Урок "Sport in Our Life"

Про матеріал
Розробка відкритого уроку до теми "Спорт у Нашому Житті" Урок-змагання між командами: волейболістів, футболістів та баскетболістів.
Перегляд файлу

Підтема: Sport in our life.

Meтa: Закріпити й узагальнити вивчене з теми «Спорт від А до Я».

Формувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, навички читання та письма.

Розвивати логічне мислення, навички вживання вивченої лексики та роботи в групах.

Виховувати в дітей любов до спорту.

Показати значення спорту в житті людини

Обладнання: Підручник, зошит, словник, робочий зошит, зображення видів спорту, конверти із завданнями.

Тип уроку: комбінований.


                  ХІД УРОКУ   



1. Greeting and Aim:

Т: Today we have got a final lesson on the topic «Sport». And the theme of our today’s lesson is “Sport in Our Life”


2. Warming uр:

The epigraph “A sound mind in a sound body”


Look at the epigraph and say the meaning of this proverb: “В здоровому тілі-здоровий дух

Look at some other proverbs on the theme “Sport” and match them with their Ukrainian equivalents.


Good Health is above wealth.            

As fit as a fiddle.                               

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


Хто рано лягає і рано встає, здоровяб багатство і розум наживе.

Здоров’я – найбільше богатство.

У гарному настрої – в доброму здоров’ї.





  1.   Vocabulary Review:

Magic Ball. (Учні кидають один одному м’ячик називаючи різні види спорту. Вчитель слідкує, щоб не було повторень)


  1.   Listening:

You have already know different kinds of sports. And now guess what sports and games are described here.


Text 1

It is a team game. Both men and women can play it. The players have a ball. They play it with their hands. There are six players in every team. (Volleyball)


Text 2

It is the most popular game in England and in Ukraine. It was first layed in England. Both men and women can play it. The game lasts 90 minutes. It has two halves. The players kick the ball and run after it, the players try to score a goal. (Football)


Text №3

It is one of the most popular games in the world. It was first played in Canada. It is a team game. It is a winter game. Only men and boys can play it. Many people like to watch this game on TV. The players don’t run on the field. They skate. They have sticks in their hands. (Hockey)


Text №4

This kind of sports is very beautiful. It gives the sportsmen strength, rhythm and grace. The sportsmen do some exercises or dance to music. The sportsmen have skates and beautiful costumes on. (Figure-Skating)


Text 5

This game is played everywhere at schools, universities and sport clubs. It was first played in the USA. The team has five players. They bounce the ball on the floor up and down with  one hand. They try to throw the ball into a basket (Basketball) .


Text 6

You play this game in the swimming pool. You need a ball mid two goals and you must be very good swimmers. (Water Polo)


  1.   Speaking:

Check on Homework(Dialogs):


  1. – What are you going to do tonight?
  • I am going to see the competitions in swimming on TV. The best swimmers of our country will take part in these competitions, for example Yana Klochkova.
  • Oh, it’s very interesting for me to see these competitions. I’ll watch TV too.


  1. – Where are you going?
  • I am going to the sports school. I go in for gymnastics.
  • Do you like this kind of sports?
  • Yes, gymnastics is a beautiful kind of sports. But I like Figure skating better.


  1. – Did you see the athletics competitions on TV yesterday?
  • Yes, I did.
  • What team took the first place?
  • The team of this country did. Our sportsmen showed the best results in many kinds of competitions.


  1. Physical Warming Up:

Sport is fun for girls and boys.

It’s much better than the toys.

You can swim and play football.

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump and you can run.

You can have a lot of fun!


  1. Group Work:

Поділ учнів на групи (команди), визначення капітанів.




Volleyball Team


                                                                           Basketball Team



    Football Team



Task 1:

Speaking about Team Games


Task 2:

The best Interview:


Reporter 1

  1. Do you have a bike?
  2. Do you often go cycling?
  3. Is sport very important in Ukraine?
  4. Who goes in for sport in your family?
  5. Do you take part in sports competition?


Reporter 2

  1. Can you skate or ski?
  2. Are you a football fan?
  3. Is there a swimming pool in your village?
  4. Where do you swim in summer?
  5. What kind of sport do you prefer?


Reporter 3

  1. Do you go in for sports?
  2. What sports do you go in for?
  3. Do you know the famous Ukrainian sportsmen?
  4. Who is your favourite sportsman?
  5. Is there a swimming-pool in your school? Would you like to have it?


Task 3:

Scrambled Sentence:

Учні одержують конверт зі словами, з яких потрібно скласти речення.


Task 4:

Fill in the right Question Tags.


Task 5:

Jumbled Words:


  1. Song:

We are the Champions.




1. Homework:

1) Впр. 1 (с. 107), письмово.

2) Вивчити прислів’я.

2. Summarizing:

Бесіда в режимі Т→Рl→Р2→РЗ

T: What topic did we discuss at the lesson?


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 лютого 2019
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