Урок на тему: Language and literature: Newspapers

Про матеріал
Мета: Ознайомити з новою лексикою теми і практикувати її у вживанні. Продовжувати розвивати комунікативні вмінні учнів. Розвивати вміння діалогічного мовлення. Удосконалювати навички читання. Розвивати ерудицію учнів.
Перегляд файлу

Unit 4 : Fame                      

Підтема: Language and literature: Newspapers

Мета: Ознайомити з новою лексикою теми і практикувати її у вживанні. Продовжувати розвивати комунікативні вмінні учнів. Розвивати вміння діалогічного мовлення. Удосконалювати навички читання. Розвивати ерудицію учнів.

Тип уроку: комбінований 

 Обладнання:  підручник, робочий зошит,роздавальний матеріал: картки для  самостійної,парної роботи, презентація Power Point, CD




  1. Preparation


1. Organization (greeting)

Good morning, everyone! Nice to see you! I hope you are nice and well today! Let`s start our lesson!

2. Warming up.

1. Look at the monitor and guess the riddle and try to name the theme of our lesson(слайд 3)


       2.T: “ Game microphone”  Let`s play game. Please, imagine that you are a correspondent who came to our coutry from Great Britain and want to know as much as possible about the press in Ukraine


  1. What does the term “Mass Media” include?
  2. How do you find out the news?
  3. Do you read newspapers /magazines or prefer watching TV?
  4. What are your favourite newspapers/ magazines?

(Students’ possible answers) Examples:

 P1: The term “Mass Media” includes newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, the Net…

 P2: From newspapers and magazines, they play a very important part in our life.

P3:Practically there is no family that does not read them.

P4:We can learn many things from newspapers. etc


3.Introducing the theme  of the lesson (слайд4)

T: Thanks. I think you would know that by the end of our lesson you would be able to get information about different styles of newspaper through reading, listening and speaking.

But first let’s revise your homework




4. Revising on the homework.

T: You have prepared interesting information about magazines and newspapers. Let’s check your work.


II. Main part


1.Introducing the main part

1. Presentation of lexical material


  • I will pass you some sheets of paper with definitions to the new phrases. Try to guess the meaning of these words-combinations then match  them with photos.



1. interview with a pop star - a conversation between a journalist and a famous and successful   singer or performer of pop music.

2. articles about economy - a piece of writing about economy

3. funny headlines – amusing  heading at the top of an article

 4.horoscopes - A short forecasts for people born under a particular sign

5. complex vocabulary -  complicated  words used in a particular language

6. a review of an opera -  a report on or evaluation of an artistic work

7. an obituary - a notice of a death, especially in a newspaper

 8.colloquial language - everyday language

 9. a crossword - a puzzle consisting of a grid of squares and blanks

10. celebrity gossip - reports about famous people, typically involving details which are not     confirmed as true


Photo A : 2. 5, 6, 7, 9

Photo B : 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10


9. a crossword appears in both  types of newspaper




2.Listening. Read all about it! (CD 2.14)

Pre – Listening Activities: ex.1 p.99


T: 1. What do you think is in each newspaper?

While – listening  Activities:

T: Now we are going to listen to the text about different styles of press, you have to decide if the sentences  in ex.3 p.99 are true, false or don`t know  while listening.




1.False. A lot of people still prefer to get the news in a more traditional way, by reading a newspaper.

2. Don`t know

3. True

4. False. Quality newspapers use a formal style of language with longer sentences and technical vocabulary.

5. True

6.False. Both Types of newspaper contain articles about sport



Text ‘ Read all about it!’

-pre -reading:

-while- reading (reading and translation)

-post- reading: conversation T-Ss:


-How do people find out what`s happening in the world?

-What are the different types of daily national newspapers in some countries?

         -What do quality newspapers focus on?

-What do sensationalist newspapers concentrate on?

- What are the similarities between both types of newspaper?





4. Speaking (слайд 6,7)

Complete the table and then discuss it. What new facts about press have you learnt during the lesson? (you can use your table)


Quality newspapers

Sensationalist newspapers

Both types of newspaper










5. 1. Game “Out -of –Order Phone” (cлайд 8)

-Let`s divide into two groups. I whisper one of the key phrases from the text you`ve read to one of you. Then he or she whispers this word or word- combination to his/her neighbour and so on. If the last player of this team says this word correctly, they`ll get 1 point.



III. Final part.

1. Summing up

 Summing up:.(слайд 9)


T.: What have we learnt during the lesson?

P1.: we have listened to the text,

P2.: we have made up dialogues, etc.)


2.Estimation (HO).

-students estimate the lesson putting the sigh into the necessary column of the table

3.Hometask: -Answer the questions of ex. 5 p. 99 SB.

                       -Find information about British on-line newspapers

                        and prepare a short summary about any two of the British papers




Lionova Anna
27 вересня 2021
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