Урок "Sport in my life"

Про матеріал
Урок для 7 класу, повторення та узагальнення вивченого матеріалу за темою "Спорт". Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу "Past Simple vs Present Perfect"
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Topic: Sport in my life


Students will revise the words on the topic “Sport”;

Students will understand the difference between simple perfect tense (e.g., "We have eaten.") and past simple tense (e.g., "We ate.") and use these tenses appropriately when they complete the worksheet accompanying this lesson;

Students will read the text;



Хід уроку


-Yo, class

- Yo, yo

- Show me how you say hello

- We move like this and go with the flow and then we say HELLO you know

- Hello

- Hello

-Yo, teacher

- Yo, yo

- Show us how you say hello

- I move like this and go with the flow and then I say HELLO you know

- Hello

- Hello


2. Phonetic drills

[ w ] wind, windsurfing, water, water skiing, weight, weight lifting

[s] sport, swimming, skiing, skating, sound, sound mind, sound body



A sound mind =healthy mind

A sound body= healthy body


T: Now listen to a poem and try to remember sports and games.


I like riding by bicycle

I’m fond of playing chess

My friend is good at judo

We are keen on sports as you can guess

And every kind of sport for sure

As it can even illness cure

Can bring for every girl and boy

So many moments of joy.

The proverb reads for everybody

«A sound mind in a sound body»


T: What sports and games have you heard? (riding by bicycle, playing chess,  judo)


T: Look at the screen, read the poem aloud and be ready to answer my questions.



Do you like riding by bicycle?

What do you like doing?

Are you fond of playing chess?

What are you fond of?

Are you good at judo?

What are you good at?

Are you keen on sports?

What are you keen on?

T: Read the proverb from the poem. 

Can you translate it?

What is the Ukrainian equivalent of the proverb?

Do you agree with the proverb? Why?

T: Guess the topic of the lesson.  “Sport in My Life”


What are you going to do at the lesson?

You are going to

  • talk about your favourite kinds of sport,
  • read the text about the importance of sport
  • play games
  • dance
  • and do the grammar exercises.
  • II. Основна частина уроку
  • 1. Work in groups. QR-dictation

Let’s split up into groups. (Учні беруть листочки паперу, на яких написані назви різних видів спорту. В залежності від того, з яким словом вживається назва, go, play, do, до тієї групи і підходять учні)

We are going to play basketball. There are 3 teams: red, green, blue. Each team, please, choose someone who will scan the qr-codes, someone who will write the English equivalents on the balls and someone who will throw the balls into the right basket. We’ve got 3 baskets: play, go and do. Good luck!


PT minute

“Move and freeze”

2. Reading

1) pre-reading

T: Look at the screen and guess the meaning of  the word-combinations

to keep fit

to catch a cold

to make smb strong

Make up sentences with the word-combinations


2) while-reading

Read the text and mark the sentences True or False (work in pairs)


Sports is Important in Our Life   

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people, because it helps them to keep fit.

Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning and train themselves in clubs, in different sections and take part in sport competitions.

Other people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listen to sports news. They prefer reading interesting stories about sportsmen. But they don't go in for sports.

Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports, you have good health and don't catch cold.

Children and grown-ups must take care of their health and do morning exercises regularly.

There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: football, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating. Athletics is one of the most popular kinds of sports. It includes such kinds of sports as: running, jumping and others. Everybody may choose the sport he (or she) is interested in.

There are summer and winter sports.

My favourite sport is swimming. I go to the swimming-pool twice a week, but I prefer to rest by the lake or the river and swim there. Swimming helps me to keep fit. It makes me strong and healthy.


1. Sport is very important in our life. ___

2. Just few people do morning exercises and jog in the morning. ____

3. Some people prefer reading interesting stories and watching sports games on TV. ____

4. Children and grow-ups don’t have to take care of their health. ____

5. Athletics includes such kinds of sports as running, jumping and swimming. ____

6. Swimming helps me to keep fit. ____


3) post-reading


T: Why is it important to go in for sport? (work in groups)


T: Complete the sentences

1. Sport is …

2. Many people …

3. Other people …

4. Sport helps people …

5. If you go in for sport …

6. My favourite …

7. I go …

8. It helps /makes me …

3. Grammar time

The last task is to remember Past Simple and Present Perfect. You’ve got a number of cards. There are some cards for 3 points, some of them are 2 points and others are 1 point. Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Present Perfect.

III.Заключна  частина  уроку


T: Your  hometask  will   be  to  read about a famous  Australian sportsmen SB: ex.3, p.74

and write 6 sentences about what you have or haven’t done this week SB: ex.10, p.73


2. Summurizing

T: Do you like the lesson? What can you do now?

Now I can…

T: I’d  like  to  say  that  you  were  perfect. We  have  done  a  lot  and  learned  a  lot  about  sports.  I  like  your  active  work  at  the  lesson.

20 травня 2020
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