Урок "Подарунки до свята"

Про матеріал

Тема уроку " Подарунки для свята " для учнів другого курсу Червроноградського професійного гірничо-будівельного ліцею м,Червонограда.

Перегляд файлу

Тема:Подарунки до свята.

Мета уроку:

Навчальна: активізувати лексичні одиниці теми, ознайомити з з традиціями святкування Різдва в англомовних країнах; вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення.

Розвиваюча: удосконалювати навички вимови англійських звуків, розвивати навички і вміння аудіювання, говоріння, читання та письма.

Виховна: виховувати повагу до традицій та звичаїв інших народів, удосконалювати вміння спілкуватися в групі, формувати естетичний художній смак.

Мета методична: Використання інноваційних методів навчання під час викладення нового матеріалу.

Очікуваний результат

Учні повинні знати:

  • назви свят
  • традиції святкування Різдва

Учні повинні вміти:

  • вживати новий лексичний матеріал у мові                                                                                     
  • читати текст з метою отримання загального уявлення                                                     
  • максимально розуміти всю інформацію, що міститься в тексті       
  • усно висловлювати власні думки і припущення з опорою на                       лексико-граматичну структуру
  • запитувати, здобувати та надавати інформацію з текстів


Тип уроку: комбінований урок

Методи і прийоми: пояснювально-ілюстративний.

Основні терміни та поняття: gift, occasion, entertainment, celebrate.

Обладнання: дошка,проектор, презентація до уроку, текст для читання, картки з завданням.

Міжпредметні зв'язки : географія, зарубіжна література.

  Хід уроку


  1. Organizing moment. Greeting. Організаційний момент. Привітання.

T:Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you!                                                                        P:Good morning! We are glad to see you, too.

T: We've got a lot of guests today at our lesson - greet our guests, please.                                     P: - Good morning! Glad to see you! Welcome to our lesson.

Слайд 1

  1. Announcement of the aim and theme of the lesson. Повідомлення мети і теми уроку.

Т: The topic of the lesson is " Gifts for holiday".                                                                                 Слайд 2                                                                                                                                                         Today we're going to speak about:

  • one of the most favorite winter holidays, about Christmas,  
  •  review the words of the topic "Holidays", 
  • read the text and do some tasks to it,  
  • work in groups,
  • watch a short video about Christmas,  
  • we will sing your favorite song!

Слайд 3                                                                                                                                                         And now let's start our work. We  will work in groups today.                                                              We have three groups: Stars, Candles and Crackers.                                                                                                                T: And now read the motto of our lesson: "So many countries, so many customs". How do you understand it.                                                                                                                Слайд 4-5

  1. Warming up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Т: -Let’s revise the holidays. Name the holidays.                                                                                  What holiday is it? (It is … .)

(демонстрування слайдів із зображенням свят)

Слайд 6-14


II. MAIN PART. ОСНОВНА ЧАСТИНА УРОКУ.                                       


l.Brainstorming. Мозковий штурм.


T:What words do you associate with the word Christmas? Find and circle the words.

Слайд 15                                                                                                                                               

2.Speaking. Розвиток мовлення.                                                                                                    T:Well done, and now let’s read some facts about Christmas:

- Christmas Day is on the 25th of December. It is the greatest holiday in Britain. On Christmas Eve on the 24th of December English people decorate a Christmas tree. Christmas is a family holiday. They celebrate this holiday with big dinners. Children play around Christmas trees, find presents in their Christmas stockings, eat Christmas pudding.

- We know that Christmas is a favourite holiday for English people, especially for children.

 - People decorate Christmas tree and their houses; send Christmas cards to their relatives and friends.

- On Christmas children have a lot of fun. They like to play and sing. You know that Father Christmas (Santa Claus) comes on Christmas Eve. He has a white beard and white and red clothes. He is always merry. He brings presents for the children.                 T: And now your task is to answer the following questions .                                                          Слайд 16-20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

T: Match these words with the pictures.                                                                                     (Christmas tree, Christmas wreath, balls, Father Christmas, presents, lights, stocking, turkey, fireplace, pudding, cracker). Go to the blackboard and stick the sheets of paper. (Учні виходять до дошки і прикріплюють слова і малюнки.)                               Слайд 21                                                                                                                                                                          

3.Reading. Читання.                                                                                                                                 3.1Етап підготовки до читання. Pre-Reading Activity.                                                                 T: Our next step is the reading of the text about Christmas. But before the reading let’s predict the topic of the text. What is this text about?                                                        Possible answers:                                                                                                                                          P.: I think this text is about Christmas presents.                                                                                                                3.2Етап читання тексту. While-reading.                                                                                     Ex.3,p.66.                                                                                                                                                  3.3Етап перевірки змісту тексту. Post-reading.                                                                        Т: Let's check how you understand the text. Ex.3,p.66.                                                                         Match the opinions below with the people. Write the names. There is one opinion that you do not need.                                                                                                                                     Слайд 22


4.Group work. Робота в групах.

T:The next task for our groups "A letter to Father Christmas". You should put the parts of the letter in a correct order and glue them on this sheet of paper. Then you will read the letters to your classmates. Start please, work in groups. (Учні приклеюють частини листа, і зачитують його):

"Dear Father Christmas! My name is Vicky and I am fourteen. This year I was a good girl and I got only good marks at school. I have a wish. I want to have a puppy. I promise to take care of it. Love, Vicky. "

"Dear Father Christmas! I am David, I am fifteen. I like animals. I wish to have a green parrot. I will teach it to talk and sing songs. Love, David.

"Dear Father Christmas! My name is Mary. Last Christmas I got a nice doll and sweets from you. And this year could you bring me new paints and albums because I am fond of painting very much! Thank you. Love, Mary."

Слайд 23

5.Speaking. Розвиток мовлення.

T:Sending of Christmas cards is very much part of Christmas in Britain. Your home

task was to make up the Christmas messages. Let's read them.

P1- Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year!

P2-Sincere greetings for Christmas and all good wishes for the New Year!

P3-Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

P4- To a special friend : Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

P5- Each time an old year closes And we start a year that's new We think of those we care about As I now think of you.

P6- And so for you, my special friend, I wish with all my heart Happiness to fill each day Of the year that we now start.

P7- Holiday greetings

May the season bring you Every happiness!!!

P8- My love to you

For at Christmas especially Love is the greatest gift of all.

Слайд 24

6.Watching the Videо. Перегляд відео.

6.1Етап підготовки до сприйняття відео. Pre-viewing. Vocabulary presentation.

Т: Watch the video as Father Christmas challenges people to do something unusual and wonderful!


6.2Етап перегляду. While-viewing.

6.3Етап перевірки розуміння відео. Обговорення відео та виконання завдань.

Post-viewing task.

  1. Match the words that have the same or similar meaning and write a-h next to the numbers 1-8.

II.Write a number (1-9) to put these events in order.

III.Circle True or False for these sentences.

Слайд 26


7. Writing. Письмо.

T: Unscramble the sentences. Write them correctly.

Слайд 27


  1. Group work. Робота в групах.

T:Read the questions. Then find the answers and glue them on their worksheets. Слайд 28

  1. Sing. Виконання пісні «Jingle bells»

T: Listen the song “Jingle bells” and put in the missing words from the box into the sentences.

Слайд 29


10.Group work. Робота в групах.

T: The next task for our groups "Draw your mitten". Draw the mitten and write words you have learned in this lesson.                                                                                                     Слайд 30


  1. Homework. Домашнє завдання

Т:Last year you and your family celebrated the Christmas with your friends. Write a letter to your British pen-friend about this celebration.                                                                     Do not forget to mention how you got to their house, what the weather was like on Christmas, what special dishes you had for the holiday dinner, how you spent the time and what gifts you prepared for your family and friends.

Слайд 31

  1. Summarising. Підведення підсумків уроку.

T:So, why do people like Christmas so much?

Pupils: We like Christmas because ...

(- Everybody smiles

-We send and get greeting cards

  • There are a lot of shows on TV
  • We make parties
  • We have fun
  • We like to decorate smth
  • We often travel on Christmas holidays
  • We cook tasty food
  • We invite friends
  • We like to give presents
  • We get a lot of presents
  • We play and dance
  • We spend time with family)

Слайд 32-33

T:Do you remember the motto? "So many countries, so many customs". But at the same time we are very much alike.


Слайд 34

T:Can you tell me now why we are alike?

PI: I think we are like because we celebrate one and the same holiday.

P2: I also think we are alike because Christmas holiday is important both for Ukrainian and English-speaking people.

Your marks are .

You all work well today, and here are small presents for you. Thank you for the lesson, good bye!

Слайд 35-36

I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


3 квітня 2019
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