Урок "Shopping in Ukrain and Great Britain"

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Урок повторення та систематизації знань з теми "Shopping" у 6 класі та презентація до уроку. На уроці використані відео та аудіо фрагменти з теми.
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План- конспект уроку у   6 класі  


Тема: «Going shopping»

Підтема: «Shopping in Great Britain »


  • to create opportunities for students to express their opinions, using vocabulary from the theme «Shopping»,

to develop reading skills, listening comprehension, dialogical and monologue speech, critical thinking.



by the end of the lesson children will be able

  •  to name  different kinds of shops,
  • to name different packets for food,
  •  to read and understand a text about shopping in Britain, complete the dialogue,
  • to compare shopping in Ukraine and Great Britain.





1. Warming-up

T. Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today?

Good morning sun, good morning sky.

"Good morning" - say together.

We like this day the best of all

and start the English lesson.

 Our today's lesson is devoted to the theme "Shopping in Great Britain." I think shopping plays a great role in our life. Because every day we buy something.


 T. Let's read the rhyme but try to do it with different intonation.



Making shopping makes me good,

Buying things and buying food,

Spending money every day,

Shopping is the best you may.


3. Brainstorming

T.  Find  new words connected with the topic  «Food» 







 4. Problem quote:

"Men go shopping to buy what they want ... Women go shopping to find out what they want".


5. Practising the usage of the topic vocabulary. ( Shopping list) ( Card 1)


6. Revision of the vocabulary.

- Watching video «Shopping in Great Britain» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYUlbQ3GkGo&list=PLgQNij_I-bHYG0ovVcVo6fXjuJ1bVWx4Y&index=86&t=0s

- Presentation «Types of shops»

- Match what and where we can buy.

(Card 2)

1.to buy cheese, butter, milk;

2. to buy bread and rolls;

3. to buy meat and sausages;

4. to buy medicine and shampoo;

5. to buy sweets and cakes;

6. to buy vegetables and fruit;

7. to buy newspapers and postcards;

8. to buy fish and seafood;

a) the bakery;

b) the newsagent’s;

c) the dairy;

d) the butcher’s;

e) the fishmonger’s;

f) the chemist’s;

g) the confectionary;

h) the greengrocer’s.



  1. A game “Where can I buy … ?” (work in pairs) (Card 3)

One half of pupils get cards with names of shop, the other half – with goods. One by one they ask  “Where can I buy …?” -  “You can buy it/them at … “

  1.  Watching video  http://teacherjournal.in.ua/rozrobky/plan-konspekt-uroku-z-anglijskoji-movi-shopping-dlya-6-klasu-za-pidruchnikom-o-d-karpyuk (At the grocer’s)
  2. Pair-work.  Watch video and then complete the dialogues (Card 4)

10. Vocabulary work

           T. Have a look at new vocabulary (rely on your intuition and match ) 

Cash                          ціна

Cashier                      розмір

Cheap                        дешевий

Goods                        касир

Price                           готівка

Sale                            готовий

Self-service                 товари

Size                             візок

Trolley                        продаж

Ready-made               самообслуговування


11. Reading


What do you think of British people?

Do they like shopping?


 Read the text and name some popular British shops.


 Complete the sentences

Group A

1. They usually buy food at the …

2.Supermarkets . . .

3. In the supermarket you …

4. If you are a traveller in Britain

5. Sales are . . .

6. Sainsbury’s supermarkets are . . .

Group B

1. Tesco supermarkets sell . . .

2. British Home Stores is a group of . . .

3. Buying clothes can be a problem because . . .

4. Ready- made clothes in London . . .

5. Teenagers in Britain

6. Mothers in Britain . . .

12.  Reportage

T. Two  journalists were working in London and now they are ready to present their material about famous shops of London to us.

  Hamleys is a very big shop of toys in London. 4.500 people work there. Hamley was opened in 1760. There are seven floors. Parents and children like visiting this shop. It is the oldest shop of toys in the world. Micropet is an interactive plastic toy. It is very small, only 4sm. There are ten types of this toy. These toys can speak. British children like these toys. Micropet is very expensive.

  Bluewater is a shopping centre in London. It was  opened in 1999. The floor plan is a triangular shape with 330 stores, including 3 anchors, 40 cafés and restaurants, and a 13-screen cinema. The centre employs 7,000 people and serves over 27 million visitors a year.







13. Listening

T. Listen to the song  «At the supermarket» and write down all the words what you can buy at the supermarket.

Listen to the song once more and put the lines of it in the correct order. Then sing the song.




2. Then there’s a place where you should head.

3. At the supermarket you can buy everything

1. If you need milk, or if you need bread,

4. When you do your grocery shopping.


2. You can buy cans if fresh doesn’t suit.

3. At the supermarket you can buy everything

1. You can buy vegetables, you can buy fruit,

4. When you do your grocery shopping.


2. Or you can buy readymade cookies and cakes.

1. You can buy flour if you like to bake,


3. At the supermarket you can buy everything

1. You can buy ice-cream and frozen peas,

2. You can buy yoghurt and you can buy cheese.

4. When you do your grocery shopping.


3. At the supermarket you can buy everything

1. You can buy oil and you can buy rice,

4. When you do your grocery shopping.

2. You can buy noodles that taste very nice,


4. When you do your grocery shopping.

1. You can buy fish and you can buy meat,

3. At the supermarket you can buy everything

2. You can buy chicken that’s ready to eat!


2. When you do your grocery shopping.

1. At the supermarket you can buy everything




14. Summing-up

T. Today we spoke a lot about shopping to sum everything up say if  it is true or false

True or False?

You can buy sugar or rice at the butchers.

You can buy fish at the grocers.

You can buy milk at the diary.

A self-service system means that you walk around the shop and choose what you want.

You can use a trolley in the supermarket.

Sainsbury’s supermarkets are the leaders in selling clothes.

Tesco’s supermarkets are cheaper than Sainsbury’s supermarkets.






15. Self –assessment

Now I can




I can name different kinds of shops




I can name different packets for food




I can read and understand a text about shopping in Britain





I can complete the dialogue






16. Homework

Make up dialogues At the greengrocer’s

                                  At the butcher’s































































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