Урок "Save Water at Home!"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку з теми «Бережімо воду вдома!» є підсумком проходження учнями 10 класу аторського вебквесту “Save Water at Home!” (https://sites.google.com/view/water-webquest/welcome?authuser=0) Урок надає можливість учням в цікавій інтерактивній формі обґрунтовувати, чому вода така важлива для людського організму, оцінити, чи достатньо води на нашій планеті, і чи ми можемо використовувати її без обмежень, дати поради щодо бережливого ставлення до води вдома. На уроці використані такі методи і прийоми навчання: «криголам», «мікрофон», «мозковий штурм», «добери пару», «асоціативний кущ», створення 3D плакату, «заповни таблицю», «заверш речення», мовна здогадка, робота в групах, вебквест, проектна робота, рефлексія. Цей метеріал буде корисним як вчителям англійської мови, так і їх учням, допоможе формувати цивілізовану взаємодію учнів з оточуючим середовищем.
Перегляд файлу

Olha Marchuk,

 teacher of English,

 school 4,

 Zmerynka, Vinnytsia region


Тема уроку: Бережімо воду вдома!


Мета уроку:

  • практикувати учнів в усному продукуванні з теми «Охорона довкілля» та «Вода в житті людини»;
  • тренувати учнів в сприйманні тексту на слух;
  • виховувати бережне ставлення до води взагалі та в домашньому господарстві;
  • стимулювати учнів до висловлювання власної думки, аргументувати її.



Очікувані результати:

Учень може:

  • обґрунтувати, чому вода така важлива для людського організму (10-12 речень);
  • оцінити, чи достатньо води на нашій планеті, і чи ми можемо використовувати її без обмежень;
  • дати поради щодо бережливого ставлення до води вдома (10-12 речень);
  • аргументувати власну думку.



Обладнання: телевізор, мультимедійна презентація до уроку, девіз уроку “Lets make a difference!”, пісня-вітання “Life Is Good”, відео “Water Deserves a Better Treatment”, “Water Is Our Precious resource”, ілюстративні картинки до теми «Вода», інтерактивні плакати “Water Facts”, “Water for Health”, роздатковий матеріал для роботи в групах, проекти учнів.


Методи і прийоми навчання: «криголам», «мікрофон», «мозковий штурм», «добери пару», «асоціативний кущ», створення 3D плакату, «заповни таблицю», «заверш речення», мовна здогадка, робота в групах, вебквест,

проектна робота, рефлексія.


Хід уроку

І. Introduction. Підготовка до сприймання іншомовного мовлення.

1. Greeting. Вітання.

T: Good morning, children! How are you?

Ps: I am great./ I’m fine./ Life is good.

Song “Life Is Good”.


2. Icebreaker. Криголам.

T: Really, life is good and beautiful. And I believe, children, that you will make our life even better, cos you’re the future of our country and everything is in your hands. Now I’d like you to move a little and share some of your emotions with each other. You will do it with the help of mingling activity “Question Swap”.

   Sand up, please! Choose a candy, then move around, find a partner and ask  each other the questions that correspond to the candy. After asking the questions swap candies and move off to ask a new partner, then swap again and so on. You have 3 minutes.

Questions for discussion:

  • Do you like to walk in the rain? Why?
  • What do you like to drink when you are thirsty?
  • What emotions do you have when you watch the waves of the sea?
  • If you were a millionaire, where would you spend your summer vacations?


3. The aim of the lesson and learning outcomes. Мета уроу та очікувані результати.

T: You see, practically all the questions were somehow connected with water. And it’s not surprising. The theme of our lesson is “Save Water at Home”. You have just completed your webquest “Save Water at Home”


And today we are going to sum up your knowledge which you have got in the process of investigation on how we can save water at home. So, by the end of the lesson you will be able to:

  • explain why water is so important for human body;
  • decide whether there is enough water on our planet and whether we can use it unlimitedly;
  • give your tips how to save water at home.

T: The motto of our lesson is “Let’s make a difference!” How do you understand these words?

Possible answers:

Ps: it means that we must do something to change the situation for the better.

  • Even one person can make a difference and help to save water.
  • All changes start with us.

II. Warm up. Введення учнів в мовне середовище за темою уроку.

  1.          Brainstorming. Мозковий штурм.  T: Look attentively at the globe and you’ll see that the blue colour depicts vast water spaces on our planet. You can come to conclusion that somehow someone was wrong, calling the planet Earth. Water occupies ¾ of the Earth's surface. So the name “Water” or “Aqua” is more suitable for it.



T: By the way, where can we find water on our planet? Please, work in four groups and write as many places as possible on a sheet of paper “Where we can find water on our planet?” (HO1). You have only 2 minutes for writing. Then you will read your versions in turn crossing out the words which have been already mentioned. The group that has mentioned more places is the winner.

Possible answers:

Ps: Water is in seas and oceans.

  • It is in rivers and streams, in lakes and canals.
  • It is in glaciers and underground.
  • It is in fruit and vegetables, flowers and trees.
  • It is in the air (in clouds, rainbows, mist and fog).
  • It is in rain, snow and in drops of dew.
  • It is in even in our body!

T: Water is everywhere.


III. Main Part. Основна частина уроку.

  1. “Water Facts” Activity. T: While doing your webquest assignments you worked in four groups: “ Naturalists”, “Medicos”, “Analysts”, “Household Keepers”. So, we’ll ask the group of “Naturalists” to present some interesting “Water Facts”.

“Naturalists” group presentation of water facts. (Children create interactive poster “Water Facts”) Possible answers:

  1. 71% of water covers the Earth’s surface.
  2. Only 2,5% of the Earth’s water is fresh water.
  3. The chemical name for water is H2O, meaning that each of its molecules contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.
  4. Water can exist in three forms: solid (ice), liquid, and gas.
  5. A slightly imbalanced structure of water molecules makes it a “universal solvent”.
  6. Water is heavier than woods and plastic.
  7. Human body consists of 70% of water. People need to drink 2 litres of water a day.
  8. People can live without water only for 7 days.
  9. Do you know what is the main source of fresh water? – It’s rain.


  1.          “Water for Health” Activity. T: we all know we need to drink water to stay alive. If we don’t drink enough water, it can cause health problems. And the group of young “Medicos” will explain the benefits of water for human health.

“Medicos” group presentation of water facts. (Children create interactive poster “Water Facts”) Possible answers:

  1.          We all know that water is good for us but a lot of people don’t know that not drinking enough water causes a number of problems such as:
  • dizziness
  • headaches
  • kidney problems
  • constipation
  • dehydration (lack of water)
  1. Drinking water helps us think clearly. 
  2. We need water to help use the food we eat.
  3. The kidneys use water to clean the blood.
  4. Water stops the body getting too hot.
  5. Drinking enough water reduces the amount of salt in our bodies.
  6. Drinking lots of water can help:
  • give us healthy skin
  • keep our bones, teeth, hair and nails healthy
  1. Our bodies need water to:
  • boost your energy levels
  • carry food and oxygen to body parts
  • help remove carbon dioxide from our muscles
  1. Water is the only drink that contains absolutely no calories or fat.
  2.  It reduces joint pain.
  3.  How many glasses of water should people drink a day? – We should drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  4.  We also prepared leaflets “Water Benefits for Humans”.
  1. Vocabulary Review. Group Work.

T: You see water plays a very important role in human’s life. But are we as good to it as it is to us? Unfortunately, people’s activity causes a great number of problems to water.

  1. 1) Regrouping. T: Now you’ll work in new groups of “Rivers”, “Oceans” and “Seas”.
  2. 2) Matching (HO2) T: Your task is to match the word to its definition.


Key: 1b, 2e, 3a, 4c, 5i, 6d, 7j, 8f, 9g, 10h.

  1. Environmentally safe products
  1.              dispose of waste material in a landfill.

2. Water purification

b) the eco-friendly products that can help you reduce clothing waste in the landfills.

3.dump waste

c) waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away.


d) minimize the usage of harmful chemicals

5. Sewage treatment

e) the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids, and gases from water.

6.Reduce the use of fertilizers

f) harmful gases ejected from a car as waste product.

7.Water recycling

g) rain that contains large amounts of harmful chemicals

8.Exhaust fumes

h) the practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage.

9.Acid rains

i) the process of removing contaminants from wastewater and household sewage water.

10.Water conservation

j) the process of converting wastewater into water that  can be reused for other purposes.

  1. Watching a cartoon. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOLR4OBWsY4)

T: Watch a cartoon “Water Deserves a Better Treatment” and say what the causes of water pollution are. (Chemicals, dumping waste from factories, throwing garbage, littering, exhaust fumes, emission of harmful substances, sewage, using fertilizers, acid rains, oil spillage, natural disasters)

  1. Problem-solving Activity. T: Please, think and give your suggestions how we can prevent water pollution. Then complete a mind-map “Prevention of Water Pollution”.


  1. Watching.
  1.          Pre-Watching Activity. a) Regrouping. T: Let’s join into new groups according to the feelings you have touching water: hot, cold, pleasant, icy.

b) T: listen to water speaking to us and say what it asks us. Pay attention this is Penelope Cruz who gives water a voice.


Possible answers:

- Don’t just take water for granted.

- People shouldn’t treat water as something taken for granted.

- Will people wage wars over water?

- Where will humans find water when there are billions of them around?

- There are many different options how to treat water.


  1.          While-Watching Activity. Group Work. Fill in the grid (HO3) T: There is much water on our planet. But are water supplies unlimited? You will find the answer to this question in the video “Water is our Precious resource”.



T: Pay attention to the data and be ready to complete the table “Water Data” (HO3)



Salty water


Fresh water


Water locked in polar ice caps


Safe water for consumption

0,007 %

World’s population

7 billion

People living in water scarcity

1,2 billion

  1. Post-Listening Activity.
  1. True or False Activity.

T: Listen to the statements and decide whether they are true or false. Show your decision with the help of blue card that stands for True and red card that stands for False.


  1. Over last 100 years the Earth’s population has tripled.
  2. The demand for water is intensifying.
  3. The quality of drinking water is not under threat.
  4. There is 10% of fresh water in lakes, rivers and ground.
  5. There is not enough water in some parts of the world.
  6. Water supplies are limited.


Key: 1 T, 2 T, 3 F, 4 F, 5 T, 6 T.


  1. Making Conclusion

T: What conclusion can we make after watching these videos?

Ps: Really, water supplies are limited.

  • The quality of drinking water is not very good.
  • And it is not evenly spread all over the world.
  • Water is our most precious resource.


  1. Average Indoor Household Water Use

T: Let’s continue our work in the groups of your investigation “ Naturalists”, “Medicos”, “Analysts”, “Household Keepers”. And we’ll ask the group of “Analysts” to present the diagram of average indoor household water use.

“Analysts” group presentation. Possible answers:

  1.          In general water consumption in the world and in our country is really increasing. Nowadays we use showering more often, water our plants more, besides many people use their dishwasher daily.
  2.          Regular baths is the biggest water usage in households. On average it takes 35% of our daily water use.
  3.          Traditional toilets use about 10 litres of water per flush, more modern toilets use about 6 litres. In general a person uses 95% litres of flush toilets per day. It stands for 30% of our daily use of water.
  4.          20% of water is used for laundry. For cooking and drinking we use 10% of our daily water use. And only 5% of water is used for cleaning.
  5.          Very often we forget how important water is and we waste it! Sometimes we don’t pay attention to leaking faucets. It can waste to 13% of our daily water use. If we keep wasting water, soon there will be no clean water left for us to enjoy! Can we make a difference?


T: Of course, we can! The task of the webquest “Save Water at Home!” was to help you understand your individual responsibilities to our planet and increase your awareness of your actions in and around your home. Now you know all about saving water and things you can do to be water smart! In order to spread the message on the importance of saving water you have created posters on water usage at home to help the rest of you family and friends to save water too. Please, present your posters.


  1. Presentations of Posters “Save Water at Home”.

Saving water in the kitchen

  1. Wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl of water.
  2. Keep a jug of water in the fridge so you do not have to run the tap until it goes cold.
  3. Fix leaking taps.
  4. Do not rinse the plates under a tap on. Fill one basin with wash water and the other with rinse water.
  5. If you have a dishwasher, only run it when it is full.
  6. Reuse water.
  7. Monitor your water bills.
  8. Do not rinse the dishes under running water.
  9. Reduce the number of glasses you wash. Use one glass for your drinking water each day.
  10. Cook food in as little water as possible.
  11. While you wait for hot water, collect the running water. Use it to water plants.


Saving water in the bathroom and toilets

  1. Turn the tap off when you clean your teeth.
  2. Use a cup to brush your teeth.
  3. Turn the tap off while soaping.
  4. Take shorter showers.
  5. Always run the washing machine with a full load.
  6. Use half flush in the toilet.
  7. Do not use your toilet to flush away cotton wool balls, they should go in the bin.
  8. Fix leaking toilets.
  9. Install a water-saving toilet flush system.
  10.  Turn the shower tap off tightly.


Saving water in the garden

  1. After washing up by hand, you can throw the dirty water on the garden.
  2. Use a watering can to water flowers.
  3. Water the garden in the evening to minimize evaporation.
  4. Install a water container to gather rainwater.
  5. Wash your car using a bucket and a sponge rather than a hose as this will save a lot of water.
  6. Use a pool cover.
  7. Pump used water to the garden.

7. Class survey “How much water do we use?”

T: The group “Household Keepers” has done a survey and found out how much water their families and the families of their friends use on a normal day.

“Household Keepers” group presentation.

IV. Summarizing. Заключна частина уроку.

  1. “Microphone” Activity. T: Without water, there would be no life and our planet would be a completely different place. Please, finish a sentence “Water is…” in one word.
  2. Home Assignment. T: Your home assignment is very creative. Imagine that you are designers at an ecological company which produces T-shirts. Design your print with a slogan for a T-shirt in order to remind people how important water is.
  3. Evaluation and feedback.

T: Children, you worked hard during the lesson and while fulfilling the tasks of the webquest “Save Water at Home”. So, I suppose you will be more water smart now.

And summing up the lesson I’d like you to think and finish the sentences:

  • It was interesting at the lesson because…
  • It was new for me…
  • I’d like to learn more about…


23 серпня 2019
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