План-конспект уроку з англійської мови
у 3 класі
Клас: 3 Дата:
Тема уроку: Моя кімната
Розвивальна: розвивати навички монологічного мовлення учнів, навички аудіювання та сприймання на слух; розвивати пам’ять, увагу, мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, фонематичний слух та правильну вимову.
Освітня: поглиблювати знання учнів про особливості англійської мови.
Виховна: формувати ціннісне ставлення учнів до праці, людей, виховувати у дітей старанність та наполегливість, прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, сприяти вихованню взаємодопомоги та дружби,
Тип уроку: урок повторення і закріплення вивченого матеріалу.
Обладнання: презентація, відео для пісні, картки, малюнки, іграшки, підручники, зошити, наочний матеріал, технічні засоби навчання, таблиці із словами, граматичні структури та картки зі звуками, алфавіт.
Хід уроку
І. Початок уроку
Teacher: Good morning, children! Today we have an unusual lesson. There are some guests at our lesson. But you shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes or saying anything incorrect. Behave yourself and everything will be OK.
1.2. Warming up.
1) What day is it today?
2) What is the weather like today?
3) How are you today?
1.3. Оголошення теми та мети уроку.
I’m glad that almost every one of you is in a good mood that the weather is fine. And I hope we are ready to start our lesson. Are you ready? – Yes, we are. So, today we are going to continue speaking about the rooms in the house. We’ll revise the vocabulary of this topic, the prepositions of place. We’ll listen to the songs and describe the rooms.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
2.1. Motivation
But today we have an unusual guest at the lesson. Do you know this girl? Who is this? Is she a good girl? She is a naughty child. She always runs in Bear’s house and makes a mess. That’s why Bear asks us to put everything in his room in order. But Masha gives us the keys to his room only when we’ll cope with some tasks. Will we help the Bear?
2.2. Phonetic drills
Teacher: So let’s start with the phonetic drills. Masha wants us to repeat the rules of reading. Our tasks will be to divide the words into three columns according to the rules of reading.
Room many car
Bookcase family armchair
Look balcony carpet
Good kitchen farmer
Ok. Good job! I think that Masha is satisfied and is ready to give us the first letter of the room where we have to clean everything. → e
2.3. Guessing game (Reading)
The next her task for us will be to revise the rooms in the house and the pieces of furniture.
Ok. Good for you. Masha will give us the next letter → b
2.4. Grammar Lab: Prepositions
Listen to the word and choose the correct picture and then say where it is.
Great! Masha is pleased with your work. You cat get another letter → d
2.5. Physical Activity
Ok. Good for you. Masha is ready to give us the next letter → r
2.5. Listening
Listen and colour the picture → oo
2.6. Writing
Great! Masha is pleased with your work. You can get another letter → oo
So we have all the letters. Let’s arrange them and make up the word. What word is it? – Yes, of course. It is bedroom. We have to put all pieces of furniture in the right place.
It is a bedroom. It is not very big. The bed is near the wall. The clock is above the bed. The carpet is under the bed on the floor. The wardrobe is in the corner. The table is under the picture. The chair is in front of the table. The bookcase is on the left of the desk. The computer is on the desk. An excellent work. Our Bear is thankful for us. You have coped with all the tasks and now you are ready to describe your own pictures.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
You worked very good today. You have coped with all the tasks. So I think your marks will be the next.
Thank you for your work! Well done!
See you next time!