Урок на тему "Професійні якості кваліфікованого робітника "

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Містить матеріали за темою "Робота", вправи з аудіювання, читання, говоріння та письма
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Дата:  14.10.2014

План-конспект уроку № 20

Клас:  10 А

Тема:  Вибір професії. Робота і вибір професії.

Підтема:  Професійні та особистісні якості кваліфікованого робітника


Практична: повторити лексичний та граматичний матеріал теми, розвивати навички читання, діалогічного мовлення, аудіювання, уміння сприймати та розуміти мовлення носіїв мови.

Освітня: поглибити знання учнів про світ професій та якості характеру, які необхідні для отримання фаху.

Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, пам'ять, увагу, уяву учнів під час гри, уміння працювати самостійно та в парі.

Виховна: виховувати повагу до людської праці, до представників різних професій .

Обладнання:  аудіофонограма «Interview with Nancy Mann», роздатковий матеріал – картки з граматичними вправами, індивідуальні картки.

Хід уроку

І. Початок уроку.

1.1. Організація класу.

Good morning, pupils. Nice to see you. I hope you are ready for today’s lesson, aren’t you?

So, tell me please, who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

So let’s start. Today we are going to speak about professions and the personal qualities what are required for them. We are going to listen to Nancy’s interview with a director and our task will be to discuss it. Besides, we are going to find out the traits of the character which are required by some professions. And, as usual, you will have to discuss some problematic questions. So, you see, that the lesson proves to be productive that’s why let’s work.

1.2. Мовленнєва зарядка.

And we start our today’s work with checking your home task. You had to do exercise 2 (a) on page 27. Your task was to work in pairs. You should read and translate the dialogue and make a similar one. So, who wants to present your dialogue in class?

Well, as I see, we have coped with this exercise and now we can revise the active vocabulary of this topic.

  •                 Game “Definitions”.

Your task is to listen to the definitions and say which job each of them describes.

  1. A person who drives a bus – (a bus driver);
  2. A person who works in school and teaches students – (a teacher);
  3. A person who rescue people from burning buildings and helps put out fires – (fire-fighter)
  4. A person who works in hospital and helps doctors – (nurse).
  5. A person who defends people’s rights in court – (a lawyer).
  6. A person who flies an airplane – (pilot).
  7. A person who takes people’s orders in a restaurant and serves them food – (a waiter).
  8. A person who works in a police station and maintains public security – (a police officer).
  9. A person who works in a bank and keeps records of money – (an accountant).
  10.          A person who works in a hospital and treats patients – (a doctor).
  11.          A person who plans new buildings and sees that they are built properly – (architect)
  12.          A person who changes writing from one language into another is called – (interpreter)
  13.          A person who studies physics – (physician)
  14.          A person who prepares and cooks food – (cook)

II. Основна частина.

2.1. Активізація лексичного та граматичного матеріалу.

  •                 Skimming Reading.

Well, you know the professions very well and now let’s read and complete the interview with Nancy Mann. Complete the sentences using auxiliary verbs of Present Simple, Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense (do, have or did).

D – director, N – Nancy Mann.

D: Who ____________ you work for now, Nancy?

N: I work for Intertec Publishing. We publish international business magazines.

D: I see. And how long ________ you worked for them?

N: I ______ worked there for nearly five years. No, exactly five years.

D: And how long _____ you been in charge of Eastern Europe publications?

N: For two years

D: And what ______ you do before you were at Intertec?

N: I worked for the BBC World Service.

D: As you know, this job is based in Geneva. ______ you ________ lived abroad before?

N: Oh yes. Yes, I ______

D: And when ______ you ______ abroad?

N: Well, in fact, I ____ born in Argentina and I_______ there until I was eleven. Also, I lived in Berlin for one year, when I _______working for the BBC.

D: That's interesting. ________ you _____ a lot?

N: Oh yes, yes, absolutely. I _____ _____to most countries in South America and many countries in Europe. I______   ______also ______to Japan a few times.

D: Oh yes? And why ______ you_____Japan?

N: It was for Intertec. I ________ there to interview some Japanese business leaders.

  •                 Listening (1 min).

So, now let’s check your work while listening to the interview between the director and Nancy Mann. Your task will be to think over the question if Nancy gets the job.

  •                 Discussion.
  1.               Who is Nancy by profession? (She is a journalist.)
  2.               Does she have a great work experience? (Yes, she does.)
  3.               Where does Nancy work now? (She works for Intertec Publishing.)
  4.               Why do you think she wants to change her work place? (May be, she wants to develop further and this firm can give her such an opportunity.)
  5.               Do you think Nancy will get a job? Why? (Yes, I do. She is a very active and cheerful person. Besides, she has a great work experience.)
  6.               What personal quality does the journalist profession require? (If you want to be a journalist you should be active, creative, sociable, talkative, cheerful and friendly.)
  •                 Make up a sentence.

Well, you’ve just described the qualities what are required for journalist profession. And now let’s say what qualities people should have if they have professions of the list given below. Make up 10 sentences. Work in your exercise-books.

E.g. I think that a film director needs to be creative and confident.



 Personality adjectives

Journalist, teacher, accountant, physicist, sports instructor, interpreter, architect, manager, pharmacist, physician, driver, receptionist, lawyer, conductor, film director, decorator, programmer, fashion designer, doctor, manager.

Brave, careful, creative, confident, emotional, flexible, generous, hard-working, sympathetic, motivated, organized, patient, practical, reliable, sensitive, helpful, tolerant, considerate, easy-going, energetic, friendly, good-natured, intelligent, loyal, quick, reserved, sensible, sociable, tactful, witty.




  •                 Work in pairs.

So, now we know what personal qualities we must have if we want to choose one of the professions given in the list. And now I suggest you working in pairs and discussing the following problems:

Which of the jobs in Ukraine:

  1. are normally done by women?
  2. are generally well-paid?
  3. require a lot of training?
  4. are very stressful?
  5. are dangerous?

Each pair will discuss one problem and the rest of the group will be able to add something in the end. Your task is to pay attention not only at the jobs but also at the qualities of personality which they require.

  •                 Individual work.

While the pairs are working those of you who don’t have a partner are going to work with individual cards.

  • Match the fields on the left with the traits on the right.

  1.     Technical
  2.     art
  3.     humanities
  4.     working-class
  5.     service

a) imaginative, artistic, loving
b) practical, active, energetic, organized.
c) logical, rational, fast-thinking

d) expressive, observant professions
e) helpful, communicative, reliable.

  •              Look at the traits of character and name 2 or 3 professions in which they are necessary to use.

Strength – police officer; fire-fighter;

Responsibility – pilot;

Reliability – judge, lawyer, police officer, doctor;

Creativity – singer, photographer, dancer;

Observation – judge, lawyer;

Patience – teacher;

Kindness – doctor, teacher.

  •              Do the crossword.

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III.  Заключна частина уроку.

3.2. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Well, today we’ve listened to the interview between Nancy Mann and the director. Besides, we’ve found out the traits of the character which are required by some professions. We’ve got to know which professions, to your mind, are generally well-paid, which are very stressful and dangerous. We have done all the tasks of the lesson and now open your daybooks and write down your hometask.

3.1. Домашнє завдання: write a short composition about the profession which is suitable to your character traits. 

And now I want to thank you for a good work at the lesson. You’ve worked very well today, so your marks are the next …




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