Listening Comprehension "A film star"

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Текст для аудіювання ( з інтернету) з завданням (моя розробка) пропоную для учнів 8-10 класів загальноосвітніх класів. В розробці три (чотири) завдання в тестовій формі: 1.поєднати слова 2.доповнити речення. 3. обрати правильну відповідь на запитання. Якщо учні сильні,можна дати цей текст на переказ.
Перегляд файлу

A  film star

Pauline loved cinema very much and wanted to become a film star. When she was twelve she told about this her parents and friends.

But it was not so easy. After she left school, she got into films- not as a star- she became one of the people in the crowd scenes.

One day a man from the agency called her up and said, «There is a job for you tomorrow, Pauline. Come at eight o’clock, you’ll be a secretary. »

Pauline reached the studio at a quarter to eight. She waited for three hours before they came to her scene. The scene was very short: the star, a famous American actor, came and stopped in front  of where  Pauline was sitting.

 «I want you to look at Harry when he comes in,  explained the director,- «and say: Mr. Marlowe, there’s a call for you. Can you say that?»

  Pauline said that she could and did everything the director told her to do. The director was very pleased and the star smiled at her.

«That’s great! Thank you»? said the director. Pauline was very happy that evening. Some months later she looked two seats for the premiere and went to see her film together with her boyfriend. It was a good film, but  there was not Pauline in it. Her scene together with many other unimportant scenes had been cut out.

















I  Match

  1. Famous                                       a) дзвонити
  2. A film star                                   b) посміхатися
  3. To smile                                      c) відомий
  4. To call up                                    d) другорядний
  5. Unimportant                                e) студія
  6. Studio                                          f) кинозірка



II Choose the correct answer

  1. When Pauline  was..… she told about her dream her parents and friends.
  1. Fourteen
  2. Sixteen
  3. Twelve.
  1. One day… ……from the  agency called her up.
  1. A woman
  2. A man
  3. A stranger.
  1. Pauline waited for…… hours before they came to her scene.
  1. Three
  2. Two
  3. Four.
  1. Pauline was proposed to play a role of……
  1. A business woman
  2. A secretary
  3. An economist.
  1. The scene was…..
  1. Very long
  2. Very short
  3. Neither long nor short.
  1. Some months later, Pauline went to see her film together with her…..
  1. Husband
  2. Neighbour
  3. Boyfriend.


III Answer the questions

  1. What did Pauline love?
  1. The theatre
  2. The cinema
  3. The circus.
  1. What did Pauline want to be?
  1. A ballet dancer
  2. A film director
  3. A film star.
  1. What did the girl become after school?
  1. One of the people in the crowd scene
  2. An actress
  3. A producer.
  1. When did the girl come to the studio?
  1. Very late
  2. At quarter to eight
  3. Early in the morning.
  1. How did she act?
  1. She did everything the director told her
  2. She acted very bad
  3. She forgot all the words.
  1. How did Pauline look like in the film?
  1. There was not Pauline in the scene
  2. Pauline looked very tired in the scene
  3. Pauline looked like a real star. 


IV Render the text.










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