Урок-презентація з англійської мови у 7 класі «Олімпійські ігри»

Про матеріал

Дана робота розрахована на учнів сьомих класів. Презентація створена на етапи уроку, і розписана у конспекті. Відео можна замінити на інше. Фізкультхвилинка весела та цікава

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Тема. Олімпійські ігри 

Мета: ознайомити з історією олімпійських ігор, розширити знання та кругозір учнів про спорт, тренувати учнів у використанні лексики теми          « Олімпійські ігри»; розвивати логічне мислення, довгострокову пам’ять, увагу, мовні навички; розвивати навички пошукового читання;виховувати вміння вислухати співбесідника та вміння працювати в команді; прививати інтерес і любов до рідного краю, до здорового способу життя та занять спортом.

Обладнання уроку: використання ІКТ технологій, мультимедійний проектор (по можливості),програми Microsoft  Рowerpoint, Windows Media, картинки з Олімпійськими видами спорту,комп’ютер, дошка, картки.

    Хід уроку

1.  Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Greeting. T: Good morning, students! How are you?

Ps: Good morning!

T: Today I hope we will have an interesting and a thrilling lesson. I think if you look at the board you will guess what we are going to speak about. (On the board there are different pictures of Olympic Games)   (Слайд 1)

Ps: About sport, Olympic Games.

2. Aim. T : Yes, you are right. We shall speak about Olympic Games. The theme of our lesson today is: «The history of the Olympic Games». The aim: The acquaintance of the history of the Olympic Games. You know that now Olympic Games are very popular theme. Why? What was happened in August 2016? (Слайд 2)

Ps: Olympic Games was held  in 2016.

3. Check on the homework. 

T: Let’s remember Olympic flag. What colour are the circles? (Слайд 3)

Ps: Blue, black, red, yellow, green.

T: Let’s check your answers. It’s exсellent.

4. Phonetic exercise.

a) T: Now students, try to answer the following questions:  (Слайд 4)

1. Do you go in for sport?

2. What summer sports do you know?

3. What about winter sports?

4. Do you know what city was chosen to be the place of the Olympics in the year 2016?

b) T: Well done, I’d like to speak about Winter and Summer Olympic Games. Look at the board and I give you 2 minute to divide them into two parts. Then we’ll check the task. Put the marks to yourselves, and explain your decision.

P1,P2,P3 (Слайд 5)

T: Check your answers.  (Слайд 6)

c) Game ECHO. T: Let’s repeat these words after me. (Ps repeat words after the teacher 3 times like echo.)  (Слайд 7)

T: Well, now students try to make your own sentences with these words (ex. Most men like to play hockey)  P1,P2,P3,P4

II. Основна частина уроку

1.Введення нового матеріалу через перегляд відео. “Ancient and Modern Olympics”

1)Pre-listening and watching activity. T: Look at the pictures and guess what this video is about. You are right. It’s about the history of  Olympics Games.( Слайд 8)

2)While-listening and watching activity.  Work with individual cards.

T: Try to find correct answers while you are watching the video.  (P1,P2,P3)

1. Olympic Games took place every …. for nearly 12 centuries.

a) 4years

b) 2 years

c) 6 years

2. Olympic Games became the symbol of:

a) Joining the continents

b) Peace and friendship

c) Victory

3. Summer and Winter Olympic Games are held…

a) Separately

b) At the same time

c) In Autumn.

3) Post-listening and watching activity.

a) T: Answer the questions, please. P1,P2,P3

1. Where and when were the first ancient Olympic Games held?

2. Where and when were the last Olympic Games held?

3. Have there ever been Olympic Games in London?

4. What kind of sports were in Ancient Olympic Games ?

5. What kind of sports are in Modern Olympic Games ?

b) Game Spring. T: Try to remember and say one sentence about history of Olympic Games. Don’t say the sentences of your friends, and at the end we’ll have got our own story about it.( P1,P2,P3)

2.Break time. T: Good for you! I see you are very tide. Let’s do a sport minute. (The students make physical exercises with video.)

3. Reading. T: Let’s continue our work. It’s time for reading. (Слайд 9)

1) Pre – reading activity. T: Answer my questions before reading.

How many Modern Olympic Games were held?

Where country was the host of  the last Olympic Games ?

2) While-reading activity. T: While you are reading the text find the answers to the questions below.

       Summer Olympics 2016

The 2016 Olympics  or the Gamesof the XXXI Olympiad was held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil from Friday 5th August to Sunday 21st August 2016. This was the first time the event has been held in South America. As Brazil was in the southern Hemisphere, the Games was actually taking place in the countrie’s winter!

There were about 10,500 athletes competing, from 206 different countries and territories. South Sudan and Kosovo was competingfor the first time.

There were 306 events over 28 sports. Seven of these sports had a range of discipleners. Rugby Sevens was included for the first time. Golf returned after a 112 year absence. It was last played at the Olympics in 1904.

 7,5 million tickets were sold to watch the events. The opening and closing ceremonies were held in Rio’s Maracana Stadium.

3)Post-reading activity. T: Let’s check your answers.

     What other name is used for the 2016 Summer Olympics?

Where were the Games being held?

How many athletes and countries were competing?

Which countries were competing for the first time?

Which sport was part of the Olympics for the first time since 1904?

How many tickets were sold?

4. Speaking

T: You know, we have many good sportsmen even in our school. Let’s play a bussines game «Press-conference». You are all journalists and correspondents from newspapers, magazines and TV. Today we have a guest. This is Daryna Harechko, the student of the nith form of our school. Her future profession is an architect. Now she is a good sportsman. She will tell us about herself, and give you an interview. (Слайд 10)

Daryna: I am Daryna Harechko, the student of the ninth form of our school. My hobby is sport. I go in for Taekwondo. This event gives me health, strength and energy. I think that sports helps me in my life and in my studying very much. It brings up and trains me to be responsible, disciplinary, communicative. Sport is a big part of my life. I especially like to participate in competitions. My friends and I go to another regions with our trainer, meet new people, make many friends and improve our sport abilities and results, I would really like to represent my country internationally.

Teacher: Students? Your questions, please. (P 1,P2,P3)

P1: Why do you go in for sport?

P2: Do you train hard?

Teacher: Thank you,Daryna. Glad to see you again. Good luck to you!

5. Заключна частина уроку.

1) Summarizing. T: I would like to ask you some questions. What do you think? (Слайд 11)

What is the reason for the holding Olympic games?

P1: To show the best results in sport.

P2: To unite different countries and people.

2) Homework. Be ready to talk about the last Summer Olympic Games. Prepare the projects for this topic.(Слад 12)


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
1 березня 2018
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