

3.Введення нової лексики:

T: To be able to discuss the topic we need the revision of the topical vocabulary. Repeat after me.

Advanced Individual Training (поглиблені індивідуальні навчання);

 boot camp (навчальний табір);

recruits (новобранці);

 the regular Army (регулярні/постійні війська);

the Army Reserve (резервні війська);

 the Army National Guard( Національна гвардія);

 the Air Force (ВПС);


engineering (інженерно-технічний відділ);

chemical warfare (боротьба з хімічною загрозою);

military police OSUT (one station unit training) (військова служба правопорядку у ЗС);

drill sergeants(сержант-інструктор);

mess hall(їдальня);

obstacle course (смуга перешкод);

barracks (казарма);

 firing range(тир);

parade ground(плац);


T: Thank you.

4. Читання. Дискусія на тему: «Basic combat training».

Initial training for the Army consists of two parts: basic combat training, or BCT, and Advanced Individual Training, or AIT. Basic Combat Training, or boot camp, is a training course that transforms civilians into Soldiers. Army basic helps recruits learn about all the rules and regulations they need to know in the Army. All new soldiers who join the regular Army, the Army Reserve and the Army National Guard must attend it. It is nine weeks long and has red, white and blue phases.

While the Air Force only has one location for basic training, the Army has five sites for BCT, including Fort Benning, Fort Jackson, Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Sill, Fort Knox. Fort Jackson is the largest army basic combat training base in the United States, training 60% of all incoming women and 50% of all incoming army recruits. Fort Benning is for training recruits for infantry. Fort Leonard Wood also provides engineering, chemical warfare and military police OSUT (one station unit training). Fort Still is responsible for training new soldiers for artillery units. Fort Knox trains male soldiers to become Army tank operators. Basic combat training is the same for male and female entrants (with the exception of Physical Fitness Standards).

 Instructors are drill sergeants who are with new soldiers constantly and responsible for their training during BCT. They accompany recruits throughout the training process, instruct and correct them in everything from firing weapons to the proper way to address a superior.


 Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F)

1. Basic combat training consists of two parts.

2. BCT has three phases.

3. The Army has six locations for basic training.

4. Fort Benning is the biggest training base.

5. Drill sergeants train recruits.

 Answer the questions.

1. What is BCT?

2. How long does it last?

3. How many training locations does the Army have?

4. What are they responsible for?

5. Who trains recruits?

5. Перегляд відеоролику “Basic Combat Training”


What are the places on a training base where recruits live and train? Match

pictures with words given below.

a) mess hall c) obstacle course e) barracks

b) firing range d) parade ground f) classroom

Make up sentences with these words. Then listen to the examples.

Example: Soldiers have meals in the mess hall.

6.Перевірка домашнього завдання. Монологічне мовлення “My favorite pastime”

T: In recent months we’ve had a new popular flash mob in the social nets which is called 10 years challenge. We’ve decided to accomplish it but with a little upgrade.

7.Граматика. Повторення Simple Tenses.

T: Next step of our lesson is grammar but with such a great topic of the lesson it can’t be boring.

Who will tell me where do we use Simple Tenses?

How does it formed?


IV. Заключна частина уроку.

8.Тренувальний відео-ролик (сприйняття на слух) “Yavoriv Military Base”.

9.Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

T:  At the first step of your home task you need to learn new list of words. At the second step I’ll prove you that grammar can also be interesting. You need to use Simple Tenses in your own project about “Military training base”, choose and describe someone from all over the world.


T: Our lesson is coming to its end. You’ve worked perfectly! Thank you!

What have you remembered the best?


Mariia Kaluha
1 листопада 2022
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