До проведення уроку допущено:
Урок № 62 Дата: Клас: 7- А
Тема уроку: Учень та його оточення
Підтема: Health Highlights
Практична задача: 1) Навчити учнів читанню тексту “Medicine in the Past” з повним охопленям його основного змісту;
2) Організувати модифікацію діалогу-зразка “What’s Troubling You?”
Освітні задачі: Розширяти філологічний кругозір учнів за допомогою ознайомлення з новими лексичними одиницями: measles, quinsy, mumps, chicken pox, pneumonia, scarlet fever, формувати автономію школярів, залучати учнів до діалогу культур.
Розвивальні задачі: Сприяти розвитку зорової та слухової пам’яті, уваги, уяви, уміння логічно і послідовно виражати свої думки, розвивати навички адекватного реагування на репліку співрозмовника.
Виховні задачі: виховувати культуру мовлення, почуття самоповаги та поваги до інших, формувати позитивні риси характеру:працьовитість, доброту, активність при виконанні самостійної роботи, гуманістичне ставлення до навколишнього середовища.
Засоби навчання: підручник Несвіт А.М. Ми вивчаємо англійську мову:Підручник для 7-го класу загальноосвіт. навч. закл. – К.:Генеза, 2015; опорний діалог “What’s Troubling You” (додаток 2)
№ |
Етапи |
Час |
Мовлення вчителя |
Мовлення учнів |
Примітка |
I 1
3 |
Початок уроку Організаційний момент
Фонетична зарядка (на матеріалі скоромовки) підготовча робота до пред’явлення скоромовки
пред’явлення скоромовки вчителем
хорове промовляння скоромовки за вчителем
Ознайомлення з комунікативною перспективою
Основна частина уроку Задача I. Організувати читання тексту “Medicine in the Past” з повним охопленням його основного змісту Постановка завдання, стимулювання потреби та інтересу. Читання тексту про себе.
Дії учнів по вилученню основної інформації з тексту.
Дії учнів по скороченню основної інформації тексту розподіл тексту на смислові частини
укладання плану тексту
робота зі словами та реченнями, що передають основну думку
переказ змісту тексту за пунктами плану
Інтерпретація змісту прочитаного тексту
Підбиття підсумків роботи
Задача II. Організувати діалогічне мовлення учнів на основі опорного діалогу “What’s Troubling You?” Постановка завдання, стимулювання потреби та інтересу.
Підготовка до сприйняття діалогу-зразка. Усунення мовних труднощів
Пред’явлення діалогу-зразка вчителем з використанням графічної опори (тексту опорного діалогу)
Контроль розуміння тексту діалогу-зразка за допомогою запитань щодо змісту опорного діалогу
Робота над звуковим та інтонаційним оформленням діалогу-зразка
повторення хором учнями діалогу вголос за вчителем з використанням графічної опори (тексту діалога-зразка)
повторення хором учнями діалогу вголос за вчителем без зорової опори
Навчання прийомів драматизації опорного діалогу
Репродукування діалогу-зразка
Репродукування діалогу-зразка з модифікаціями, спираючись на підстановочні елементи
Вільне конструювання діалогів за запропонованою ситуацією
Підбиття підсумків
Заключна частина уроку
Підбиття підсумків
Оцінювання діяльності учнів
Пояснення домашнього завдання
– Good morning! Nice to meet you! – Who is on duty today? – Who is absent today? – Thank you!
Let’s start our lesson. First of all we’ll practice our pronunciation. Tell me what the difference in the pronunciation of the words wood and would is? Correct. And what are the translations of these words? Alright. Now say these words after me in chorus: would, wood.
Now listen to a tongue-twister. Pay attention to the long and short sounds. “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood” A woodchuck means “лісоруб” And again: “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood” What words with long vowels are there in the tongue-twister? Correct. And with short sounds?
That’s right. And now repeat the twister after me in chorus. “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood” Well done! And now answer my question. What would a woodchuck do? Say it in Ukrainian. Well done, thank you.
Before this lesson we studied medicines and various means of treatment at present. Now we’re going to read a text about medicine in the past.
With the help of this text we will see how medical care was different in the past. You are to read this text.
After reading the story I want you to find the appropriate answers to my questions in the text and read them out loud:
And now let’s try and think how many meaningful parts this text can be divided into. Max, and what do you think?
You are quite right.
And now let’s try and give title to every meaningful part of this text. Now how can we entitle the first part? What variants do you have?
That’s the best title, Andrew. Go to the blackboard and write it down.
What titles can you give to the other parts?
That’s great! And now let’s try to find some key-word, phrases and sentences in every part. What expressions do you consider to be the most important in the first part? Great job! And in the second passage?
Alright. What about the third part? Great. What can you choose from the fourth part?
So now, as we have a plan of the text and the key-words from it, I’m sure you will be able to retell it. Who would like to start? Ann, do please.
That’ll do. Max, go on please.
OK. Thank you, guys. Now what do you think about medicine in the past? Express your own opinion.
Thank you. Kate, what can you tell us concerning the problem?
Great! Den, what is your opinion? OK.
So we’ve just found out how medical care was different in the past.
Imagine that you went to England and fell ill there. You need to go to see a doctor. What would you tell him? How can you express your complaints? Today we’re going to learn how to do it.
Before you start reading the dialogue, look at the blackboard. There you can see some words that can be unknown to you. Now look at the blackboard and repeat these words after me: measles, quinsy, mumps, chicken-pox, pneumonia, scarlet fever, to feel giddy. Open your vocabularies and write these words down.
Now I will read the dialogue. Listen to it carefully and be ready to answer my questions.
That’s great! You seem to understand the dialogue well.
And now I’ll read the dialogue once more and you should repeat it line by line looking at the text of the dialogue.
So, repeat after me: – Hello! Sit down. What’s troubling you? …
And now I shall read the dialogue once more and you should repeat it line by line without looking at the text of the dialogue. Ready? Repeat after me: – Hello! Sit down. What’s troubling you? …
And now, try to act out the dialogue in pairs. Imagine that one of you will be a doctor, and the other one will be a patient. I will give you three minutes to prepare.
Now present your dialogues.
And now open your dictionaries and find phrases we wrote down at the previous lesson. Using these phrases try to change the given dialogue.
Now imagine that you have come to the doctor for the second time and want to tell him that you followed all his instructions and recommendations and now you feel much better. Tell him that you don’t have any symptoms any more and that you have completely recovered. Work in pairs.
So now you know what you should say to a doctor and how to speak to him. You will not be at a loss should you fall ill while having rest or visiting your friends abroad.
Today we have discussed medicines in the past. We’ve read about the medicines that were used and the ways patients were treated in those days. We also discussed a visit to a doctor and the way a patient should talk to a doctor and express his complains to him.
Ann and Max today worked hard. They were very active while answering my questions and they also told us the story of medicine in the past. That’s why they get elevens. Andrew and Kate were very active as well. Ann gave good answers to difficult questions and Andrew suggested good titles to the parts of the text. You get tens. Den and Dima presented their dialogue at the blackboard, but, unfortunately, you had some mistakes in your speech, so you’ll get nines.
Your home assignment is to learn the dialogue we’ve read today by heart, and to do exercise 7 on page 103 in writing. Thank you for your work. You may be free. Good-bye!
– Good morning! Nice to meet you! – I am on duty today! – Yana and Alex are absent today.
P1: In the first word the sound [u:] is long, and in the second word it is short [u] P2: would – зможе wood – дерево
Pls: would, wood.
Pls: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood P3: wood P4: woodchuck P2: would, chuck
Pls: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood
P5: A woodchuck would chuck wood. P5: Лісоруб буде рубити дерево.
P6: For many illnesses doctors used to bleed their patients. They also gave them a lot of herbal medicines. P7: Because there were no anaesthetics. P3: They went to a barber to have their tooth pulled out, as there were no dentists. P1: Glasses were first invented by Arab and Persian doctors and many towns had shops which sold them.
P5: I think this text can be divided into three parts.
P1: To my mind, this text can be divided into four parts, because there are four passages.
P3: “Bleeding” the patients. P4: Leeches. P7: Illnesses were caused by “bad” blood.
P1: Penicillin and anaesthetics. P4: There were no dentists. P6: The invention of glasses.
Pls: painful, “bleed”, leeches, suck the blood, germs.
Pls: herbal medicines, penicillin, anaesthetics, major operations, the pain shock. Pls: to have their tooth pulled out, dentist, barber, false teeth. Pls: Arab and Persian doctors, to have their eyes tested, a suitable pair.
P3: I think that medicine in the past was terrible, because doctors used to bleed their patients with the help of leeches. That’s why visiting a doctor in the past was a very painful experience. P7: And I have different opinion. I think that visiting doctor in the past was a very painful experience because there were no anaesthetics and during major operations many people died from the pain shock. P2: I fully agree with Kate.
P1: He was quite unwell. He felt giddy, his nose was running, he had a splitting headache, a sore throat and a cough. P2: He asked him to take the temperature. P3: He wanted to know what infectious diseases the patient suffered from. P4: They were measles, quinsy, mumps, chicken-pox, pneumonia, and scarlet fever. P3: It was 38,5 degrees.
Pls: – Hello! Sit down. What’s troubling you? …
Pls: – Hello! Sit down. What’s troubling you? …
Дехто з учнів намагається повторити скоромовку
Учні повторюють скоромовку
Текст з підручника: ex. 4 p. 102 (Див. додаток 1) Діти читають текст
Учень виходить до дошки та записує назву першої смислової частини.
Учні по черзі виходять та записують назви на дошці.
Учениця переказує першу половину тексту. Учень переказує другу половину тексту.
На дошці написані слова з перекладом та транскрипцією
Учні відкривають словники та записують слова
Вчитель читає діалог (див. додаток 2). Учні уважно слідкують по тексту
Вчитель читає опорний діалог, а учні повторюють його, спираючись на текст діалога-зразка (див. додаток 2)
Вчитель читає опорний діалог, а учні уважно слухають та повторюють його (див. додаток 2)
Учні працюють на своїх місцях
Кілька пар учнів по черзі працюють біля дошки
Учні працюють на місцях
Учні складають діалоги в парах
Вчитель записує домашнє завдання на дошці |
Оцінка за урок: Вчитель-методист:
Додаток 1
Medicine in the Past
When people visited a doctor two hundred years ago in Europe, they had a very painful experience. For many illnesses, doctors used to "bleed" their patients. They used leeches, small animals which bite the skin and suck the blood. They did this because they thought that illness was caused by "bad" blood. Germs which caused different illnesses were discovered only in the nineteenth century.
As well as bleeding patients, doctors used to give many herbal medicines, which were often more successful. However, before the discovery of penicillin, you could die if even the smallest cut became infected. Also, before the nineteenth century, there were no anaesthetics. This meant that during major operations many people died from the pain shock.
Those who had a toothache went to a barber to have their tooth pulled out, as there were no dentists. Very few people had their own teeth by the time they were old, though false teeth were made for some rich people.
Glasses were first invented by Arab and Persian doctors and many towns had shops which sold them. However, people did not have their eyes tested and used to try on glasses until they found a suitable pair!
Додаток 2
What’s Troubling You?
Doctor: Hello! Sit down. What’s troubling you?
Patient: I’m quite unwell. I feel giddy, my nose is running, I have a splitting headache, a sore throat and a cough.
D.: What’s your temperature?
P.: I was running a high temperature yesterday, but today I haven’t taken it.
D.: Take the thermometer and put it under your armpit. What infectious diseases did you suffer from?
P.: I had measles, quinsy, mumps, chicken-pox and pneumonia.
D.: 38,5°. It’s rather high. Let me feel your pulse. Now strip to your waist, I will listen to your heart and sound your lungs. Please, take a deep breath. Breathe deeply, hold your breath, and cough. That’ll do. Do you feel any pain in the heart?
P.: A little bit.
D.: Do you do your morning exercises?
P.: It’s a pity, I don’t.
D.: But you should. Here is the prescription for the medicines.