Урок "Співбесіда на роботу"

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Suggested level- B2


Natalya Halamaha,

a teacher,

Physics and Mathematics






              Students will:

                   -  practise listening for specific information;

-  work in groups;

- consolidate the information on the topic "Job interview";

-  express their viewpoints based on written notes;

- develop speaking skills;

- practise dialogue speech;

- learn how to perform well at a job interview;

- learn how to write a personal CV;



Audio-visual aids:

                  - smartboard

                  - handouts




                    education – knowledge and skills;

                     referee – a person who provides information about you when you are                         applying for a job;

                     marital status –an expression used on official forms to ask if someone is married;

                     employment – work that you do to earn money;

                     relevant – directly connected with the subject.









    Greetings, informing about the title of the lesson and the main directions of work during the lesson.



 The students are supposed to watch the video ”Hopes and Dreams” and match the hopes and dreams to the correct people. A smartboard  is essential.


Match the hopes and dreams to the correct people.







Bianca                  A to get a good job


                             B to capture images around the world


                             C to have a house in London


                             D to make a difference


                             E  to be really rich                   


                             F to make  better life for myself















   The students are supposed to answer the question.

Do you share any of these hopes and dreams? What other hopes and dreams have you got for you future?

If the students have some problems while answering the question, they  may use the section ”Help” and listen to the recoded answer.



  The teacher explains that many students dream to get a good job so they are going to learn how to perform well at a job interview.

     The teacher distributes handouts and  asks the students to put the letters of the words into the correct order.

      1.aqufiliticason  2.eneeirpcxe  3.oourshgnikrw  4.tmrveeoi  5.ssfthi  6.eeeiustnmrqr  7.sthgrents  8.esseseaknw  9. yaarls.

       Expected answer: 1.qualifications  2.experience  3.working hours  4.overtime  5.shifts  6.requirements  7.strengths  8.weaknesses  9.salary.

      The teacher points out that these words will help to form questions that an applicant would like to ask at a job interview.


          1. Listening Comprehension.

      Pre- listening:


  The teacher asks students to look at the questions on the blackboard and fill in the missing words in each case. The students choose words from the list.


        Working    prefer   organized   done   tell   relevant   clear


       1.  What kinds of jobs have you-------- before?

       2.  Do you have other --------- experience?

       3. Well, for example, have you -------something at school?

       4.  Do you have a -------- idea of the work you would like?

       5. Would you like a job-------- with people?

       6. Would you -------------- to be in an office environment?

       7. ------- me, if there a job that you would not want?

Expected answer:

       1. What kinds of jobs have you done before?

       2.  Do you have other relevant experience?

       3. Well, for example, have you organized something at school?

       4.  Do you have a clear idea of the work you would like?

       5. Would you like a job working with people?

       6. Would you prefer to be in an office environment?

       7. Tell me, is there a job that you would not want?


  The teacher asks the students to form their questions which they would ask at an interview. The teacher points out that the students can use words and get ideas from the previous exercises to form their questions. The teacher elicits questions from the students and writes them on the blackboard.


Expected questions:

Interviewer:  How old are you?

                       What are you qualifications?

                       Have you got any experience?

                       Where were you working before?

                       May I see your CV?


Applicant:     What is the salary?

                       Could you tell me what the working hours will be?

                       What career prospects are there?


While- listening activity:

  The teacher asks to listen to the dialogue and write down two of the interviewer’s and two of the applicant’s questions.

Tape script ( to be played twice )

Interviewer: Hello, Miss Jones. Thank you for coming. Please, sit down.

Applicant: Thank you.

Interviewer: Firstly, where did you see the advert for this post?

Applicant: I saw it in last Friday’s Evening Post. 

Interviewer: Mmm. Now, have you brought your CV with you?

Applicant: Yes, here you are.

Interviewer: Thank you. Could you tell me a bit about your qualifications?

 Applicant: Of course. I left school with 2“A” levels in English and French. Then I did a diploma at Crewe College.

Interviewer: What sort of diploma is that?

Applicant:  It is a secretarial and business diploma.   

Interviewer: Fine. Could you tell me about any relevant experience you have?

Applicant: Yes. I worked at Franco bank for 2 years, as a personal secretary to the director.

Interviewer: Would you mind telling me why left?

Applicant: Well, the salary was fairly good, but there were no promotion prospects, so I decided to resign and look for something more challenging.

 Interviewer: I see. Now, if you were to be offered a post, would you be able to start straight away?

Applicant: Yes, of course.

Interviewer: Excellent. Now, is there anything you would like to know  about us?

Applicant: Yes, I have a few questions. Could you please tell me what the working hours will be?

Interviewer: Of course. The normal office hours are 9 am to 5 pm, with an hour for lunch. But we are quite  flexible about this.

Applicant: That sounds fine. Could you tell me what salary I might expect?

Interviewer: Well, the starting salary is £750 a month before tax. After 6 months, the salary increases by 10%.

Applicant: Oh, that sounds good.

Interviewer: Well, do you have any more questions you’d like you ask?

Applicant: No, I don’t think so. When could I expect to hear from you?

Interviewer: We have a few more people to see, but we hope to reach a decision by Friday. We’ll be in touch by the end of the week.

Applicant: Thank you for you time. Goodbye.

Interviewer: Goodbye. And thank you.


Expected answer:

Interviewer:  Where did you see the advert for this post?

Interviewer:  Have you brought your CV with you?


Applicant:  Could you please tell me what the working hours will be?

Applicant:  Could you tell me what salary I might expect?


Post- listening:

    The teacher asks the students to act out a job interview working in pairs and points out that  they can use expressions below and the questions from the previous tasks.  They have to follow the diagram.





Greet B. Ask if he/she is……

Confirm who you are and greet A.


Offer a seat. Present yourself.

Express pleasure in meeting A.


Ask B to give personal details.

Tell tour age, what you are studying and why you need the job.


Ask B to give a reason why to be


Describe your character.

Ask B about relevant  experience.


Talk about your work experience.

Ask B  when he/she could start



Say when.

Thank A. Say you’ll be in touch.

Thank B. Express hope you’ll be considered for the post.




   Useful expressions:

  What is/are….,

  I’d very much appreciate ….,

  Could you tell me ….,

  Would you be able to…,

  Would you  mind …etc.


   Then the teacher asks pupils to work in pairs for 2 minutes. The teacher monitors the activity around the class, offering help if necessary. Then asks some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.


Expected answer:

A: Hello, you must be Ann Petrenko.

B: Yes, good morning.

A: Please have a seat, Ann. I’m Helen Sydorenko.

B: Pleased to meet you.

A: So, tell me about yourself, Ann.

B:  I’m 19 years old, I’m studying at  Lviv National university and I need a job to help with living expenses.

A: Why should we employ you?

B: Well, I’m reliable, determined, hardworking and I work well with others.

A: Do you have any relevant experience?

B: Yes, I worked on Sundays in a footwear shop in the city centre last spring.

A: Ok. If I offer you the job, when could you start?

B: Next week.

A: Ok, thanks for coming in. I’ll be in touch.

B: Thank you for you time. I hope to hear from you.


2. Writing a CV

 The teacher points out that it is very important to know how to write a CV in order to get a job and asks to fill in the gaps (a-j) in the CV with the headings (1-10).

  The teacher explains the meanings of new words and pupils write them in their vocabularies



2 Other skills


4 Marital status


6 Nationality


8 Address

9 Date of birth

10 Interests


                                                     CURRICULUM VITAE


Personal details

Name                                                               Anna Petrenko

A……………                                                  17th October 1997

B……………                                                  Ukrainian

C ……………                                                 Single                  

D……………                                                  7,Sadova St,



Telephone                                                       11-265-6192

E-mail                                                             aho@zipmail.com.br

E ……………

May 1999-present                                           Senior duty receptionist at

                                                                        Resort Hotel, Lviv.


                                                                        Duties include: dealing with                                                                                    

                                                                        bookings and billing and

                                                                        providing tourist information.


June 1998- April 1999                                         Junior receptionist at Grand Hotel,


                                                                        Duties included: reception work

                                                                         and  booking conference facilities.



March 1996-December 1997                          Lviv I. Franko National University

                                                                           Degree course in history (unfinished   

                                                                         due to family financial difficulties)



1990-1996                                                    School №100, Lviv

                                                                         School leaving certificate Grade 8.2                                                              


1992-1996                                                     Ukrainian Cultural Centre

                                                                      Cambridge FCE Examination

                                                                      Grade   A


H………………                                              Fluent in English

                                                                       Computer literate


I………………..                                             Swimming and clothes design


Work:                                                                Mr. T Sydorenko, General Manager,


                                                                      Resort  Hotel, Lviv

Education:                                                     Professor U Santos, Lviv National




Expected answer:


H - Other skills


C - Marital status


B - Nationality


D - Address

A - Date of birth    

I -   Interests


3. Discussion.

  The teacher asks to look at the jobs ads (1-3) from The State of Sao Paulo on 26th July and prove which one is the most suitable for Anna explaining why?




HOTEL           MIDAS                                MUSEUM ASSISTANT is required by

       is looking for a                                                  Sao Paulo Museum of

RESTAURANT MANAGER                                    American Culture

        The job involves making                            You must be able to speak to our

reservation by fax, telephone,                         many foreign visitors in English and

e-mail and in person with the                          have an interest in history and art.

hotel guests. Good standards                           University degree essential.

of English and Portuguese are

required. Some knowledge of

Japanese would be an advan-

tage. Some evening and wee-

kend work.






require a BOOKING MANAGER for

their new office in Av. Paulista in Sao Paulo.

The manager will coordinate the work of

three bookings clerks using standardized pro-

cedures. You should be computer literate and

fluent in Portuguese and English and be used

                              to dealing with members of the public.  



Expected answer:

   I think that the job at NINE STAR AIRLINES is the most suitable for Anna because she is fluent in English and computer literate. She also has some expe-rience dealing with bookings and providing tourist information.

(The students express their point of view and as the result there is a short discussion of the most suitable job.)



        The teacher asks the students if it is necessary to know how to write a CV and perform well at the job interview.

         For the following lesson the students will have to make one more practical step- to write an individual CV .





1. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 4.- Express Publishing, 1997.- p. 10.

2. Evans V., DooleyJ. On Screen B2+// Student’s book.- Express Publishing, 2014.-p.13.

3. Evans V., y Dooley J. On Screen B2+ Interactive Whiteboard Software.- Express Publishing, 2014.

4.  Gryca D., Gondova D. Exam Excellence.- Oxford University Press,

2006.- p. 71.




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