Урок у 6 класі "Eating out. Menu"

Про матеріал
Урок "Eating out. Menu" містить вправи комунікативного спрямування, які комплексно розвивають навички аудіювання, читання, усного мовлення, закріплюють знання написання слів з теми "їжа" та граматичної структури "I would like"
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Тема: У ресторані. Меню

Мета: практикувати навичку сприймання інформації на слух (аудіювання), читати меню, активізувати лексику теми “Їжа”, структуру I would like… . Навчити робити замовлення у кафе, ресторані. Повторити написання страв. Виховувати розуміння здорового харчування, фінансову грамотність.

Очікувані результати: На кінець уроку учні зможуть зробити замовлення в ресторані за зразком “I would like a tomato salad for starter and cheese and tomato pizza for the main course. I’ll have fresh orange juice.”

Обладнання: флешкартки “Їжа”, аудіо “At the restaurant”, роздатковий матеріал (HO1, 2, 3, 4, 5).


Хід уроку

  1. Організаційний момент.
    Вітання, оголошення теми, мети та очікуваних результатів (5 min) мотивація.
    T: - Good morning, children.
    Ss: - Good morning, teacher.
    T: Children, can you guess the theme of our lesson? (Ss make suggestions).
    - Restaurant menu. Eating out
    T: You are right, we are going to speak about restaurant food today. What would you like to learn at today's lesson? (Ss give proposals, I write them on the board):
    - learn new words
    - make order
    - listen and understand to the conversation
    T: - So at the end of the lesson you will be able to make an order. Is it important and why?
    Ss give answers.
  2. Основна частина уроку.
    1) Pre-listening (7 min)
    T:- Children, look at the board and name the dishes
    Ss:- Sandwich, pizza, salad, fish, soup, chicken, sausages, ice cream…
    T:- What is your task?
    Ss:- To write the names of the dishes under the pictures.
    T:- You have got 2 minutes.



cheeseburger, tomato soup, fruit salad, sausage, grilled fish, roast chicken, ice cream, cheese and biscuits, omelette, pasta, vegetables, cheese


(Checking the answers)
2) While - listening (15 min)
T:- You are going to listen to the conversation at the restaurant. Between who will be the conversation?
Ss: - Waiter and customers (T. writes on the board)
T: - Exercise 1. Read the task, Yulia.
S:- Do this exercise while you listen. Circle True or False for these sentences.
T: - Let’s read the sentences (S1, S2…)



1. The customers want two tables.      True / False

2. There are two customers eating together.               True / False

3. The two customers order the same starter.     True / False

4. Both customers order the Thai chicken
    for their main course.        True / False

5. The customers order cold drinks.      True / False

6. Both customers order a dessert.      True / False

T: - What is your task? When should you do it?
Ss answer.
Ss listen to the audio.


Waiter: Hello.

Jamie: Hi. A table for two, please.

Waiter: Of course. Over here, please. Here’s the menu.

Sally: Thank you.


Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Sally: Yes, we are.

Waiter: What would you like for your starter?

Jamie: I’d like French onion soup, please.

Sally: And I’ll have a tomato salad, please.

Waiter: And for your main course?

Jamie: Mmm, I’m not sure. I don’t know whether to have the steak or Thai chicken.

Sally: Oh, I’d like the Thai chicken and rice please.

Jamie: OK, me too.

Waiter: So that’s two Thai chicken and rice. What would you like to drink?

Jamie: I’ll have a fresh orange juice and ...

Sally: I’d like some mineral water, please.

Waiter: OK, thank you
Checking the exercise.

T: - Nazar, read the task for exercise 2.
S: - Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with the words below:
T: - What is your task? When should you do it?
Ss answer.

Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with the words below:
would ready  for   have   like   like

1. A table _______________ two, please.

2. Are you _______________ to order?

3. What would you _______________ for your starter?

4. I’d _______________ French onion soup, please.

5. What _______________ you like to drink?

6. I’ll _______________ a fresh orange juice.

Checking the answers.

2. Reading.
(HO5 - menu)
While-reading (5 min)
T: Look at the menu and say: (T- S1,S2)
- what is the name of the restaurant?
- what parts of the menu are there?
- what dishes are there in every part?
- what are the prices?

After-reading. Speaking (10 min)
T: - What would you order from this menu?
S1, S2, S3

T: - Make an order for 10 pounds.
S1, S2, S3
3.  Заключна частина уроку.
Підведення підсумків, рефлексія, оцінювання. (3min)
T: - Have we reached the aim of the lesson? (aims on the board - checking points)
- Can you make an order in a restaurant or a cafe?
- You worked well today and earned excellent marks.


9 березня 2023
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